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America home of the free? Not in Indiana.

Top Soil

Posted 12:28 pm, 03/30/2015

rcf1159 (view profile)

Posted 12:07 pm, 03/30/2015

This same law is coming to North Carolina soon!

And this will be OK, because sexual orientation is a protected class.


Posted 12:17 pm, 03/30/2015

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out�
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out�
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out�
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me�and there was no one left to speak for me.

Be careful what you will let others do because YOU could be next!


Posted 12:07 pm, 03/30/2015

This same law is coming to North Carolina soon!


Posted 12:01 pm, 03/30/2015

If you think that discrimination is wrong, then why should a business owner be allowed to practice it?


Posted 11:51 am, 03/30/2015

It's never okay to discriminate, IMO. But, just because I don't discriminate, doesn't mean that there aren't people who wouldn't. All I'm saying is that they shouldn't be forced to provide services to anyone if they don't want to take that persons money.


Posted 11:49 am, 03/30/2015

I haven't thought of it that way, but I guess if that's what it would be, then yeah.

Note that I did say services. If someone is a baker, plumber, electrician, mechanic, etc...then let them decide who to service. If your selling goods, then I see it differently. It's just my opinion, and I know it's one that isn't popular.

Top Soil

Posted 11:40 am, 03/30/2015

andreallynow (view profile)

Posted 11:23 am, 03/30/2015

Heps, as I said, I don't think they should be forced to provide services to ANYONE they choose not to serve. I'm not saying I would agree with their choice, but it is their business, their reputation, and their money.

When is it ok to discriminate against a group of people?


Posted 11:39 am, 03/30/2015

andreallynow: So, are you saying that you would have our country return to pre-civil rights?

I don't think I've ever heard anyone actually admit to holding that attitude.


Posted 11:23 am, 03/30/2015

Heps, as I said, I don't think they should be forced to provide services to ANYONE they choose not to serve. I'm not saying I would agree with their choice, but it is their business, their reputation, and their money.

Top Soil

Posted 11:22 am, 03/30/2015

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 11:08 am, 03/30/2015

What if that Anti-Christian bakery was the only one in the town? Or all bakeries all felt the same?
It wouldn't change how I would feel. I would find another or do without. That would be an excellent opportunity to open a bakery that catered to Christians.

But in other threads you complained about Christians being persecuted? So Obviously you DO have a problem with this, you just refuse to recognize the similarities


Posted 11:20 am, 03/30/2015

Actually, it wouldn't bother me at all. If a hindu doesn't want to serve me as a Christian, then I would rather KNOW that then not know and continue to give them business.


Posted 11:19 am, 03/30/2015

Because of my deeply held beliefs and convictions, I support businesses that serve everyone.

Discrimination is not a religious value.


Posted 11:09 am, 03/30/2015

Ok as soon as a Hindu person turns away a Christian let's see how it works out.


Posted 11:08 am, 03/30/2015

What if that Anti-Christian bakery was the only one in the town? Or all bakeries all felt the same?

It wouldn't change how I would feel. I would find another or do without. That would be an excellent opportunity to open a bakery that catered to Christians.


Posted 11:07 am, 03/30/2015

Private businesses should be free from this type of encumberance from the government. A business owner should be able to serve whomever he wishes. The market will dictate his survival. I am not religious at all, but I believe those who are should practice how they see fit. If they take those beliefs into their business with them then they need to be preapred for the consequences, i.e. lost business.

A business owner who repeatedly refuses service to customers because of their race, sexual orientation, age or any other ridiculous reason will eventually not be a business owner. The market will weed out these types of people. Government intrusion is not needed.

Top Soil

Posted 10:59 am, 03/30/2015

mommotwo (view profile)

Posted 10:35 am, 03/30/2015

Why would anyone want to force someone to bake a cake that didn't want to bake a cake for them? And then PAY them for it? Not me. I would go to a bakery that WANTED my business instead of being FORCED to accommodate me. If I find out that a business is anti-Christian or owned by someone that is anti-Christian, then I'm not spending my money there if there is somewhere else to go. Granted, we don't always know how a business owner feels, but in the event that we do then it can and should affect our business relationship.

I agree.(Technically the bakery CAN NOT refuse service to Christians, because Religion is a protected Class)

but... What if that Anti-Christian bakery was the only one in the town? Or all bakeries all felt the same?

What if your co-workers/friends/family all wanted to go to this bakery for breakfast and they asked you to leave because of the lowercase "t" hanging from your neck?

Why would a bakery want to refuse to bake a cake for someone because of something they do privately?


Posted 10:58 am, 03/30/2015

andreallynow: Does that include business owners who do not want to serve persons of another race?


Posted 10:55 am, 03/30/2015

I don't think anyone who owns a business that provides a service should be forced to provide their services to anyone. It's their business and their money to earn or lose.

Top Soil

Posted 10:50 am, 03/30/2015

Indiana's RFRA is the same as the other 20 or so laws of other states, but here's the issue. Indiana doesn't include sexual orientation in their protected Class laws, like they do;

Disability: physical or mental,
Tobacco use,
National origin,
Sealed or expunged arrest or conviction record,

But no where does it say sexual orientation.

So, a bakery CAN NOT say that they won't serve Blacks because its against their religion, because RACE is a protected Class.

But legally they CAN refuse serve to any one that is not included on the protected status list, This is where they can legally refuse to serve h*mosexuals because of their religion.

All this hoopla can be easily solved with one quick amendment to Indiana's protected Classes law, by including sexual orientation.

The Governor of Indiana on Sunday stated that he has no intention in doing so. Also when asked six times if the law allows a bakery to refuse service to h*mosexuals...the Governor failed to provide a simple yes or no answer.


Posted 10:44 am, 03/30/2015


Check out the two separate signing pics ......take a good look at the American religious Taliban in the pictures....and some of you worry about Sharia law coming to America. Take a good look because there is not much difference between what you fear and what you condone to force your beliefs on all Americans....

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