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Congrats to State Wrestling Champion & Others MVAC Only


Posted 2:03 pm, 02/27/2016

I don't see the hate that some of the people on here have wow I do think winning a state championship is a huge deal...just not winning back to back at 106 would be as impressive as someone doing it in two different weight classes where there is better competition.


Posted 12:13 pm, 02/27/2016

I don't have any! But if I had to wrestle 1st and 2nd year wrestles my whole career to get one let alone both state championships I would choose to have ZERO! Like I said I hope he keeps cutting to 106 to try and get a third because if he comes up he won't even place top 5. And just because little man has two at 106 does not mean he out works anyone! like worm said, it means he is good at being small 106's and 113's along with HWT's are the easiest weight classes to win state titles at and anyone that does not admit that is just crazy!

And I hope all of the other West wrestlers and their parents see that they must not work hard since you said your 106 out works everyone.

And like I said before I pray he comes north a few weight classes and I promise you he will not win a third! And everyone knows it. But I am sure he will do everything in his power at to stay at 106.

To every other wrestler in NC just know if you have not won two in a row at 106 you are being outworked!


Posted 10:17 pm, 02/26/2016

You and I know the real deal about Dakota and how hard he works! Unfortunately, there are people out there that just want to tear people down because they are just jealous, bitter, etc. They don't want to admit that unless you are really out of shape, at the height of 5"3 you are only going to be able to wrestler in lighter weight classes!

The bottom line is West Wilkes has a lot of talented, hard working smaller wrestlers all the way down to the club level and will be a force for years to come. That means we have a long time to laugh at the haters and enjoy the competition with those that compete with class and determination!


Posted 9:14 pm, 02/26/2016

Like I said before mtmatmonster HOW many state titles do you have? And I'm not talking about those AAU tournaments with 3 wrestlers in them! You can't even tie Dakota's shoes! Not only that, he's a better person! He's not on here belittling other peoples accomplishments! Here's a tip: get a life, sit back and watch and a year from now I will welcome Dakota Roark into the 3 time state champion club with me! And here's why: he's a true champion and will OUTWORK everyone!


Posted 1:29 pm, 02/26/2016

WHATEVER! maybe he can suck enough weight to beat the little fellas for a third "state" championship next year! But only at 106! he goes north of that weight and there will be no way he gets three. And everyone knows it.


Posted 12:25 pm, 02/26/2016

boys rolling around with other sweaty boys!! YUCK


Posted 7:34 am, 02/26/2016

I agree 100% it's a wonderful accomplishment at any level. Congrats and best of luck in your future endeavors.


Posted 10:06 pm, 02/25/2016

ejroland (view profile)

Dakota Roark is a 2 time NC state champion for a reason! Not because of the weight class he was at! You idiots do not understand the dedication or the commitment that it takes to lose weight and compete at a high level! People behind a screen name sure can't prove they have 1 state title let alone 2 state titles! Why do people want to turn a great accomplishment into something negative! Oh I already know, so they can make their sorry lives seem just a little less pathetic! Great Job Dakota! Well stated VET!

This is coming from a MAN that knows what he is talking about


Posted 8:31 pm, 02/25/2016

Dakota Roark is a 2 time NC state champion for a reason! Not because of the weight class he was at! You idiots do not understand the dedication or the commitment that it takes to lose weight and compete at a high level! People behind a screen name sure can't prove they have 1 state title let alone 2 state titles! Why do people want to turn a great accomplishment into something negative! Oh I already know, so they can make their sorry lives seem just a little less pathetic! Great Job Dakota! Well stated VET!


Posted 3:42 pm, 02/25/2016

bravesfan, he is only worried about winning state titles not wrestling at a D1 school! I am sure some junk program will take him, but most colleges look for 132 and 138 or bigger than can make the cut to 125.I pray he makes a move up a couple of weight classes next year lol but it won't happen


Posted 1:56 pm, 02/24/2016

I think it's a great accomplishment at whatever level you are at to win a state title in anything. I don't care what the reasons are for the kid staying at 106 but if he ****s to wrestle at the next level shouldn't he be wrestling higher weight classes since college weights start at 125? Not bashing anyone but just asking the question. Great work either way in my opinion!!


Posted 11:01 am, 02/24/2016

To be honest West Wilkes wrestling team was one reason I joined this page to keep up with some of their wrestlers in years past! there were a couple of guys that won titles around my weight that I knew were very good but I never got a chance to wrestle them since I lived in Va. I think one was a 2 or 3 timer who was a BEAST can't remember his last name but his first name was JJ and then there was another guy can't remember his name at all but he was about a 126 I think who was awesome as well! And one other guy a couple of years younger than those two who I think was a two timer as well.

So no real malice to the team at all because they have a long line of great wrestlers


Posted 10:35 am, 02/24/2016

Ringworm, you stated:

"Sorry if I hurt your feelings Vet."

First it doesn't hurt my feelings, just hate to see a kid's accomplishment belittled!

Secondly you said "But I have also never said any names on here...you were the one that took it I was talking about one certain wrestler".

The only name mentioned on the original post was "2A


1st Place Match - Dakota Roark (West Wilkes) 47-2 won by decision ......".

So if you weren't talking about him, who then would you be referring to?

Therefore, your statement that "I am talking about any wrestler that does it at 106 NO BIG DEAL...Mine was not a real state championship to me until I won one at another weight class, but I guess that is just how real wrestlers feel." makes absolutely no sense (at least to me).

One other point that I would like to make: West Wilkes has an outstanding coaching staff as evidenced by their success year in and year out. The coaches made the determination to support the wrestler competing at 106. Therefore, while you feel differently, he was at the weight where they felt that he should be.

Never mind whether your were a state champ or not. I just asked because you seemed to be using your experience to back up your feelings to legitimize your assertion that, to use your latest statement, "that is just how real wrestlers feel". If you stated that you had not won any championships on the other thread to call out an idiot, so be it. And, for the record, I believe that you do have championships on your record because you do seem knowledgeable.

To sum it all up, my responses were in no way meant to attack you. I just feel that the kid accomplished something big twice and doesn't need to be subjected to someone questioning his skill and hard work on a public forum. I think we both can agree that footballking is a waste of oxygen and needs to shut up. Other than that, we apparently will not come to an agreement on what I feel to be the spirit of your post.

Thank you for a thought provoking discussion!


Posted 9:47 am, 02/24/2016

I was not bragging about being a state champ in this post I was just stating a fact...As far as Football goes he was talking about wrestling being "gay" I would be more than happy to let him find out...And everyone knows if you tell a moron you are a state champion he won't back up his words...I was not going to give him ammo as far as saying something like he just said here "Champions of rolling around with another guy" If I were bragging I would count my youth AAU and USA "state" championships" folkstyle, freestyle and Greco...But I don't count those... I won two high school state championships not back to back and I still do not consider myself to have been a great wrestler...My point is winning back to back at 106 is no huge deal because it is not...anyone that wins one and can stay at 106 should win more than one there.

I also said a lot of wrestlers cut weight...I did myself...Sorry if I hurt your feelings Vet. But I have also never said any names on here...you were the one that took it I was talking about one certain wrestler...I am talking about any wrestler that does it at 106 NO BIG DEAL...Mine was not a real state championship to me until I won one at another weight class, but I guess that is just how real wrestlers feel.


Posted 11:21 pm, 02/23/2016

Ringworm, sorry, couldn't resist since you have been very outspoken about what is considered "great". I was just looking through previous threads on this site and saw your response to football King on a previous thread. You stated,

"Hey FootballKing I was a small guy in high school....I wrestled 126 as a SR :) I am still not a very big guy around 145 I never even won a state title but I but I would smash you".

Then on this thread you stated that you were a 2x state champ.

Since you so freely judge cutting weight vs. effort on a high school kid, simultaneously commending and disparaging him, can you please clarify the record that you so openly brag about in one post while stating differently in the other? Which one is a lie?


Posted 9:57 pm, 02/23/2016

Ringworm, I guess we can agree to disagree completely, primarily on making your statements on this forum which can easily be seen by this young man who worked so hard to reach his goal. In a nutshell, that's what I have been saying.

Now, while I will not dignify the other poster on this thread but once and will not respond any further because of class and dignity, I will indulge just this once:

Football King, you are a moron!!!! You have a lot of nerve inferring that wrestling equates to h*mosexuality!!!! It is gutless to hide behind a profile on a computer and talk the kind of trash that you do!!!
I dare you to show up at any wrestling practice in the country and make your statement out loud!!! You would get your worthless butt beat to a pulp!!! Using the Biblical example is also blasphemous and totally uncalled for.

For that matter, man lays with man in every football game in every tackle situation you idiot, but not in the sense referred to in Leviticus 20:13!!!!!

Now go back to your bag of Cheetos, sit what is most likely your obese redneck trash butt on your rotten recliner, cry into your beer over the athletic career that I'm sure you never had, and wish that you were half the athlete that the wrestlers whom you choose to ridicule are!!!!


Posted 6:32 pm, 02/23/2016

Champions of rolling around with other sweaty guys!!! No thank you! I mean I know the world turns the other cheek to such things these days but the bible says men should not lay with other men.


Posted 5:54 pm, 02/23/2016

I will back up on my stance of AAU being a joke these days! AAU or youth wrestlers is a great platform for young wrestlers to fine tune their skills on the mat....What I meant comment was it is not the standard for amateur wrestling it once was when winning a national title in AAU was huge! now the prestige has been watered down and became too political.

And as I said before winning any state title is impressive but someone that wins back to back or multiple titles at the lowest weight class is more about "cutting" to make it easier...I mean all a lot of wrestlers do it. I would not have won my freshman year if I had not been at 103 just as I didn't win at 112 my sophomore year.

Great at being small is not the same as being great.


Posted 10:09 am, 02/23/2016

First, I started my response to your original post by respectfully disagreeing with you and continued by pointing out that the 2A 106 junior had strong qualifications and that if he did wrestle kids who were underclassmen, that they have qualifications also as evidenced by the example of Josh Blatt, the 3A freshman. The reason that I referenced him is because I do personally know him and his record. I'm sure others within the 2A field also had similar qualifications.

You made my point (the one that I did not state in my previous response) by giving a history of your accomplishments and noting that you came from a wrestling family. Although you are stating that it is impressive to win states, you are still belittling Roark's accomplishment in your subsequent statements. Having had what sounds like an impressive career yourself, and having come from a wrestling family, do you not think it would have been better to keep that opinion to yourself instead of stating it on here and detracting from his special win? I mean saying things like "You can be just a good wrestler and win states at 106....all you have to be is good at being small" is just negativity for the sake of it with nothing to be gained.

And as for AAU "being a joke", I want to further thank you on behalf of all of the younger wrestlers who work hard year round and face tough competition (whether you think it is or not) week in and week out.

I don't personally have the experience that you have but I have been involved with the sport for several years and I have learned one thing if nothing else. Negativity has no place when discussing the accomplishments of young people who work hard for their goals, be it in 106, 220, AAU, or NCHSAA, whether they lose every match or win national championships. And, I was simply trying to point out the positive without throwing in negatives.

I won't be so bold as to state "just the way it is" but instead will respectfully say that it is just my opinion and I hope that you will consider this in the future before posting things like you did on a public forum.


Posted 9:08 am, 02/23/2016

I didn't say that a freshman winning a state title at 106 was not impressive...I said winning any state championship was a great feat! What I said is winning one at 106 after your sophomore year was not that huge of a deal...There are exceptions of course but for the most part 103 and 106 have been composed of mostly 1st and 2nd year wrestlers that coaches pull out of the hall to fill a spot....So when someone that wins at 106 that has been wrestling for years is not a huge deal IMO....I wrestled my entire life and I came from a wrestling family! Like I said I was a 2x state champ and a 4x placer coming in 5th my sophomore year @112 and 3rd @119 my Jr year with bookend championships my freshman year at 103 and my Sr year at 126...AAU these days is a joke so that is not a valid argument...I also wrestled AAU and USA on the national scene and was a cadet and Junior AA...As far as you saying the 2-A guy could have contended for a championship no matter the weight?? I don't think that to be the case at all, because he lost to a kid at 113 that placed something like 5th or 6th at states....Sucking weight as a upperclassman to make 106 does not make you small for your age ...It makes you great at cutting weight...because like I said you can be a "good" wrestler and win states at 103 or 106 that just happens to be "GREAT" at being small....But again winning any state championship is a great feat because you still shave to show up and wrestle...Just winning at 106 as a JR is not a huge deal.... just the way it is.

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