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Threads 21 - 40 of 198,532





It is a good time to evaluate
The age old question has been " Are Democrats more comical when they are in power or out of power"? After last night I am leani...

DJT stock
Why do you think that Trump's stock dropped 10.84% today? Opened at $39.88, closed at $32.75...

Oklahoma’s State Superintendent Requires Public Schools to Teach the Bible
Good idea or bad? https://www.nytimes.com/202...bible.html

is it to late?
Can Biden be replaced? I feel so sorry for him.

Big Mike Obama for President
Get some Kangz in the White House

Glenn Beck: Just think, this guy holds the button
https://www.youtube.com/wat...WdGv elTNc

SCOTUS restricts the power of the executive branch in what has to be the biggest decision
of this session so far. Chevron is gone. Government agencies can no longer create regulations or rules without the express consent of con...

Official thread for Anti to defend Pedo Joe's terrible debate performance
Well... have at it, Einstein!

The Country Has Peeked Behind the Curtain
And Has Seen the Dust Bunnies.

What happened last night ?
My democrat friends will not talk to me.

Democrats loose another one.
Supreme Court says prosecutors improperly charged hundreds of Jan. 6 peaceful protesters.

Don’t forget Global Warming
https://www.news journalonl...234331007

Biden will now be replaced. Obviously.
Does this mean that the tens of millions who voted for him in the primaries are now disenfranchised?

Debate: Biden looks like a doped up fool
Trump looks so much better.

Joe Scarborough
We need to replace Biden with Joe Scarborough.

Dear Conservative Friends,
Don't get ****. Things will look different in a few days. It's the way of things.

Biden still plans to be in the September Debate

What happened to your LOST JOE BIDEN ? LMFAO

Banks have 7 times more unrealized losses than they did before the 2008 crash
The unrealized losses in US banks have surged to a staggering $525 billion, nearly seven times the losses seen during the Great Financial...

Why not the national anthem before the debate?
These events have the national anthem played: World Series, Stanley Cup finals, NBA games, NFL games. It ia played so people apparently c...


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