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Posted 5:51 pm, 03/27/2015

Maybe she's a Jehovahs Witness, they don't accept the Holy Trinity.


Posted 5:44 pm, 03/27/2015

In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Jesus and God together created us all, if you believe your Bible.


Posted 5:35 pm, 03/27/2015

If koi had read the book, she would know about the Holy Trinity.


Posted 5:28 pm, 03/27/2015

"I follow the laws of God"

no you don't, that is not humanly possible...dang haven't you read that book yet???


Posted 5:22 pm, 03/27/2015

koi: "I follow the laws of God. Just so you know, God and Jesus are two different entities."

I guess that means Jesus is just the jv team, right?! He's just that crazy, peace loving son.

This is almost funny. And that's a compliment.


Posted 5:01 pm, 03/27/2015

By the way Top Soil, I follow the laws of God. Just so you know, God and Jesus are two different entities.


Posted 4:56 pm, 03/27/2015

Top Soil, why are you attacking me? I am not attacking you. Maybe you need to investigate your own shortcomings. We are speaking of what God says about marriage- nothing else.

Top Soil

Posted 4:21 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 4:09 pm, 03/27/2015

Hes, if I owned a bakery, I would discriminate against cheaters too. I wouldn't want their business either. Just so you know.

People that have tattoos?

People who eat bacon?

Will you make special cakes for the Super Bowl?

Men who have had a t*sticle removed due to cancer?

Will you serve woman who are unaccompanied?

People who wear glasses?

Farmers who own a mule?

Me? (I'm wearing a polyester/cotton blended shirt right now...and thats all)

Woman who are menstruating?

Farmers who plant more than one crop in their fields?

I can go on and on, but i hope you get my point.

Top Soil

Posted 4:11 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 4:01 pm, 03/27/2015

Jesus did not speak directly of h*mosexuals in The Bible. He loved everyone and died for our sins so that we may be forgiven and go to Heaven.

Then might I suggest, that, If you don't want to follow the teachings of jesus, you stop calling yourself a Christian.


Posted 4:09 pm, 03/27/2015

Hes, if I owned a bakery, I would discriminate against cheaters too. I wouldn't want their business either. Just so you know.


Posted 4:01 pm, 03/27/2015

Jesus did not speak directly of h*mosexuals in The Bible. He loved everyone and died for our sins so that we may be forgiven and go to Heaven.

Top Soil

Posted 3:43 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 3:39 pm, 03/27/2015

God loves everyone, BUT he is very clear on h*mosexuality. I'm not here to change your opinion of me or God. I'm here as a voice for many others like myself. My religion tells me that I have to answer for my actions. Believing in gay marriage is deliberant disobedience to God.

be it as it may.....

what did the jesus say about h*mosexuals?


Posted 3:39 pm, 03/27/2015

God loves everyone, BUT he is very clear on h*mosexuality. I'm not here to change your opinion of me or God. I'm here as a voice for many others like myself. My religion tells me that I have to answer for my actions. Believing in gay marriage is deliberant disobedience to God.

Top Soil

Posted 3:25 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 2:58 pm, 03/27/2015

Top soil, it is clear you are passionate. I am too. There is a middle ground. It's called tolerance. I love and tolerate all. I just simply don't want to be involved in something that I feel religiously uncomfortable with. I'm sure everyone has something they do not want to participate in. It is our freedom of choice.

You use that word, but I don't think you know the meaning of it.

I don't want to be involved with child rape supporters, thats why i avoid the catholic church

I don't want to be involved with drugs, thats why I avoid, drug dealers and that type of activities that welcomes drugs.

If you don't want to be involved with your future potential clients, then maybe opening up a business that caters to potential future clients might not be the best choice for you if you want to maximize your happiness.

Top Soil

Posted 3:18 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 2:53 pm, 03/27/2015

How is my telling you I do not want your business effecting the outcome of a gay marriage? I would rather work with someone that wanted to work with me rather than someone that did not. It's common sense. If I owned a bakery and someone came in wanting two men on a cake, I would politely say I do not supply those. Most people would get the hint, AND that is my right.

Freedom only works when it is applicable at all levels. If your theoretical bakery had competition across town, that might be ok(not really) and not impact their equality rights, But, heres where this law fails the freedoms test, if there is only one bakery in town, or one restaurant, or flower shop, or, marriage hall in the city, or county. and they "choose" to enact their religious discrimination "rights" now we have an impact to a citizens right to equality.

But, that last paragraph doesn't matter and in all reality is moot, because refusing to serve someone based on their sexual orientation is discrimination, and discrimination based on a persons sexual orientation, gender, color, heritage, religion, disability, is wrong.


Posted 3:06 pm, 03/27/2015

koi, it's not our right to ignore the laws of the land regarding discriminatory practices. Surely you aren't going to insist that the bible advocates lawlessness.

We have the right to marry the person of your choice and to purchase the cake of your choice.

We do not have the right to deny those same rights to others.

"Sorry, I won't rent a tux to a gay man." "I won't allow the gay couple to buy 2 miniature brides for the top of their cake." Does this remind you of anything? Like maybe BEFORE Civil Rights were enacted!!!

If you own a business that serves the public, you are responsible for serving without discriminating.

If you don't, you are denying the same rights to others that you yourself take for granted.

Is that fair? Is it Christlike? Is it American? Please let me know.


Posted 2:58 pm, 03/27/2015

Top soil, it is clear you are passionate. I am too. There is a middle ground. It's called tolerance. I love and tolerate all. I just simply don't want to be involved in something that I feel religiously uncomfortable with. I'm sure everyone has something they do not want to participate in. It is our freedom of choice.


Posted 2:53 pm, 03/27/2015

How is my telling you I do not want your business effecting the outcome of a gay marriage? I would rather work with someone that wanted to work with me rather than someone that did not. It's common sense. If I owned a bakery and someone came in wanting two men on a cake, I would politely say I do not supply those. Most people would get the hint, AND that is my right.

Top Soil

Posted 2:47 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 2:34 pm, 03/27/2015

Top Soil, I commend you for speaking your rights. Here's mine: I believe, wholeheartedly in God and Jesus Christ. I believe in The Holy Bible, and what God says about h*mosexuality, I will always uphold the moral convictions of my belief.

You are more welcome to do whatever you believe, but remember how freedom works in this country.

This is a "Your freedom to shake your fist ends, where my nose begins" scenario. YOU can shake your fists at gay people all you want, you have the freedom to do so, but, that ends when it starts to effect the freedoms of other citizens in this country.


Posted 2:44 pm, 03/27/2015

koi, someone's private business is made clear when they ask for a wedding cake that doesn't have the traditional decoration on it. But I like that you agree that sexual orientation is a private matter.

Why do you think that a bakery owner would want to make it his/her business to concern himself in a private matter? I don't think that it is.

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