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another scooter wreck


Posted 9:47 am, 08/05/2015

Feel free to face the consequences of your stupid actions nc268.


Posted 9:44 am, 08/05/2015

the right to be on the hwy is a privilage abuse it loose it when im on 421 if i hit a moped oh well not my fault they choice alcohol lost there licenese


Posted 9:38 am, 08/05/2015

Scooters can be annoying but so are fools who always seem to be running late, and feel They have the right to pass everything on the road and break the speed limit.


Posted 9:11 am, 08/05/2015

You maybe right I haven't really researched the new laws. Like you I see a lot of them riding about with no tags but when I got my bike inspected. The guy who inspected it was telling several of us that the laws would be changing and because in some cases people did not have a bill of sale or title they'd be required to get one and get the thing inspected to make sure it could carry a certain amount of weight. I saw 2 whales on a moped the other day and that thing sound like it was going to chew the nuts off the rider. Smoking and it sounded like a weed eater spitting and sputtering all about it was pretty annoying in all honesty. Anyways you do see a lot of scooters with tags which is totally a different animal but a lot of you folks see no differences and that is a problem for those riders.


Posted 9:05 am, 08/05/2015

Hangs, I will be perfectly honest with you some people on mopeds annoy the living he'll out of me. However, I am not going to threaten them or throw things at them because in All honesty that's make me just as bad as the drunk who lost his license and is now riding the moped that annoys the living he'll out of me.

I am not going to say every person I see riding a moped lost his or her license because I just really wouldn't know unless I asked them and I am not going to ask everybody I see riding a freaking moped. What I would say is some people like to ride their mopeds and some people take advantage of the fact for a while they didn't have to pay for things like insurance. They got by for cheap. But now they're going to pay just like You.

Like I said, what happens then, what happens to the people riding then? You still going to think they're sub human and don't deserve a life?


Posted 8:59 am, 08/05/2015

Oh an no inspection is required, just the mfg certificate of origin.


Posted 8:58 am, 08/05/2015

I've never threatened to bump anyone off the road. Do I think mopeds should be on the hwy? Absolutely not. I think it's to dangerous for all involved.

Liability insurance is not required as of right now, it's not part of the new law. Mopeds are supposed to be tagged like motorcycles but I've not really seen one moped with a tag yet and I see them on a daily basis.


Posted 8:52 am, 08/05/2015

Of course I do and yep you'd be screwed but again Who made the laws on that? Want to change it then write your elected officials, I personally would be glad to assist with that aspect.

But hasn't the laws changed on that already because isn't the law changing here very soon? Doesn't that make this argument of insurance invalid? Soon from my understanding mopeds will have insurance and tags and inspections. So What then, we still going to threaten them and bump them off the roads?


Posted 8:43 am, 08/05/2015

So uninsured motorist, because let's be honest that's what moped users are, who pays for the damage when you hit my car? You? Will I have to chase you down to get your information? How do I know its valid info?

No driver's license, most likely, no tag, no insurance, so basically I'm screwed and I didn't even get a kiss. You see where we are going with this one?


Posted 8:30 am, 08/05/2015

Thank God for this thread at least here we can at least talk about something besides freaking politics!


Posted 8:21 am, 08/05/2015

I can appreciate peoples opinions and thank them for sharing them. I would like to say something and it will be pretty lengthy so please excuse that if you will. Excuse the mistakes too.

That said, I'd make it clear I have No liking for drunks on the roads or impaired drivers. I don't condone them being on the roads for any reasons. In fact one of my best friends was killed by a drunk. He was riding a motorcycle and was hit by a drunk in a car, he was killed instantly. Another friend lost his life in a slightly different situation, he was riding his bike and a woman pulled out in front of him and killed him instantly. She was on her cell phone at the time. Up on 18 several years ago another friend was injured seriously when a car pulled out in front of him and that put him in the hospital for months. That person driving that car was on the Cell phone. By the way neither person lost their license and continued to drive around like Nothing happened. Funny how people can kill somebody else because they're on the phone and get by with it. They didn't even get their license revoked...

Tractors aren't on the highway everyday that's for sure and a lot of mopeds are 2 Cycle and that's for sure. However, a lot are 4 stroke. Manufactures are moving more and more into that direction. It has nothing to do with these so call pushes. Even Weed Eaters are going 4 stroke and many other devices. That's being done because of economics and environment. Getting back to the farmer he's the man on the tractor he's is going to work so that makes it Okay. What about the dude on the moped going to work? Yep you will be more inconvenienced by the dude on the moped who might possibly have changed his life entirely and hasn't broken any more laws and is trying very hard to contribute just like said Farmer on the tractor. Maybe that's not always the case but for a lot of people it maybe. How do you know one way or another?

See the real problem here is people are INCONVENIENCED they are greedy and selfish so that's the real problem. Let's be honest, that the real problem in the nutshell.

This push to get mopeds off the highway because they're slower might have originated because of complaints but from what I've read it's now more about REVENUE than anything else. Putting insurance on some of these contraptions will generate revenue for insurance companies. And we all know How much insurance companies love making money. The state will make money, they'll get it in several ways such as inspections, tags and gas tax and so forth. We all know how much the state loves to make money off the public too, don't we?

While it might take a few off the road people will still have to contend with them once they get tagged so while it might change some it will not remove them all from the highways. Will people Still threaten them then? What will you do then?

Frankly, I don't believe for a second someone with a bug up their *** would take the time to talk to Every person they see on a moped/scooter to see if they've lost their drivers license. I'd say Bull **** on that right fast. So basically most of you go on the assumptions you know which is a bad thing which has already been pointed out. I don't by that everyone riding a Moped doesn't care they're causing someone a problem by going slow either. I see by far to many of them trying their ****ed best to get out of the way. I'd ask, exactly What is the person supposed to do in that situation? They can't always pull over just because of where they are, they can't just make a way for you to pass because of on coming traffic. Wait I have the answer they're supposed to just stay out of your way because you're in a hurry because you laid on your *** till the last minute and now you're running late for work or you've worked all day and want to go home. Maybe the dude on the moped wants to go home too or like you he laid on his *** and now he's running late and doing his ****ed best to get to work.

Like I said, if you want the mopeds off the roads don't threaten people call or write your elected officials and do it the legal way else you've not a leg to stand on. You'd be just like the dude who lost his license because he's a drunk and broke the law. You don't have the excuse of being a freaking drunk just the excuse you are being inconvenienced.

Okay this will piss some of you off but this is how it is. Some of you have threatened to bump people riding mopeds off the road. Some said you'd have done this or that had you been given the chance.

By your own admissions you're Advocating Breaking the law in some form to insure you get your way.With your own admission this makes you not a he'llva lot better than the freaking drunk on the moped!

You advocate breaking the law but for whatever reasons you haven't acted on your threats just yet.

Let's say you act out your threats at some point now How are You any different than the dude on the moped you claim broke the law and lost his license which gave you the right to knock him off the road or throw something on them? You assaulted someone because they inconvenienced you for a few minutes or they did something you thought to be stupid. Does that excuse the fact you broke the law? What if you're sentenced to jail time? Suppose we the public should give you a 2nd chance? You've certainly inconvenienced the public and cost them several million dollars during your jail time. Should we knock you off the road or throw something on you?

2 wrongs doesn't make a right. Get the point?

Everyone agrees that mopeds need to be better regulated and that's a given. Everyone agrees they should at least be able to keep up with traffic and if they can't they should be taken off major highways. We've all agreed with that at some point or another.

Where we disagree and strongly that everyone that rides a Moped or scooter has lost their license. Some haven't but you've grouped them all together so you see No differences where differences are. A lot of people ride scooters because they like it and they are Green machines they're 4 stroke and they'll absolutely get it down the roads. Some get by far better gas mileage than being said here. Some are perfect for the cities and they get around perfectly in crowed streets. I've seen several on 77 cruising 80 mph and that was no issue for them. If you've ridden any length of time you'll see Scooters on the parkway. A lot of older riders have switched from motorcycles to scooters because they have health issues and can no longer saddle a motorcycle. When you get your blinders off you might see a few!

All this being said, let's agree to disagree on some of this. My only point is Not everyone who rides a Scooter or Moped is a bad person they've done not a single thing wrong and they have drivers licenses just like most people.

When you start knocking them off the road or throwing things on them make sure you get the ones that fits your criteria.


Posted 8:04 pm, 08/04/2015



Posted 8:01 pm, 08/04/2015

It is not every day you get behind a tractor and the operator has a drivers license. The farmer is working from one field to another so he should not be included in this post. People talk about moped riders riding because they want to save the world by being green. I call BS because I run into these riders all the time at the store and everyone rides because they lost their license. They care less about global warming and two cycle mopeds are not clean running engines. A motorcycle will get the same or better MPG than a moped. I had a 650 Honda XR that got mid 30's to about 40 on the highway when cruising. It was a clean burning four stroke to boot. Using the highway is not a right it's a privilege. And talk about bad drivers mopeds are the worst about running stop signs and red lights. A while back I was sitting in the passengers seat at the light beside Davids market and a idiot passes three stopped cars to run the light. If I had my window down I would have threw my drink on them as they passed by. I've been reading this thread and moped riders do not have a leg to stand on. They do not care they are holding up traffic. I've seen them think it's funny and a majority of motorist are tired of it. That is why there was a push to get them tagged and this is just the beginning to get them took off the road. When I'm going slower than everyone else ie when driving a commercial vehicle I stay out of the way because it's the right thing to do. Moped riders don't care and that is why people are pushing to remove them. If you want to use the highway then don't lose your license. .


Posted 5:09 pm, 08/04/2015

Strangely enough I have never been hit by a car on my moped (true 49cc) but was rear-ended on my motorcycle about 10 years ago. I have a hippie, tree hugging, wonderful cousin who rides a scooter out of respect for the land that provides her with life. I sure hope you don't hate tractors and bikes because they are out there on the roads too people. Or we could just plow into the bumpers of all the slow drivers. I need to let my parents know not to ever drive up to this county because their lives will be in danger when Daddy drives 45 in a 55mph zone. Idiots. I don't know why I even read this forum.

hunter s thompson

Posted 5:07 pm, 08/04/2015


Posted 3:36 pm, 08/04/2015

As a motorcyclists I understand what Stigma's placed upon people can do. For years motorcyclists have gotten a bad rap, a bad reputation. It has taken years for some of that to fade away. Some people enjoyed that bad image but some didn't, some lost jobs and or worse. They had bad things happen to them simply because they enjoyed riding a motorcycle.

I met a group from LA and TX Sunday while they stopped for lunch in Archdale. They were wearing the **** Lovers colors. As nice a group of people as you could ask for.


Posted 4:53 pm, 08/04/2015

Great post Guitar ... I have had a bike myself sense i was a small child and still ride today.


Posted 3:36 pm, 08/04/2015

Chendo, High, Started riding when I was big enough for my knuckles to drag the ground, guess 6 or 7 years old. I've owned at the very least 26 bikes and counting. Over the years I have dropped a few bikes either by my own fault or some stupid morons fault in a car or pickup. Been hurt pretty bad at times but I've been lucky too. Hurt because of the bike and among other things had some pretty bad crap happen to the body. I still ride motorcycles but not as fast or as far. Like I said, I use to ride a lot.. Weekend before last, I rode the Parkway a few miles, had some lunch and came home. Weekend before last I walked into the house, it's taken me until today to walk out of the house. That all being said, I love to ride motorcycles and have always loved it. It's just something I enjoy, something I am passionate about.

I guess this is why I believe and feel pretty strongly about this subject.

FACT IS Not everyone who rides a moped or scooter is a drunk or druggie. FACT is some of these people are good honest and decent people. They're just doing what EVERYONE ELSE does when they enjoy something. They are exercising their rights to do it.

The problem is 99% of the people on this site put a Label on every single person that rides a scooter or moped as being a drunk or druggie. They talk smack about them and make freaking dumb threats. They'll do that but at the same time ask for tolerance for themselves or ask for acceptance because of their choices or someone they know choices. They'll be the first ones to defend something that's fad of the day and the First Ones to jump on anything they dislike or don't understand. They don't like it one bit when others lump them up in one big ole category. If you notice they're the first ones to lump up everyone else though and the first ones to slam something they oppose and the first ones to do the calling out. It never fails.

As a motorcyclists I understand what Stigma's placed upon people can do. For years motorcyclists have gotten a bad rap, a bad reputation. It has taken years for some of that to fade away. Some people enjoyed that bad image but some didn't, some lost jobs and or worse. They had bad things happen to them simply because they enjoyed riding a motorcycle.

Here's the thing if you know the dude on the moped is a drunk that's one thing. But to assume the dude and all the dudes lost his/her license because he's riding one is all together different. You'd have to ask the dude and all the dudes to know for sure. If you haven't then and you go on the assumption That YOU know that dude is a drunk and it's okay to talk smack what happens when you're wrong? Are you going to go to as much trouble to say you're sorry? What? I expect nothing because that's what people like you are is nothing.

Some of you people get really bent out of shape when someone judges you. If that is the real case and it isn't all about show and tell, If you really find it offensive when folks lay the judgement on you then why do you do it to others so often?


Posted 11:53 am, 08/04/2015

no guts....no glory!....I got to go take one of my dawgs to the vet.....it's been good chattin' with you chendo....do take care.


Posted 11:51 am, 08/04/2015

This is so true.....and you went on as if nothing happened......some will never grace another bike in all their lives. You didn't choose to give it up due to the stupidity of one.


Posted 11:43 am, 08/04/2015

I was in my early 30s...my doc said " when you hit your 50s, you are really know you'd been in somthin'"

He was so right. But hey...every day above ground is a good day

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