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Posted 7:06 am, 11/25/2021

Hey gascan, show us the data supporting your BS claims. Or maybe your other tinfoilmann helped you with the post?


Posted 5:49 pm, 11/24/2021

tmann (view profile)
Posted 5:37 pm, 11/24/2021
The incidents of cancer post vax is through the roof...
And your proof of the roof? Or do you just make comments with no basis and hope they hold water? Is that what you are "soo good at." Just to be here to cause mayhem and discord regardless of the topic?


Posted 5:49 pm, 11/24/2021

two more episodes


Posted 5:47 pm, 11/24/2021

Good call. Good show, pretty fricken wild.


Posted 5:44 pm, 11/24/2021

I will read it when I have time, later tonight after Squid Game. I have to more episodes.


Posted 5:42 pm, 11/24/2021

Older, sicker, are at more risk, population control. Take out he weakest links. I've walked this earth 59 of my 60 years and plan living till 100. I'm like the Chinese, i'm a panda and don't want war. War we can't win, like so many others. Better solution is for the youth to take care of the elderly.


Posted 5:37 pm, 11/24/2021

The incidents of cancer post vax is through the roof...


Posted 5:37 pm, 11/24/2021

Read the article gascan. What you are referring to was an internet meme targeting simple thinkers into believing its something that it isnt. The study you refer to is not the Covid vaccine.


Posted 5:34 pm, 11/24/2021

Yes cancers have been around along time. This is not what I'm saying at all. Lets say bill has cancer he didn't know he had. He could die at 100 and never know he had cancer. He gets the covid shots, then he gets to feeling bad for 3 months and can't shake it, so he goes to the doctor. The doctor sends him for x-rays and they find the cancer which is really bad. Why? BECAUSE THE **** ARSE SHOTS was protecting him from covid and his immune system wasn't fighting the cancer growing inside him. The heart problems, well tstupid the shots causes blood clots which causes strokes, and heart failures. Healthy people get the shots, you might be fine but if you continue to get them, time is your enemy.


Posted 5:27 pm, 11/24/2021

Tianna Mann has a treasure trove of all knowing information. But he wont share. A lot like Biff from Back to the Future when he gets the sports almanac.


Posted 4:54 pm, 11/24/2021

For years, even before Covid, heart disease and cancer are the leading cause of death in the USA.

So gascan and tinfoilmann, you're looking as foolish as ever.


Posted 3:32 pm, 11/24/2021

@ tmann
The media suppression of the harmful effects has allowed many to be irreversibly harmed

LOL,your source for this terrible news???


Posted 3:30 pm, 11/24/2021


The shot dosen't-sic- protect you from covid, you can still get it. My friend has it now, fully vaccinated. It's a myth vaccinated don't spread the deadly virus.

Actually, the vaccine is 90% effective. You are simply spreading a thick load of BS to salve your anti-mask, anti-vax views.


Posted 2:38 pm, 11/24/2021

That's what I figured.


Posted 10:57 am, 11/24/2021

Which is....?


Posted 10:56 am, 11/24/2021

All knowing.... no, just really effective at what I do.


Posted 10:49 am, 11/24/2021

Don't worry just know. He has it all documented. He will post it next week! Auhahahaahahahaha


Posted 10:48 am, 11/24/2021

Where's your all knowing information tianna?


Posted 10:37 am, 11/24/2021

Maybe this will help you.


"According to the institute, the 2018 study found that changes in certain mRNA molecules can inactivate tumor-suppressing proteins and thereby promote cancer -- but there is no connection to the mRNA used in COVID-19 vaccines.

"It's important to note that mRNAs are a normal component of all cells and the specific ones discussed here are not involved in mRNA-based vaccines, like the one developed against SARS-CoV-2," the institute's statement said."


Posted 10:36 am, 11/24/2021

The media suppression of the harmful effects has allowed many to be irreversibly harmed

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