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Congrats to State Wrestling Champion & Others MVAC Only


Posted 9:31 pm, 03/25/2016

He will not win at anything over 113 I promise you that.


Posted 9:28 pm, 03/25/2016

And you must be a special kind of stupid. I never said anything about all former state champions needing to move up! I said he is scared to move up because he knows he won't win.


Posted 9:26 pm, 03/25/2016

Like I said I am done with you guys! I hope the hardest working man in high school wrestling moves up in weight next year. that is all


Posted 8:19 pm, 03/25/2016

Or Dakota and I could send you pictures of ours since you obviously don't have any!


Posted 8:15 pm, 03/25/2016

Well stated Harley Momma! So MtWannabemonster, I won 3 state championships ALL at 160 pounds! Are you saying I was afraid of wrestling a higher weight as well? You see this tells me you have never experienced ANY kind of success EVER! I could have moved up just like every other multi-state championship winning wrestler but I choose to stay at 160 because I considered it MY weight class ( I still do!)!!! I know without a shadow of a doubt that I would have won exactly 3 state championships at 160, 171, 189 or HWT because I'm a winner. Just like Dakota! He's a champion you can never be! For you to say all of those former state champions were scared to move up proves you are a special kind of stupid! Like I said before, I promise you Dakota will end his career as a 3 time state champion at whatever weight he WANTS (and I will be there watching and celebrating with him) while your life will still be pathetic and still not have a single state championship! Now go order yourself or your son some medals so you can feel better about yourself!


Posted 1:51 pm, 03/25/2016

They were all scared to wrestled at higher weight classes then...as jr's and sr's they are scared to wrestle up that is all....none of them would have placed very high at 113! And for the record Perdo I voted for you.


Posted 8:45 am, 03/25/2016

I hate being captain obvious here, but looking at the top 106 wrestlers in 2A, there was only 1 freshmen. The weight class is dominated by 11th and 12th graders. He defeated an 11th grader with a great record for the championship. Your argument is irrelevant thereby proving, you are simply stupid.


Posted 12:44 am, 03/25/2016

well said wendy


Posted 7:51 pm, 03/24/2016

Duly noted, now make me a sandwich.


Posted 8:14 pm, 03/21/2016


I have read through this entire post and I have to say I believe you are a cowardly, pathetic, jealous, idiot. You certainly are no monster on the mat but a monster mouth. How big are you to belittle an accomplishment such as this? Perhaps you should worry more about what you or your child can do and the potential therein rather than comparing yourself to a 16-17 year old? I've got to say, your life is pretty pathetic if you have nothing better to do, than to downgrade someone else's accomplishments. (Especially someone this age)

As a mom of a former wrestler and yes he did wrestle at West, I have an idea of what it takes to reach this level no matter what weight. I also know that my son cut weight about 22 to be exact. I also know for a fact that some on his teammates, who won state titles by the way, cut 20 to 40 pounds. Were they dodging too you pompous a_ _? While I don't agree with it and I hated watching him cut the weight it is a part of the sport until. You insulting him are in a sense insulting every other wrestler and every other state champion at any division or school. This I take offense to because unlike you I recognize hard work and I know what my own went through.

I can say that every time I go to the Y in the mornings I see this kid there between 5:00 and 5:30, always polite and opening the door. If I say thank you, he always says your welcome. What's he doing? He's lifting weights, apparently he is worried about himself rather than sitting on his tail putting you down someone on a public. A novel concept. A polite young man with a drive; hmmm, seems you should take notes rather than putting down negative notes here. I pay attention to him when I see him. Why? Because I remember seeing him at my son's matches and hearing my son talk about him even then and said he would be someone to watch. He called it. Funny thing is there are days I can't make it that morning and I've seen him later at night too running and doing it faster than I'm sure your feet will move but probably not as fast as your mouth. And I'm sure he had practice after school? I would be the first to admit my son was not up that early or working out nor did he do much extra. I am not saying this young man is outworking anyone or everyone, but I can tell you from what I have seen he is working, and from what I can see well deserving not only for his hard work but for the person he is and you or your son apparently are not.

Furthermore, have you seen him (and I honestly think you have) if not wrestled? He is not a tall or big kid, what else would he wrestle? If he cut 20 to 40 like some I know he wouldn't be less than 90 soaking wet. My son wrestled with a 103 pound kid bigger than him. I really don't understand your reasoning. Are you trying to compare yourself or your son to him? If so you are not even in his league, on here talking like this and minimizing what's been done. Are you worried he will be around yours or your son's weight next year? Is that what you are doing challenging him to move up away from you or your son? Is that why you are taking this approach to challenging him "to move up"? Looking at him in reality you imbecile can he "move up" that much?

Maybe you're jealous because as a result of you comparing yourself, you have been left short in your own goals and you now have a pathetic life and take this approach to make yourself better. News flash, you don't get better talking you get better letting your work speak for you. While Earl was at north and not my son's coach, I will say it is admirable that he will speak for him. He certainly knows what it takes. I also will side with him 100%, his last post and your response says it all for me. You want click on the link? You are simply to coward to see where you or your son is ranked or was ranked if you wrestled. Maybe you're afraid to see how much further you have to go and instead of putting in the effort you chose this way. Just keep comparing yourself to others it's working so well.

It did cross my mind that maybe he has beaten you or your son in the past already? But then I was like Naha, I think it is jealousy. It sounds like he has exceeded your accomplishments by just looking at this post alone, I can tell you or your son are bound for a life of misery and excuses.

Either way, I don't care, but this is annoying and a perfect example why no one reaches their own true potential. They compare themselves to others and fail. Wrestling is the sport where it's settled on the mat. If you are a parent worry about your own son and see if he is falling short because of YOU. If you feel so passionate about it and YOU are a wrestler, put your name on here and let everyone know who you are or just wrestle him. I don't really have a dog in this fight, but you putting an accomplishment like this down simply discredits every other wrestler and every other champion. I'm sure some of the past small guys who are now leaders in the community would love to hear from you too. Either way put up or shut up, otherwise, go back to your life of worrying about others, and then you can serve him at McDonalds 10 years from now. "But I am sure you will do everything in your powers" and still find a way to put down someone just to make you or your son look all that much bigger. Pathetic


Posted 9:29 am, 03/19/2016

I am not going to click your stupid link! I don't care what they say about where he stacks up. My point is he is a fantastic little 106 and that is all he will ever be. If he moves up in weight he is average at best. And you know it and everyone else knows it as well. You know that is why he went down to 106 this year, because he could not compete with the 113's and 120's.

Take a deep breath and try to come up with something else to make it seem like he is anything other than a pretty good wrestler that is afraid to compete at the weight he should be.

Being good at cutting weight and staying at 106 is a sign of weakness and fear, not a sign of dedication. You know the only reason he got a chance to win this year is because he went back to 106. As I have said before he would have gotten destroyed at a higher weight class.

Anyway I am done with you and I do not expect to see him anywhere north or 106 next year maybe 113 because it will be pretty weak next year.


Posted 8:33 pm, 03/18/2016


If you don't believe what I'm talking about, checkout the link I private messaged you. See what the article says!


Posted 1:18 pm, 03/18/2016

..yall need jesus.


Posted 8:38 am, 03/18/2016



Posted 12:26 am, 03/18/2016

Here's your man he attended West Wilkes High School. Where he was a 4X NCHSAA State Champion in Wrestling.



Posted 11:15 am, 03/16/2016

What do you keep talking about AAU state championships for? Is that all you can come up with? Like I said keep your little man at 106 and get him a 3rd! Maybe and I say that is a huge MAYBE 113 he ran from tough matches this year and you and everyone knows it. But I will bet any amount of money he will do whatever it takes to be at 106 next year.

Working hard at cutting weight is not working hard. Better start cutting now.


Posted 11:28 pm, 03/15/2016

mtmatmonster (view profile)

Posted 9:24 am, 03/15/2016

OHHHNow he thinks everyone works hard lol before it was little man will outwork everyone!! Keep him at 106 and get another joke of a state championship.

I tell you what mtwannabemonster! You keep going to your AAU tournaments with 3 people in the brackets and we'll keep winning State Championships! People who know wrestling and me, know that when I say he will outwork everyone, I'm talking about everyone in his weight class! NO MATTER WHAT WEIGHT CLASS he ends up in. Furthermore, you want to talk about "joke' state championships? Let's see your state medals! Since you can't provide one (let alone 2) it might best for you to go practice or get more kids to practice! You need to worry about getting more than 5 or 6 wrestlers on your high school team and quit worrying about things out of your league!


Posted 9:24 am, 03/15/2016

OHHHNow he thinks everyone works hard lol before it was little man will outwork everyone!! Keep him at 106 and get another joke of a state championship.


Posted 10:23 pm, 03/13/2016

mtmatmonster (view profile)

Posted 12:38 pm, 03/11/2016

Footballkings you are a idiot.
But as everyone can see the coach must think that the little 2x 106 state champ is the only one on that team that works hard. I would let him wrestle the whole line up if he is that good.

Keep little man at 106 next year if you want him to have a chance at a 3rd because NO WAY he gets one above 106 maybe 113.

Everyone on OUR team works hard! That's why they have won the conference championship for the last 8 years! I had the PLEASURE to watch this team get better every day! You know Mtmatmonster we have more than 5 or 6 wrestlers on our team because we are winners! From the high school to the middle school all the way down to the club team! Everyone on this post have tried to turn a wonderful accomplishment into a mockery. I understand the dedication and commitment it takes to win state championship unlike the majority of the people trying to make their pathetic lives seem a little less pathetic! Dakota Roark is a two time state champion for a reason! Riley Billings finished a very strong SOPHOMORE campaign to finish 3rd place in dominating fashion! TJ Brown wrestled with a 102 degree temperature and went 2 and 2 which equates to around 8th. Even the ones who didn't qualify had tremendous seasons. Ethan Call, Hunter Piepenbrok, Stefan Wagoner, Cameron Reynolds, Andrew Deleon, William Walker, Ethan Nichols, Cody Call, Noah Dancy and Chandler Adams. OH AND THEY ALL ARE RETURNING NEXT YEAR!!!! When you have these athletes competing every day in the wrestling room, everyone gets better! All these guys are great wrestlers and better people! Total class act unlike the people trying to run our sport down and accomplishments down!

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