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ALDI�s Time to Stop Shopping There


Posted 11:20 am, 11/23/2021

Unlike you I look at both sides of the debate on the vax. I don't smoke cigs or booze it up. In the end I DECIDE, not some person telling me what to do. If you don't want to control your life, so be it, let others tell you what to do. I am a true American that believes in freedom, so boost it up every 6 months. Hope you live till you're 100.


Posted 11:10 am, 11/23/2021

Smoking a cigarette does that. Drinking mountain dew does that. Radon does that. Should I continue?

Or would you like to continue with your hypothetical?

As to your Facui comment. Get your head out of YouTube and other internet trash and look at Jerome Adams or Scott Gottlieb (both appointments of previous administration). There is a lot out there my man, wade through it carefully and read with discernible intent.


Posted 11:06 am, 11/23/2021

O'kay brainy does the vaccine increase your chance of cancer death or hearth problem death? If you say no then you need to do more research. Get your head out of Fauci, MSNBC arse and look. If'n you say no then you a lost sheep, and I give up on you.


Posted 10:23 am, 11/23/2021

Sure! I don't think anyone says that "vaccinated" are in danger. Is everyone in danger if its not controlled? Maybe, but that's true for just about anything that comes along.

But vaccine still helps with fighting the virus and helping protect from severe symptoms. The unvaccinated do not have that protection. That's their choice as is it the choice of the private industry to implement rules they want to (the right has fought for this for decades).

In other terms, I still love you and want the best for you! You matter!


Posted 10:16 am, 11/23/2021

So why are vaccinated people in grave danger Just? Vaccinated at Aldi should be protected from the unvaccinated. Explain that to me, You can't. So stfu about it.


Posted 7:08 am, 11/23/2021

gascon (view profile)
Posted 10:53 pm, 11/22/2021
The shot dosen't protect you from covid, you can still get it. My friend has it now, fully vaccinated. It's a myth vaccinated don't spread the deadly virus.
No one has ever said this. It's not how vaccines work. Vaccines help the body fight it off. Its how every vaccine works.


Posted 12:14 am, 11/23/2021

gascon is correct, many vaccinated are having episodes of COVID.

One of our providers, fully vaccinated in Feb was put into quarantine for 10 days with COVID by Sept.

We've seen many patients that also have been fully vaccinated and have had COVID afterwards.

The vaccine does not prevent you from getting it....at some point, hopefully not at all, but it is happening more and more.

the vaccine does seem to lessen the severity of the illness and hospitalization rates.


Posted 12:13 am, 11/23/2021


People who were not fully vaccinated this spring and summer were more than 10 times more likely to be hospitalized, and 11 times more likely to die of covid-19, than those who were fully vaccinated...

Overall effectiveness in preventing emergency department or urgent-care trips was 82 percent.


No one ever claimed that it was 100% effective. But you know that, you're just trying to troll again.


Posted 12:05 am, 11/23/2021

That is what you say. Personally, I think you are full of BS.


Posted 10:53 pm, 11/22/2021

The shot dosen't protect you from covid, you can still get it. My friend has it now, fully vaccinated. It's a myth vaccinated don't spread the deadly virus.


Posted 10:22 pm, 11/22/2021

Why would I or anyone want to go shop at a business that didn't try to protect their customers? If anything, Aldis is the place to shop.


Posted 9:23 pm, 11/22/2021

NC is a right to work state employers can fire anyone they want. Now I don't know if people fired for not taking the vaccine can draw unemployment or not. I would suggest they take their vaccines but you can make choices in a free country.


Posted 7:41 pm, 11/22/2021

The democrats will get scared when the free stuff is cut off. No taxes if people aren't working. Anti need to do the math and percentages.


Posted 7:08 pm, 11/22/2021

I've got some pretty juicy dirt on the ceo of aldi. I think I'll wait till next week to post it.


Posted 6:49 pm, 11/22/2021

LOL....like trying to pay them terribly and give them awful health insurance?


Posted 6:46 pm, 11/22/2021

And people have the right to know how they treat their employees


Posted 6:44 pm, 11/22/2021

I thought you righties took pride in NC being a right to fire state as a private business Aldi's has the right to fire them without any reason, at least they gave a reason a very good reason.


Posted 6:43 pm, 11/22/2021

Soooooo.....you're telling the shoppers of the "discount bins" to not shop somewhere you don't shop? Sounds like a whiney righter.


Posted 6:41 pm, 11/22/2021

I don't shop discount bins. So they never had my business


Posted 6:38 pm, 11/22/2021

I'm sure they're not gonna miss your 2cents you spend there.

It's a privately held business, do they not have the right to protect themselves as much as those who demand "bodily autonomy?

There will be plenty of folks that are vaccinated that will replace those employees that are not!

I don't see the problem!

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