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10-Year-Old Girls Dies In Car Accident


Posted 10:56 am, 12/06/2012

If they only charged her with DUI any lawyer can do that. I don't think they'd charge her for the other sad part knowing she will have to live with that the rest of her life, But then again you never know.


Posted 10:46 am, 12/06/2012

her defense fund....


Posted 10:44 am, 12/06/2012

The funeral bill has already been paid in full. Why does she need extra money?

concerned person

Posted 10:04 am, 12/06/2012

One located at Fast Lane, Wilkesboro. Anyone know where the others are located?


Posted 9:57 am, 12/06/2012

Does anyone know the locations of the money jars?


Posted 3:16 pm, 12/05/2012

slatham (view profile)

Posted 3:13 pm, 12/05/2012

When can my child ride in the front seat?It is legal in NC for a child to ride in the front seat:

    If the child is age 5 or older, ORIf the child weighs at least 40 pounds, ORIf the vehicle does not have an active passenger side air bag, ORIf the vehicle does not have a rear seat where the child restraint can be installed. Note however, that children in rear facing child safety seats should NEVER ride in the front seat of a vehicle with an active passenger side air bag. The child will be seriously injured or killed if there is a crash and the air bag deploys.

However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that:

    All children age 12 and under should ride buckled up in a rear seat.Infants in rear facing child safety seats should NEVER ride in the front seat of a vehicle with an active passenger side air bag.Small children should ride in a rear seat in full harness type child safety seats appropriate for their age and size.Larger children should ride in a rear seat in a belt positioning booster until large enough for the lap and shoulder belt to fit correctly.If a child over one year old MUST ride in the front seat with a passenger side air bag, put the child in a front facing full harness child restraint, a belt-positioning booster seat, or a correctly fitting lap and shoulder belt -- AND move the seat as far back as possible.If a child age 12 or younger MUST ride in the front seat with a passenger side air bag, have an air bag on/off switch installed and turn the air bag off when the child in in the front seat.

Thank you. I guess wifey was talking about cars w/ air bags.


Posted 3:13 pm, 12/05/2012

When can my child ride in the front seat?
It is legal in NC for a child to ride in the front seat:

    If the child is age 5 or older, ORIf the child weighs at least 40 pounds, ORIf the vehicle does not have an active passenger side air bag, ORIf the vehicle does not have a rear seat where the child restraint can be installed. Note however, that children in rear facing child safety seats should NEVER ride in the front seat of a vehicle with an active passenger side air bag. The child will be seriously injured or killed if there is a crash and the air bag deploys.

However, it is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that:

    All children age 12 and under should ride buckled up in a rear seat.Infants in rear facing child safety seats should NEVER ride in the front seat of a vehicle with an active passenger side air bag.Small children should ride in a rear seat in full harness type child safety seats appropriate for their age and size.Larger children should ride in a rear seat in a belt positioning booster until large enough for the lap and shoulder belt to fit correctly.If a child over one year old MUST ride in the front seat with a passenger side air bag, put the child in a front facing full harness child restraint, a belt-positioning booster seat, or a correctly fitting lap and shoulder belt -- AND move the seat as far back as possible.If a child age 12 or younger MUST ride in the front seat with a passenger side air bag, have an air bag on/off switch installed and turn the air bag off when the child in in the front seat.



Posted 3:12 pm, 12/05/2012

I know that there is a weight limitation on the child to be placed in a booster seat but I am not sure about the option of riding up front or not.


Posted 3:11 pm, 12/05/2012

Anyone know what the law exactly is?


Posted 3:09 pm, 12/05/2012

Green I dont think its the law I think its suggested... but I could be wrong.


Posted 2:57 pm, 12/05/2012

Was the mother charged w/ anything other than being under the influence of something? Was she charged w/ allowing a 10 year old to ride in the front seat? I thought the law was that anyone under age 12 has to be belted in the back seat (please correct me if I am wrong). I sure do wish that little girl had been sitting in the back w/ her sister.


Posted 1:05 pm, 12/05/2012

Did the mother go to Wilkes Central, if so I looked at her facebook, and did not see one picture posted of her children, just her man, what a shame. I do feel sorry all envolved but mostly the innocent children. Seems the mother only thinks of herself. My child is my life and all I live for, his happiness is far more important than my own, and would be at a complete lost without him. I would never indanger his life. Prayers to the family and may she see the light.


Posted 10:48 am, 12/05/2012

You right, Slade02. I did base all my facts on "I heard". However, what I said is true. You will see when the facts come to light for the public. I'm not here to argue. I feel bad for her daughter...Her not so much. I just hate to see that she is being so greedy about getting money from her daughters death. So many people feel bad for her and want to help her. I just think the money should go to her daughter or someone elses family who would be thankful.


Posted 10:35 am, 12/05/2012

raindyday1, you entire post is filled with "I heard"'s. You're hearing gossip that may or may not be true and are quick to judge because of the "I heard"'s. It's already been established that she was charged with DWI (driving while impaired) which is not "drunk". Let all the facts come in before making such harsh statements. I'm not condoning nor condemning the mother's actions which led to the death of her daughter, just giving my 2 cents worth.


Posted 10:17 am, 12/05/2012

This is really none of my business, but the more I read here I just get so ill. I felt so sorry for this Mother who lost her daughter. Even more worried about the young sister. I heard at the sence of the wreck she held on to her daughter's lifeless body and the finally had to give her something to make her calm down. But you know if she would have thought twice before getting in the car drunk....this all could have been avoided. I heard she wouldn't going into the funeral home bc she was to busy...not sad...but too busy. The Mother has been telling everyone she will be getting $300,000.00 from her car ins. What? You have got to be kidding me. She killed her daughter and all she is worried about it collecting money. She better be worried about who will raise her younger daughter when she goes to prison for muder. All these people feel sorry for her and in return she is just worried about living high. We all should be worried and collecting funds for the younger sister. Again, I know this isn't my business. I'm sure I will get all kinds of replys, but oh well.


Posted 9:32 am, 12/05/2012

I'm not trying to throw down on the mother. I just think that it was pretty stupid of her to put her children in danger. She wasn't being a responsible parent and as a result she killed her daughter and in no doubt she should be punished. I'm sure she is feeling guilty...as she should be. But if I was driving down the road intoxicated/impaired and hit your car and killed your 10 year old daughter then you would want me charged. So why should she be different just because it was her own child?

Dixie Cup

Posted 9:29 am, 12/05/2012

My heart goes out to the surviving daughter. She probably looked to her older sister for comfort and support. Prayers for all, but especially this little girl who will remember forever the horrible accident that killed her sister.


Posted 9:12 am, 12/05/2012

so sorry for this loss...I do wish the mother had chosen not to drive while impaired.. I know she is going to be living with a lot of guilt.. god bless them and the little girl that passed... prayers to them and their family in their time of need...


Posted 9:02 am, 12/05/2012

DUI is an acronym for driving under the influence. DWI stands for driving while intoxicated. In some cases, depending on state law, the two terms are both used to describe impaired or drunken driving. Some state laws refer to it as DUI and others call it DWI. However, in states where both terms are used, DWI usually refers to driving while intoxicated of alcohol, while DUI is used when the driver is charged with being under the influence of alcohol or drug

It does not matter if it was DUI or DWI, she should not have been driving! Now she is going to have to live the rest of her life knowing that she killed her daughter!


Posted 8:25 am, 12/05/2012

Lynzi, well said.

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