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After today's special election. Dan McCready will be one more Democrat joining Congress


Posted 2:17 am, 09/12/2019

so you dont want to be a thriving country huh?

Hillary is a murderer (view profile)

Posted 8:03 am, 09/11/2019

Hopefully the evil socialist party got the message yesterday. We do not want to be like Venezuela.


Posted 1:48 am, 09/12/2019

Seems that most conservatives on here are mentally disabled 😏😏😏😏😃


Posted 10:01 pm, 09/11/2019

So when is McCready being sworn in?


Posted 9:31 pm, 09/11/2019

It's just semantics, but you're not saying "mentally disabled." You're saying "liberally disabled," which means the opposite of what you're wanting to say.

If someone is mentally disabled, do you think that they have an excess of mental capabilities? Then why would someone that's "liberally disabled" have an excess of liberalism?

sparkling water

Posted 8:50 pm, 09/11/2019

You believe wrongly.

The leftists are Disabled because they have fully embraced Liberalism.



Posted 8:15 pm, 09/11/2019

Sparkles, someone that's "liberally disabled" would be a conservative.

Think about it. If you're physically disabled then you lack one or more physical abilities. If you're mental disabled then you lack one or more mental abilities. So "liberally disabled" means that you lack liberalism.

I think you're either trying to say "liberally enabled" or "conservatively disabled."

sparkling water

Posted 4:16 pm, 09/11/2019

The Liberally Disabled would find a speck of sawdust in a sack of gold nuggets.


Posted 3:36 pm, 09/11/2019

Rush Limbaugh today.

Donald Trump lost ***berland County in 2016 by over 20,000 votes. Tonight, the Republicans won it back. So why isn't this the news? Well, we know why this isn't the news 'cause this does not look good for the Democrats. They have a 35% black population in ***berland County, North Carolina. Trump lost it by 20,000 votes in 2016. Tonight, the Republicans win with a slight majority of black voters. What's going on?

Well, take a look at African-American unemployment. Take a look at African-American poverty dropping.

Take a look at African-American food stamp participation dropping. Take a look at the number of African-Americans who have jobs and getting raises. It's phenomenal! It's more than ever happened for them when Democrats have been in control. You could say this is historic. Trump loses by 20,000 in a 35% black county, and the Republican wins it? That is a trend the Drive-Bys do not want you knowing anything about. The Democrats poured $8 million (about that) into this district, North Carolina 9.

sparkling water

Posted 2:27 pm, 09/11/2019

You're beautiful, anti.


Posted 2:24 pm, 09/11/2019

I agree with every word of that post, Sparkles.

sparkling water

Posted 2:20 pm, 09/11/2019

The election should have been done over.
Mark Harris was a snake in the grass.

But, it is interesting that the results were about the same.
Especially since the leftist campaigned for three years and spent millions in out of state antitrump cash.

I actually expected him to win.


Posted 2:06 pm, 09/11/2019

So wait, you guys didn't think the election should have been done over? Even though the first guy that ran was charged with fraud for paying people (for years) to pick up voter ballots and throw away the ones they didn't like?

A win of 905 votes is hardly anything to celebrate, though. While granted a win is a win, this is a heavily Republican district that Trump won by 12 points in 2016.

And correct me if I'm wrong, but they were still using the illegally gerrymandered maps for this vote. The Republicans won't have that advantage in 2020.

sparkling water

Posted 1:43 pm, 09/11/2019

It would be helpful if the losercrats bought a CLUE.

Hillary is a murderer

Posted 1:40 pm, 09/11/2019

The Democrats could not even buy the election with Dan McCready burning through $4.7 million versus Bishops campaign spent $1.7 million.

It must really suck to be a democrat nowadays, can't even buy an election.


Posted 1:16 pm, 09/11/2019

Rs:: Think it was around 3,937....

sparkling water

Posted 1:03 pm, 09/11/2019

McGreedy has lost twice now.

I suppose he will run for Senate or maybe President now.

He can follow the career path blazed by Beto O'Crap.


Posted 12:58 pm, 09/11/2019

NO MO re-do's...


Posted 12:37 pm, 09/11/2019

The resident tahds seem unwilling or unable to answer the question, how many dead Repubs voted yesterday?
No response?


Posted 11:37 am, 09/11/2019

Oh My ! guess the winning repub is going to do wonders for the whole state, be sure to hold your breath.

sparkling water

Posted 11:03 am, 09/11/2019

I bet McGreedy was voted class clown.

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