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Posted 12:36 am, 03/31/2015

irreverant to this conversation? wtf does that mean.


Posted 10:13 pm, 03/30/2015

The only thing I can figure is Top Soil is gay, and this is a real thorn for this person to argue about this for days. Top Soil, do you not have a life?


Posted 9:24 pm, 03/30/2015

Thanks ARN, I appreciate the compliment.


Posted 5:03 pm, 03/30/2015

and that is why I like Muse. No force of opinion, and reasonable responses.


Posted 4:59 pm, 03/30/2015

to answer mommotwo's question:

Yes. I would much rather know where a person stands for a couple of reasons. I respect Christians and understand that they have different beliefs than I. I don't want to offend anyone directly by forcing my life or beliefs on them, just as I would not like them to directly force theirs on me. I would much rather my money go to someone who respects me and is happy for my occasion. I have a choice to patronize or not to patronize any business, no matter my reasons. I still think that it is a shame when anyone denies another person the same respect and product that they would give to anyone else based on something private to that patron. The business owner is not going to "stop" the marriage by denying them service, nor is he or she going to perform the ceremony. It's just flowers.... it's only a cake... to the business owner. Would they not let a gay man come in and buy a bouquet of roses for his mother who may be in the hospital? Would they sell a cake to a lesbian celebrating her father's birthday?

But having said that, I also would not force a church to perform my wedding if my marrying another man is against that church's beliefs. Why would I want the most special occasion to be instantly tainted by forcing someone to accept me? I think both sides of this are right to a degree, and both sides are handling it poorly, to a larger degree.

Top Soil

Posted 4:03 pm, 03/30/2015


Because being a troll is your goal in life.

Like I said. You have nothing.


Posted 3:47 pm, 03/30/2015

I can, if need be type out a long list of examples of liberals being hypocrites..but, you know you're a hypocrite, and wallow in it,, so what's the point? Yeah Rite .

Top Soil

Posted 3:41 pm, 03/30/2015

This n That,

You already lost the conversation by name calling. Time to change screen names again.

this n that

Posted 3:36 pm, 03/30/2015

The "Soup NAZI" is a fictitious character that appeared on a comedy show...Is this really your argument? It's bad, and you should feel bad.

You're the liberal hypocrite who should be the one feeling bad.

I just read an article by someone this morning, obviously much smarter than you, who used that as an example.

I was just kinda joking, but,,, yes, the soup nazi was not breaking the law. He had every legal right to take that soup away from George.

It really doesn't matter that it was a fictitious character, the principal is the same as the one you're vainly attempting to hypocritically make.

And just because the "name calling" is exactly what you are, is nothing but the truth, seems to me it's the only thing left for you to fall back on, cause, you got nothing.

I can, if need be type out a long list of examples of liberals being hypocrites..but, you know you're a hypocrite, and wallow in it,, so what's the point?


Posted 3:28 pm, 03/30/2015

My analogy does make sense and not sure what you mean by irreverent.

There's no winner or loser in this argument. It's a matter of opinion. You either think the law is needed or not. Opinion. People still have those, even when it's not politically correct to give it. I personally just like to know where people stand so that I know who I'm dealing with.


Posted 3:20 pm, 03/30/2015

speak the truth High_on_Life


Posted 3:19 pm, 03/30/2015

I'd rather eat crap than give my money to someone who treats me unfairly.....I'll drive a 100 miles to avoid it. lol....I'm not giving ppl money to disrespect me.

Top Soil

Posted 3:17 pm, 03/30/2015

this n that (view profile)

Posted 2:30 pm, 03/30/2015

Topsoil as momo has concisely shown you, you're the one who has nothing.

And as for name calling... Being a hypocrite is a prerequisite for being a liberal , And about 98 percent of liberals willingly jump at the chance to be a hypocrite every chance they get. There are a few exceptions here and there, but most of you are untruthful hypocrites. Sure looks like I'm the honest one here.

And while I'm here... what about.."no shoes, no shirt, no service? What about the "soup nazi" was he within the law when he jerked George's soup back because he dared to ask for some bread?

You people would be dangerous if you weren't so obviously, so consistently hypocrites.

Mommo's analogy is a bad one, and I just explained to her as to why it is irreverent to this conversation.

So name calling is bad...that is why you name call. LOL, like I said, make a point with facts, people who name call contribute nothing to the conversation.

No Shirt, No shoes, is an OSHA std, and is rooted in public safety. OSHA are safety standards that employers and employees must follow by law.

The "Soup NAZI" is a fictitious character that appeared on a comedy show...Is this really your argument? It's bad, and you should feel bad.

Once again, when "You people" start losing the argument because facts are used, you resort to name calling and insults. You already lost the argument.


Posted 3:15 pm, 03/30/2015

umm...what is discriminating about the words "I'm sorry, but I'm already scheduled for an event that day"

ummm.....o.k. Let's say we've just discovered a loophole then. If a gay couple comes in your immediate answer can always be "I'm sorry, but I'm already scheduled for an event that day". Do you think that no one is really going to come up with that as a solution? Bottom line - If you don't WANT to serve me, then I don't WANT to give you my money. Let's take Muse for example. Muse, had you not rather KNOW up front in all honesty where someone stands so that you spend your money WISELY then be lead on just to satisfy a law.


Posted 3:12 pm, 03/30/2015

Honestly, I would print them!

Them wearing those t shirts, has no bearing on my personal opinion of said orginazation.

Do I support it, absolutely not...would I march against them, yes, I would...

would I take their money...absolutely! If the folks in my community boycotted me for practicing my business...then so be it.


Posted 3:09 pm, 03/30/2015

Actually part of the point of owning your own business is you get to run it the way you want to for the most part.


Posted 3:07 pm, 03/30/2015

1goddess......say you are a black business owner and some whites come in and want some KKK T-shirts printed. Sure, you need the business but are not going to print T-shirt that represent this terrible organization. This law keeps these idiots from suing you because you refused to print their KKK shirts.

Top Soil

Posted 3:06 pm, 03/30/2015

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 2:06 pm, 03/30/2015

I don't think you can assume that a gay couple would become demanding if you politely and honestly explained to them that you had another wedding cake to bake that week.
No, but you can't assume that they wouldn't be demanding and claim discrimination, either.

umm...what is discriminating about the words "I'm sorry, but I'm already scheduled for an event that day"

once again, your point is moot.


Posted 3:02 pm, 03/30/2015

andreallynow (view profile)

Posted 2:26 pm, 03/30/2015

I think the bottom line for business owners is this: Do I want to make money or not? Am I willing to lose residual business because I do not want to serve gays, blacks, Asians, hippies, people with blue eyes, etc....

My sentiments exactly!

I thought they purpose to being in your own business, was to do what you love to do and make a profit. You know, that is what kinda pays the bills, send your kids to college...vacation and eventually retire.
The color of money coming from anyone in these here United States is green...I like green. I don't care what color your skin is or to whom you sleep with either!


Posted 2:56 pm, 03/30/2015

Now what are you going to do?

The same thing that you would do if he had not chosen to open a gas station at that location. Run out of gas. Call AAA and plan better next time.

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