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Ashe High School Girls Basketball


Posted 4:29 pm, 01/14/2017

Sounds like Ashe's parents are getting closer and closer to running Foster out of town. Very very sad.


Posted 5:44 pm, 01/10/2017

Well said Lady Vikings! I agree 100%. In my opinion, Coach Foster is the best girls coach in the conference - she competes and wins with less talent each and every year. Except the years she had the most talented team - and then she WON! Everyone I know in the Millers Creek community would LOVE to have her at West!

Lady Vikings

Posted 10:36 pm, 01/09/2017

Players who really want to play do just that. They play. How about we just do away with sports in school since we can't have any standards or requirements? When you apply for a job, does everyone get the fjob or does the most qualified person? Standards, expectations, preparation for life. If we do anything worthwhile we have to learn that we must work for it. We must compete and stop whining. Geez. Stop the whining Ashe County. Get your kids off their lazy butts and work for it. You are doing them no favors by making excuses. Coach Foster is a coach with high standards. You are blessed to have her. I know some schools that would love to have her. As far as the injured player, I'm sure there is more to this story. I don't know of anyone who would punish an injured player. And I don't believe for one second that Coach Foster would do anything to harm a player.


Posted 12:34 am, 01/09/2017

When talking about not having a jv team and having low numbers in players, I feel as if we have no room to talk on here without really knowing the situation. As someone who is always hearing stories about the coaching staff, some of you folks having no idea what its really like. We have several young people that loves the game of basketball and was willing to put forth the effort in playing, however, was A. not given the chance, B. torn down resulting in quitting, and C. cant handle so much commitment at a young age. Hearing stories of the girl who had knee surgery and worked hard to play again, didn't get the chance to because she missed her mile time by 1 minute. We have committed athletes but it comes down to coaches realizing what is really important in these kids athletic careers. After she had a big surgery and only missed her mile by 1 minute when the rest had no injuries... I believe that shows major commitment. And in all reality, what does a mile show about your skill set. Nothing. Lets get a coach who is here for the kids and not just about the wins.


Posted 10:13 am, 12/15/2016

Ashe varsity girls played alright against Alleghany wasn't a very high score game. The excitement of the night was a dad being thrown out not for only yelling at the refs but yelling at the JV players from Alleghany. Then there was more yelling from Ashe's side during the Varsity boys game. I think some players and students were highly embarrassed from their "fans". Wished Ashe had a JV girls team there would have been more excitement.


Posted 11:10 am, 12/09/2016

Fans get spoiled when a lot of good players come through at once.

Ashe had three college level players come through in roughly a five year span. The talent has not been at that level since then, but fans expect the same results for some reason.


Posted 7:30 pm, 12/06/2016

No kidding. Send her to West Wilkes. We definitely need a GOOD coach!


Posted 3:21 pm, 12/06/2016

Send Coach Foster To West Wilkes


Posted 2:05 pm, 12/06/2016

You have to be committed to play a sport in high school these days, plain and simple. If you don't want to put in the time during the off seasons and the summer, then don't expect to be babied by the coaches.

Some kids don't want to do it, and that's understandable. I'm not sure I would play sports now with the offseason work that goes into being ready for the season. Back when I played, our offseason work was whatever part time job we had and loading hay onto the back of trucks and stacking it in barns.


Posted 1:08 pm, 11/23/2016

I don't think the number of games has anything to do with it. Kids are suppose to love to play, they want to play a lot of games. A lot of players play travel ball so they almost play year round these days. A 14 to 17 year old can handle 20 or more games in a season. If they can't they don't need to be playing.


Posted 9:52 am, 11/22/2016

Ashe doesn't have a JV cheerleading squad either!! Sounds like all the 9th and 10th grade female athletes are running indoor track. Maybe because the cheerleading and basketball have 25 or more games....compared to 5 or 6 indoor track meets.


Posted 8:50 am, 11/22/2016

It is kind of weird that Ashe can't field a jv girls bb team but their indoor track team has 34 members on it. 14 are girls.


Posted 1:32 pm, 11/21/2016

I'm not a coach, but I have an opinion ....it may not be the high school coaching that is the problem if you cannot make a JV team. That would be the fault of the middle school, right?

Lady Vikings

Posted 5:22 pm, 11/18/2016

He coaches tennis because apparently he doesn't know basketball. 😂


Posted 2:31 pm, 11/18/2016

Interesting. Where do you coach? You speak with a lot of authority and seem to be proud of your abilities, so I'm sure you will have no problem telling me. I would also think that if you were worth your salt as a coach AND as a community member, you would offer criticism in a more constructive way than hiding behind an anonymous post.


Posted 3:05 am, 11/17/2016

Hate to break it to u but I have coached and still am but I know plenty of people who disagree with u. You know something is wrong when a 2a school can't get enough girls to field a team. But u believe what u want and that's the reason Ashe girls have been in a decline the past few years. You probably believe Grubb was a good boys coach too, lol. Suckers!!


Posted 8:32 pm, 11/15/2016

Amen, Lady Vikings. I believe it was the great Pat Summitt who said, "You can't have any quit in you if you want to be successful." This is a mindset that our young people today desperately need to embrace, and one that Coach Foster emphasizes DAILY. If some players find this challenging, they are better off for being exposed to it early in their lives. Jj77, I suspect you have never coached anything in your life- just a hunch. Perhaps you should give it a go before you throw your inarticulate shade. Peace.

Lady Vikings

Posted 6:15 pm, 11/15/2016

Coach Foster is a great coach. She always gets the best out of her players. Many players these days can't take discipline. It's a society problem. We need to be teaching mental toughness to our kids. Life is tough.


Posted 4:30 pm, 11/14/2016

Coach Foster is y'all problem. She needs to go.


Posted 10:48 pm, 10/30/2016

We have a serious morale problem at ACHS. When you have coaches who can not motivate kids to come out and be a part of the team. Look at East for example, the kids love their head football coach and they have huge numbers for a 1A school. Ashe should never have issue with the number of kids at the school.

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