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Posted 2:09 pm, 05/20/2024

Hey jamBL0WZer, why do YOU feel compelled to post an off topic smear AND bash against President Trump?


Posted 1:46 pm, 05/20/2024

Even Bill Maher has become bored with all the Trump fake outrage drama. Yawwwwwwn


Posted 1:02 pm, 05/20/2024

Harvard Poll: Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden by 6 Points as He Dominates with Independents

The latest Harvard-Harris poll shows former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden by six points nationally in a hypothetical head-to-head race.

The poll, published Monday, finds Trump with a 49 percent to 43 percent edge over Biden, with less than six months to go until the November 5 election. Eight percent of respondents were undecided.

When undecided voters were pushed to select the candidate they leaned toward and included with the rest of the sample, Trump led 53 percent to 47 percent. His six-point advantage is a two-percent increase compared to April, when he led Biden 52 percent to 48 percent with leaners included.

Republicans coalesced behind the former president at a higher rate than Democrats got behind Biden, indicating enthusiasm is stronger among the GOP.

With leaners included, the 45th president garnered the support of 95 percent of GOP voters, while Biden corraled 91 percent of Democrats. Nearly one in ten Democrats broke for Trump, but just one in twenty Republicans supported Biden.

Moreover, Trump leads Biden 56 percent to 44 percent with unaffiliated and third-party voters.


Posted 11:43 am, 05/19/2024

Shock Poll: Young Voters Break for Trump on Two Top 2024 Issues

Research group Blueprint conducted a poll to find what issues voters found most important ahead of the November election.

The poll was conducted from April 27 to April 29, and an online sample of 943 voters aged 18-30 were surveyed by Blueprint. The margin of error is 5.8 percentage points.

Unsurprisingly, the youth widely leaned towards the sitting president when it came to handle issues such as healthcare and corruption, but there were two major exceptions.

When it came to lowering prices and securing the border, most young voters were on the side of former President Donald Trump.

"As we've already talked about, young voters are much closer ideologically to Joe Biden than they are to Donald Trump," Evan Roth Smith, the lead pollster for Blueprint, said, per Washington Examiner.

"But, the two biggest issues of this election, inflation and immigration, it's very notable that with young voters - those are the only places Donald Trump has an advantage."


Posted 2:02 pm, 05/17/2024

Its gonna be a land slid for PRESIDENT DONALD J TRUMP . BIDEN go hide with your other CRONIES


Posted 9:59 am, 05/17/2024

NYT Poll: Trump Trounces Biden In Key Battleground States, 'Set To Make A Demographic Breakthrough'

Amid numerous legal battles, former President Donald Trump is leading Joe Biden in key battleground states that will determine November's election, according to a fresh poll from The New York Times.

Trump is trouncing Biden in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania - five of six swing states.

Wisconsin is the lone battleground state where Biden is ahead.

The poll, conducted by the Times, Siena College, and The Philadelphia Inquirer, shows Trump leading Biden by 3 percentage points in Pennsylvania, 5 points in Michigan, points in Arizona, 10 points in Georgia, and 12 points in Nevada.

According to the poll, Trump is slated to make "demographic breakthroughs." Biden is still garnering more support than Trump among Black and Hispanic voters but significantly less than last cycle and his Democrat predecessors. Biden is leading Trump among Black voters 63 to 23 percent, plummeting from the 87 percent of Black voters who allegedly voted for Biden three and half years ago.


Posted 9:40 pm, 05/14/2024

Trump Pollster: 'Virginia and Minnesota Are in Play'

Virginia and Minnesota are in play, Trump pollster John McLaughlin, CEO and partner of McLaughlin & Associates, said during a Tuesday appearance on Breitbart News Daily.

McLaughlin said that Trump seems to be ahead in the national popular vote, explaining some of the data.

"There's eligible voters - probably 100 million - who don't vote. They had a record turnout last time, 160 million. That was up from 139 million in 2016," he said, explaining that Trump is also ahead in battleground states. The Trump campaign, he continued, released top line numbers for polls taken in Minnesota and Virginia, showing something extraordinary.

"Minnesota, we had Trump at 40 percent, Biden at 40 percent, Kennedy at nine, and Virginia was Biden 40, Trump 37, Kennedy eight, so Virginia and Minnesota are in play," he said, also citing an Emerson College Poll analyzing New Jersey. That survey showed Trump within five points. That poll, he added, was taken before Trump's massive rally in the Garden State, which attracted roughly 100,000 people.

"They had Biden 44 and Trump at 39 ... that was a state we lost by 16 points. And now we go back to April and you look in New York State, the Siena Poll, they had us within ten points. We've lost 61 to 38 in 2020, and now within ten ... Something's going on where we know that the court case and political persecution of Donald Trump is backfiring," he added.


Posted 4:06 pm, 05/14/2024

Report: Joe Biden, Advisers Dismiss Negative Polling Despite Warnings

President Joe Biden and his advisers reportedly denied significant negative polling data, despite media allies repeatedly warning the administration to moderate its far-left policies.

Former President Donald Trump leads Biden in five of the six swing states and made historic inroads with Hispanic, black, and young voters, New York Times/Siena/Philadelphia Inquirer polling found Monday.

The poll confirmed numerous polls dating back to November.


Posted 9:52 pm, 05/13/2024

Poll: Majority of Voters Say Biden's Economy Crippled Their Finances

A majority of voters (51 percent) believe their financial position is worse off under President Joe Biden's economic policies, a Financial Times/Michigan Ross poll recently found.

The poll found damaging results for Biden's reelection chances:

    Only 28 percent of voters said Biden's economy helped their financial situation71 percent said economic conditions are negative80 percent said soaring prices are one of their biggest challenges

Voters also said they trusted Trump over Biden on the economy, the poll found:

    43 percent preferred TrumpOnly 35 percent preferred Biden


Posted 12:35 pm, 05/13/2024

NYT Poll: Trump Continues to Dominate Swing States; Soars with Hispanic, Black, Young Voters

Former President Donald Trump maintains a strong position among key swing state voters and has made historic inroads with Hispanic, black, and young voters, New York Times/Siena/Philadelphia Inquirer polling found Monday.

Trump leads in five of the six swing states. In four of the five states (excluding Pennsylvania), Trump's lead is outside the margin of error:

    Arizona: Trump 49%-42% (registered voters), 49%-43% (likely voters)Georgia: Trump 49%-39% (registered voters), 50%-41% (likely voters)Michigan: Trump 49%-42% (registered voters), Biden 47%-46% (likely voters)Nevada: Trump 50%-38% (registered voters), 51%-38% (likely voters)Pennsylvania: Trump 47%-44% (registered voters), 48%-45% (likely voters)Wisconsin: Biden 47%-45% (registered voters), Trump 47%-46% (likely voters)

The hypothetical matchup results were similar when third party candidates were included in the polling. Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. won an average of ten percent throughout the six states but appeared to take support equally from both Trump and Biden:


Posted 7:10 am, 05/13/2024

Gallup: Republicans Enjoy 11-Point Swing from 2016 Their Way Against Democrats in Party Identification

The Republican Party is enjoying an 11-point swing their way against the Democrat Party as the number of Americans expressing affiliation with their party has increased.

A Gallup poll conducted between April 1 and 22 showed that the Republican Party was enjoying a net average of 11 points in voters expressing affiliation with their party over the Democrats, compared to results in 2016.

The poll found that 47 percent of independent American voters said they leaned more toward the Republican Party, an increase from 42 percent in 2016. Meanwhile, 40 percent of voters said they leaned more toward the Democrat Party, a decrease from 46 percent in 2016, according to the poll results.

However, when independents were added in as an option, Republicans lead dropped. Forty-five percent of Americans expressed that they were independents, while 27 percent said they leaned more toward the Republican Party, with 25 percent of Americans leaning toward the Democrat Party.


Posted 7:09 am, 05/13/2024

Hey jestershouldajolly, I did AND YOU are the only one fool enough to take the bait.

YOU go, boy !


Posted 8:21 pm, 05/10/2024

flakey, you can't manage your two threads? Which one is this one???? Is this YOU??????

Maybe you should conduct a poll?


Posted 4:47 pm, 05/10/2024

Voter GA Reports 1.7 Million 2020 Election Ballot Images Were Destroyed in Georgia

Garland Favorito and Voter GA have evidence that 1.7 million ballot images across Georgia from the 2020 Election disappeared and/or were destroyed.

Favorito and VoterGA presented information in a press conference in November of 2021. In this presentation, VoterGA reported that ballot images that are required by law to be maintained by the state after every election were missing and apparently destroyed in multiple counties across Georgia. He provided a map of these counties.

74 out of 159 counties did not provide ballot images indicating that they were destroyed.


Posted 11:18 pm, 05/09/2024

MSNBC Analyst Shocked as Independent Voters Turn Biden's Biggest Talking Point Against Him in New Poll

Nothing can shock an MSNBC analyst like the idea that the American people are paying attention.

On the leftist network on Wednesday, host Ana Cabrera brought up the findings of a poll last week that found independent voters think President Joe Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than former President Donald Trump.

Considering what Biden's Justice Department and his political party have been up to lately, that would be a fairly easy conclusion to draw - but not so easy for Cabrera's guest.

Cabrera cited a poll by NPR/PBS NewsHour (hotbeds of right-wing thinking) that found that 53 percent of independent voters think Biden's re-election would "weaken our democracy."

Only 42 percent said the same thing about Trump's return to the White House.

"I find it shocking, honestly. I can't make sense of that number. I wish I could," analyst Susan Del Percio told Cabrera, appearing to be completely baffled.


Posted 8:42 pm, 05/08/2024

Trump Leads Biden in State that Republicans Haven't Won at Presidential Level Since 1972

Former President Donald Trump could break a 52-year GOP losing streak by winning the blue state of Minnesota, campaign officials said at a Republican National Committee retreat, citing internal polls.

Pollster Tony Fabrizio and senior advisers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita told attendees at the private donor event Saturday that they're optimistic the 45th president could flip both Minnesota and Virginia, NBC News reported.

President Joe Biden won Minnesota by 7 percentage points in 2020, according to the outlet. The state has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since Richard Nixon's re-election campaign in 1972.

According to internal polls, Trump leads Biden by three points - 49 percent to 46 percent - in a head-to-head matchup in the North Star State.


Posted 8:49 am, 05/08/2024

Jimblome, how about you staying on topic.


Posted 7:52 am, 05/08/2024

Hey jimBL0Viator, coulda YOU tell us why YOU feel posting on topic reports of polls is bogus?


Posted 9:40 pm, 05/07/2024

How many times have you bumped your own bogus thread to keep it alive?

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