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Community Voice
Threads 21 - 40 of 198,499





Facts on undocumented immigration
Biden's policies have stopped about 4 times as many border jumpers as Trump's... https://www.cbp.gov/newsroo...statistics ICE has arreste...

Hunter Don’t got a job
Where's he getting all that child support money from?

Millions of un vaccinated immigrants
Covid is on the rise. NBC

More and more people are coming out this year.
Celebrities, online personalities, business owners and especially minorities. They are publicly endorsing Trump! They don't seem to care ...

Kohberger's sister was convinced he was the Idaho killer long before arrest
L ong before cops charged Bryan Kohberger with the murders of four University of Idaho students, his own family feared he was the killer....

There should be a line between leftists and state.
It must not be crossed.

What’s happening today in Judge Cannon’s courtroom.
More crimes of Jack Smith and the FBI exposed.. " The piercing of the Attn. Client privileged'

Honest political poll
Please comment on this thread if you... 1. Plan to vote in November 2. Are currently undecided on whether you will vote for Trump or Biden

50 ISIS un vaccinated
Let loose in America.

Biden campaign forfeits battleground state to Trump
https://www.thegatewaypundi...sident no

Putting aside the fact that Trump was initially responsible for escalating immigration from a problem to a crisis. Bidens handling of the...

The Green Energy Monster runs amuck
Two Explosive Battery Plant Fires In 24 Hours Death Toll Reportedly Hits 22 There have been two (at least) lithium ion battery plant fire...

Climate wacko gets promotion to White House job
WH Climate Official Who Pushed Abolishing Ice And Likened Cops To Slavery Downplays Controversial Posts A White House official who stoked...

The hidden costs of owning a home are surging for Americans, Thanks Joe!
The price for owning a home is rising rapidly and we're not just talking about mortgage payments. US homeowners are now paying an avera...

Y'all Aint Going to Boycott
"The former first lady is expected to headline an event at Mar a Lago on Saturday, hosted by the Log Cabin Republicans a pro LGBT ...

Imagine getting upset
Because a school posted rules that said don't kill people. That is today's Democrat Party

Commissioners public comment policy
Number 9 on the policy for public speakers for commissioners meetings states :"speakers shall at all times maintain proper decorum a...

Since management has locked the previous iteration of this thread we must start over. Due to popular demand AND even though the request l...

New website will track crimes allegedly committed by Joe's illegal immigrants
A new website has been launched that tracks crimes allegedly committed by illegal immigrants in the U.S.Restoration News, which is connec...

Poll: do you think that the government should have the right to control retail prices?
Simple question about your ideology do you believe that the government should have the right to control retail prices? If so, do you th...


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