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America home of the free? Not in Indiana.


Posted 2:37 pm, 03/27/2015

Hesibah, I figured race would be included somewhere. God says nothing of race. I do not discriminate based on looks. I do discriminate when you want to inform me of your sexual preferences. That is your private business, not mine. It should be kept that way.


Posted 2:35 pm, 03/27/2015

More like "Idiocracy".


Posted 2:34 pm, 03/27/2015

Top Soil, I commend you for speaking your rights. Here's mine: I believe, wholeheartedly in God and Jesus Christ. I believe in The Holy Bible, and what God says about h*mosexuality, I will always uphold the moral convictions of my belief.


Posted 2:31 pm, 03/27/2015

I once knew a restaurant owner who does not care for black persons and would rather not serve them in his restaurant. He rambled on and quoted some verses about keeping the races separate.

What is wrong with this? You just can't operate a business and engage in discrimination because you "don't like it." It's morally wrong and certainly no way to teach your children.

Top Soil

Posted 2:29 pm, 03/27/2015

koi (view profile)

Posted 2:11 pm, 03/27/2015

What is the problem with this law? It protects those of us that do not believe in h*mosexuality. It protects my rights. The world won't come to an end. If your calling me a bigot, so be it. I suppose God was one too. He is very clear on how he feels about h*mosexuals.

How about you just stop using religion to cover for your bigotry. In a world of increasing scientific knowledge where people are understanding more and more about the natural world, where the gaps that gods used to fill are becoming an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance. People who think like this, are now the statistical minority, even among your fellow believers. You are just making the case, that religion needs to be discarded like all other obsolete human beliefs, just that more appealing.


Posted 2:22 pm, 03/27/2015

I recently read an article about a flower shop that was sued due to not wanting to provide flowers for a gay wedding. The owner felt it was against her religious rights. What is so wrong with this?


Posted 2:19 pm, 03/27/2015

koi, Nobody is making you "believe in h*mosexuality." It's just that you can't discriminate and refuse equal treatment based on sexual orientation (nor gender, nor race, nor ethnicity, etc.)

You can still be a bigot in your mind, though. Nobody can take that away from you.


Posted 2:11 pm, 03/27/2015

What is the problem with this law? It protects those of us that do not believe in h*mosexuality. It protects my rights. The world won't come to an end. If your calling me a bigot, so be it. I suppose God was one too. He is very clear on how he feels about h*mosexuals.

Rocky Field Farmer

Posted 8:33 am, 03/27/2015

I read a little of the legislation on this and it seems to me the bill was to help businesses/owners, because of their religions beliefs, wouldn't be put out of business if the didn't want to do work for someone, like the bakery out west was a couple of years back. I am not a lawyer or religious scholar just my opinion after a little research.


Posted 8:22 am, 03/27/2015

So stupidity is a religion or is religion not aloud in Indiana. I'm not following.


Posted 8:15 am, 03/27/2015

Stupidicism. That'll be an interesting amendment to the Religions in America text book.


Posted 6:04 am, 03/27/2015

Religiously-speaking, Indiana has practically seceded from the Union, judging from this idiotic bill.

White America

Posted 10:14 pm, 03/26/2015

You are just free now as you were yesterday...


Posted 10:06 pm, 03/26/2015

Wow Elmira , Indiana actually voted this guy into office ?


Posted 9:12 pm, 03/26/2015

Historically, Hoosiers aren't that bright. This bill proves it.


Posted 6:54 pm, 03/26/2015

INDIANAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report)�In a history-making decision, Gov. Mike Pence of Indiana has signed into law a bill that officially recognizes stupidity as a religion.

Pence said that he hoped the law would protect millions of state residents "who, like me, have been practicing this religion passionately for years."

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