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Posted 11:37 pm, 06/11/2024

Only 30% Approve of Biden Student Loan Scheme, Plurality Disapprove

Only 30 percent of Americans approve of His Fraudulency Joe Biden transferring financial responsibility for student loans away from the person who took out the loan and onto the American taxpayer.

A plurality of 40 percent disapprove, with 30 percent saying "neither" (13 percent) or "don't know" (17 percent).


Posted 11:07 am, 06/11/2024

Biden Drops to All-Time Low Approval Rating - Prominent Pollster Suggests Dropout 'Threshold' May Have Been Hit

Prominent FiveThirtyEight pollster Nate Silver posed a foreboding question for Democrats on Monday.

The question came on the heels of a devastating revelation for President Joe Biden's re-election campaign.

The president just reached a new all-time low in approval. According to FiveThirtyEight's average of national polls, Biden's approval rating stands at a mere 37.6 percent.

This prompted Silver's foreboding question.


Posted 11:30 am, 06/10/2024

57% of Voters Say Joe Biden's Mental Decline Is Real

A clear majority of 57 percent of voters have not been fooled by the media propaganda and accurately believe His Fraudulency Joe Biden's mental decline is real.

It gets better....

Sixty percent also believe the corporate media are helping to cover up President Sunset's mental decline.

Rasmussen Reports surveyed 1,080 likely voters between May 28-30 and asked a very straightforward question: "Do you feel like, over time, [His Fraudulency] Joe Biden is getting less and less mentally sharp?"


Posted 6:45 am, 06/10/2024

Former President Donald Trump maintains an edge over President Joe Biden nationally after being convicted in the business records trial in blue Manhattan, according to a CBS News/YouGov poll.


Posted 9:55 pm, 06/04/2024

Poll: Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden in Michigan

Former President Donald Trump is leading President Joe Biden in Michigan, a recent survey from Mitchell Research found.

Trump is edging out the incumbent, both in a head-to-head matchup and a contest including third party candidates.

When the two are facing off directly, Trump leads Biden in the state by two percentage points - 49 percent support to Biden's 47 percent support.

In a five-way matchup including independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Green Party candidate Jill Stein, and independent Cornel West, Trump still leads the pack with 46 percent to Biden's 45 percent support. Anther five percent go for Kennedy, followed by one percent each for Stein and West.

According to Steve Mitchell, president of Mitchell Research & Communications, Inc., "Trump leads in the two-way race because he has solidified the Republican base better than Biden has solidified the Democratic base" - a common theme in other surveys as well.


Posted 4:33 pm, 05/29/2024

President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are tied (42%-42%) in a head-to-head matchup in Virginia, while Biden holds a two-point lead (40%-38%) when other candidates are included, according to the Roanoke College Poll. The Institute for Policy and Opinion Research (IPOR) at Roanoke College interviewed 711 likely voters in Virginia between May 12 and May 21, 2024. The survey has a weighted margin of error of 4.24%.


Posted 4:33 pm, 05/29/2024

Poll: 73% of Voters, Highest on Record, Say Biden's America Is 'Out of Control'

Nearly three-quarters of voters believe the nation is "out of control" and on the "wrong track" under President Joe Biden, a Hart Research/Public Opinion Strategies/NBC News poll found, the highest negative number for any president recorded by the pollster.


Posted 6:45 am, 05/29/2024

POLL: 54 Percent of Democrats Want Joe Biden Replaced With Someone Else

More than 50 percent of Democrats want to replace Joe Biden with someone else, according to a new poll from Rasmussen Reports.

This is extremely unlikely to happen at this late stage in the election. The Democrats are already working out their plan to nominate Biden and Harris ahead of the party's convention in August.

This is just another reminder that there is widespread disapproval for Biden, even among members of his own party.


Posted 4:49 pm, 05/28/2024

Shock Poll: Trump Takes Lead Over Biden Among Black Voters

Outlier or trend predictor? Mark Mitchell with Rasmussen Reports revealed initial results of a recent poll (yet to be published) that shows President Trump leading Joe Biden among Black voters in both head-to-head and five-way matchups. Mitchell told Steve Bannon on the War Room Tuesday morning that Trump leads Biden by one point, 39 percent to 38 percent in a one-on-one matchup. Trump takes an astonishing lead of 43 percent to 31 percent in a five-way matchup with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr garnering 12 percent support among Black Voters.


Posted 11:07 pm, 05/27/2024

SHOCK POLL: Trump Leads Biden by 19 Points in Polymarket Poll - A 21 Point Swing in ONE MONTH!

President Trump took a commanding lead against Joe Biden in the latest Polymarket Poll. That's a 21 point shift to Trump in just one month.

The Polymarket Poll currently has Trump's likelihood of winning in 2024 at 56%. Trump is handily beating Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, and Robert Kennedy, Jr.


Posted 6:30 pm, 05/27/2024

Memorial Day Polling: Trump Eviscerates Biden's Lead in National Surveys

Memorial Day marks about six months before voters head to the polls, and with the presidential campaigns beginning in earnest, former President Donald Trump holds a national lead over President Joe Biden, reversing his lead from Memorial Day 2023.

People appear to have made up their minds about Biden. His approval rating has remained below 40 percent since 2022. It currently stands at 35 percent and was 38 percent last Memorial Day. Presidents historically need a 50 percent approval rating to win reelection.


Posted 11:16 am, 05/27/2024

Donald Trump Is Polling Better Than Ever In His Political Career

At no other time in President Trump's political career have his poll numbers been as good as they are now. Not at this stage of the campaign in 2020, not even in 2016. Currently, President Trump commands a significant lead - somewhere between 2 and 6 points, per the RCP average - over Joe Biden in the national polls. Good as those numbers are, they belie even better results when broken down by swing state: according to the latest RCP figures, the 45th President beats Biden by 4 and 12 points in the seven most competitive battleground states this cycle: Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia.


Posted 2:30 pm, 05/24/2024

Poll Shows Biden's Decrepitude Bigger Liability than Trump's Legal Issues

In the crucial swing states that will decide the 2024 election, polling shows that His Fraudulency Joe Biden's decrepitude is a bigger liability than former President Donald Trump's temperament and legal issues.

With some partners, the left-wing Cook Political Report polled seven swing states and found Trump leading in six: Arizona (+4), Georgia (+4), Michigan (+3), Nevada (+8), North Carolina (+8), and Pennsylvania (+3). The seventh swing state, Wisconsin, is a tie. Other than North Carolina, Biden was certified the winner in the other six in 2020.

Overall, in all seven states, this poll of 3,969 voters taken between May 6 and May 13 found Trump leading Hunter's Dad 38 to 43 percent.


Posted 1:53 pm, 05/23/2024

Since 'ol jestershouldajolly begged so well, here's another installment for today.

POLLS: Trump Now Tied With Biden in New Hampshire - Catching up to Him in Blue New York

Trump is now tied with Joe Biden in New Hampshire, according to new polling.

Years ago, this would not be surprising. New Hampshire used to be a red state, but decades of migration from liberals in Massachusetts who didn't want to pay the taxes that they consistently voted for has turned the Granite State blue.

Maybe people in New Hampshire have finally had enough.

Democrats have all but owned the Granite State's four Electoral College votes, winning seven of the past eight presidential contests - including Joe Biden's eight-point victory over President Donald Trump in 2020.

But the latest NHJournal/Praecones Analytica poll finds Biden tied with Trump in New Hampshire, putting him at risk of becoming the first Democrat to lose the state since Al Gore in 2000.

The survey of 862 registered voters taken the week of May 15-20 found Granite Staters evenly split between Biden and Trump at 36 percent, with 14 percent backing independent Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and another 12 percent choosing none of these.


Posted 1:41 pm, 05/23/2024

Cook Report Poll: Trump Dominates in Key Swing States, Remains Tied in Wisconsin

Former President Donald Trump continues to dominate in the majority of 2024 swing states while remaining tied in Wisconsin, Cook Report/BSG/GS Strategy Group polling confirmed Thursday.

The survey almost mirrors multiple previous surveys that projects Trump will easily win reelection in November.

Trump holds an outside-the-margin lead in several states:

Pennsylvania: Trump +3
Nevada: Trump +8
Michigan: Trump +3
North Carolina: Trump +8
Arizona: Trump +4
Wisconsin: Trump =
Georgia: Trump +4

Overall, Trump leads President Joe Biden in swing states by five points.

The economy was the top issue for Americans, the poll found, confirming several pervious polls. Moreover, 59 percent of voters said Biden is responsible for inflation and rising costs.


Posted 9:33 pm, 05/20/2024

What happened pedoFlakey, did you run out of polls?

What happened?


Posted 2:09 pm, 05/20/2024

Hey jamBL0WZer, why do YOU feel compelled to post an off topic smear AND bash against President Trump?


Posted 1:46 pm, 05/20/2024

Even Bill Maher has become bored with all the Trump fake outrage drama. Yawwwwwwn


Posted 1:02 pm, 05/20/2024

Harvard Poll: Donald Trump Leads Joe Biden by 6 Points as He Dominates with Independents

The latest Harvard-Harris poll shows former President Donald Trump leads President Joe Biden by six points nationally in a hypothetical head-to-head race.

The poll, published Monday, finds Trump with a 49 percent to 43 percent edge over Biden, with less than six months to go until the November 5 election. Eight percent of respondents were undecided.

When undecided voters were pushed to select the candidate they leaned toward and included with the rest of the sample, Trump led 53 percent to 47 percent. His six-point advantage is a two-percent increase compared to April, when he led Biden 52 percent to 48 percent with leaners included.

Republicans coalesced behind the former president at a higher rate than Democrats got behind Biden, indicating enthusiasm is stronger among the GOP.

With leaners included, the 45th president garnered the support of 95 percent of GOP voters, while Biden corraled 91 percent of Democrats. Nearly one in ten Democrats broke for Trump, but just one in twenty Republicans supported Biden.

Moreover, Trump leads Biden 56 percent to 44 percent with unaffiliated and third-party voters.


Posted 11:43 am, 05/19/2024

Shock Poll: Young Voters Break for Trump on Two Top 2024 Issues

Research group Blueprint conducted a poll to find what issues voters found most important ahead of the November election.

The poll was conducted from April 27 to April 29, and an online sample of 943 voters aged 18-30 were surveyed by Blueprint. The margin of error is 5.8 percentage points.

Unsurprisingly, the youth widely leaned towards the sitting president when it came to handle issues such as healthcare and corruption, but there were two major exceptions.

When it came to lowering prices and securing the border, most young voters were on the side of former President Donald Trump.

"As we've already talked about, young voters are much closer ideologically to Joe Biden than they are to Donald Trump," Evan Roth Smith, the lead pollster for Blueprint, said, per Washington Examiner.

"But, the two biggest issues of this election, inflation and immigration, it's very notable that with young voters - those are the only places Donald Trump has an advantage."

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