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another scooter wreck


Posted 5:00 pm, 08/03/2015

I'm sure most of you are just running off at the fingers because you've nothing better to do. As for paying taxes and getting cars inspected several million people do that in North Carolina. That says you're not any more special or privileged than anyone else so get in line and wait your turn just like everyone else.

Suggestion if you have issues with the laws in North Carolina that allows Mopeds to travel to A~Z then contact your elected officials. Your *** might actually fit through the doors because you wouldn't be sitting on it all day *****ing and complaining about another persons Rights to do something. Where's all the tolerance and acceptance I keep reading about?

Another suggestion would be to Know the difference between a Moped and a Scooter because they are different machines.


Posted 3:13 pm, 08/03/2015

freedom comes with a price...it isn't just handed to you!


Posted 3:12 pm, 08/03/2015

How come you all hate freedom so much?


Posted 2:41 pm, 08/03/2015

This time next year insurance will be required along with the moped tag, so that should about take care of the likkersickleists. Good luck getting insurance if you've had DWIs and a revoked license. Anybody know what that might cost, if available? If they're on the road next year, they paid as you did, except for driving slower. If the moped operator backs up a long line of traffic, they're as big a buttwipe as whoever wants to run them over.

Then off the major roads, possibly even the high dollar spandex gaily clad snooty bicyclists will occupy the lowest rung of the get out of my way crowd. Well, I don't know. Is it them, or Amish buggies, horses, pedestrians, silverhairs, former MADD mothers on the wine trail, slow sight-seeing motorcycles, dogs, children, or whatever else isn't getting out of my way? I'll take a pokey scooter any day versus a smartphone user. I'll take a drunk scooter rider over that. The smartphoners/texters REALLY scare me.

It happened almost overnight, my transition from white-knuckled red-faced speed demon to leisurely driving around. I have to almost force myself to flow with traffic on major roads. I actually used to use math to determine how I would have a very few minutes extra time over X number of days if I could average X mph over the speed limit. Not enough time for a decent bowel movement. I wouldn't listen to the knew that already crowd that told me so.

If the scooter has a cargo box and you bump 'em, and no ice flies out, they're legit. For the others, the ice in the box keeps the beer cold and ready while riding. They should at least pull over and enjoy one while letting the line pass.

Who's packing ice?


Posted 11:04 am, 08/03/2015



Posted 10:56 am, 08/03/2015

It is all about me in my car trying to get somewhere. My car has to be inspected, pay taxes yearly, and I must have a valid driver's license, so yes it is about me. If it weren't for me and my car, you'd have no road to drive your little scooter on.


Posted 10:41 am, 08/03/2015

if ya cant run posted speed limit you should not be on the road i hope some day soon they ban them


Posted 10:36 am, 08/03/2015

Guitar, Long winded but YES! You don't run granny in her Buick off the road for driving 35mph no more than you rear end a tractor. More often than not the moped crash is caused by the CAR not wanting to legally drive on the road with the moped. Not all moped drivers are drunks. Some roads ban mopeds but the ones that don't have to be shared. Sorry folks, it ain't all about you getting somewhere in your car as fast as you can without regard for the other 1000 drivers on the road.


Posted 10:07 am, 08/03/2015

I saw one the other day where the guy tired his best to make it look like a motorcycle, bless his heart.


Posted 10:02 am, 08/03/2015

The idea of losing one's driving privileges should be just that...you've lost your privileges....that doesn't mean, that you sell your soul for a moped to get right back on public roads...where for the most part, most folks still retain their driving privileges.

That's what is wrong....it doesn't matter who is at fault in these accidents...the moped driver doesn't have the privilege of being back on the roadway, especially a high speed roadway.

If I must retain my right and license to drive...on a public road...then EVERYONE should do the same. If I decide I want to be a wreckless and careless driver...and I lose my privilege to drive....then I don't go out and sell the farm for a moped...and get right back on the roadway.

These kind of punishments are useless...as we can see!


Posted 9:07 am, 08/03/2015

I agree 421 isn't the place for Mopeds or for that matter the area between the 268 exit and 16 exit isn't the place for much of anything. Traffic flows by far to fast for that business district. It really doesn't matter what you drive or ride in that area it's extremely dangerous because people drive by far to fast. I disagree that mopeds should be banned simply because they provide people with transportation. Granted some of them might have lost their regular driving privileges but many of them are just regular people that look for greener and cheaper means to get from place to place. I agree however they should be more regulated and either made to run with traffic or kept off roads that require a higher speed and they should at least be required to have liability insurance. That said, the majority of accidents involving Mopeds, scooters, bicycles, motorcycles and people walking aren't caused by the riders or walkers or runners! They are caused my morons in cars and trucks who claim they don't see them. Okay, if they can't see a moped or scooter or motorcycle then they shouldn't be allowed to drive. Those are all pretty big objects, not rocks on the road or bugs or birds. If their eyes and brains are that small or bad then ban them from the roads but don't wait until they kill some jogger or bike rider. But that is the case isn't it? Nobody pays any attention to anything unless it causes them to be personally inconvenienced.

Personally I don't ride a moped and never have but I do ride a motorcycle and I can't count the times that someone cut me off, pulled out in front of me, changed lines right on top of me, ran me off the road, or played chicken with my bike. Seriously played chicken with my bike to the point had I been armed I would have defended myself. Luckily for them I wasn't armed but I did have a camera and got that recorded along with the business name on the side of their van and tag number. Anyone that stupid shouldn't be allowed to walk much less drive on a public road or street.

Even when driving cars people don't pay attention to other drivers and it's pretty bad when a Cell Phone conversation is more important than your kids sitting in the back seat while mom runs her pie hole running off the road, running stop signs and traffic lights and worse yet.

So if we're all about banning Mopeds then ban cell phones as well and then whilst we're at it ban morons who run traffic lights, don't obey speed limit signs and endanger everyone else on the roads.

A lot of problems with today's traffic isn't just mopeds a lot of it is people don't care and they do not understand driving laws and regulations. They see a speed limit sign and don't give it a thought or a stop sign, they don't stop. They might see it but they disregard them and just do what they want to do. It really doesn't matter what the other person is driving or riding when it comes down to it you can see it plainly if you just take time to look. If you took 5 minutes of your time to observe how idiotic people drive you'd really change your views because you'd start to see that it's not just mopeds that's the problem. **** you can see that by reading this thread!

One example and just try it for 10 minutes find a stop sign some place for 10 minutes sit someplace you can view the stop sign and count how many cars actually stop at that sign! I mean stop, coming to a complete stop. If that doesn't work for you then check the speed limit and count the cars who are actually going the speed limit! If you still don't get it then next time you see someone riding a motorcycle follow them and see how many cars or trucks pull out in front of the biker. Even better when your in your hurry to get some place watch and see how many people throw garbage out of their cars and trucks which is dangerous and not only dangerous costs millions of tax payer dollars every year to clean up. Just because Some Moron was To Sorry to throw their trash away in a proper means.

Common sense goes a long way when driving or riding and just because someone else doesn't have Any concern or common sense doesn't mean you have to be like them. And there in lies the problem with our roads.


Posted 6:30 am, 08/03/2015

NC268: You're on the right track: Ban 'em from the higher-speed roads, & be done with it.


Posted 3:15 am, 08/03/2015

in time they will be outlawed ill be so glad they are so dangerous id stay home before id ride 1


Posted 11:09 pm, 08/02/2015

I've noticed when the new law came into affect I didn't see as many on the road but in the last few weeks I'm seeing more of them. I know about half were illegal in that their motor was to big making them a motorcycle. I hate someone got hit but mopeds should not be on the highway. If they cause a wreck they do not have insurance to cover damages so it would only be fair if you hit one with your car your insurance should NOT be required to pay the rider. If they ride a moped it's safe to say they would not have anything to sue for to repair\replace your vehicle. I believe in time they will be taken off the highway.


Posted 10:06 pm, 08/02/2015

id love 2 side swipe them in the side ditch got behind 1 last sunday on 268 had traffic backed up about 1/4 mile dumb moron


Posted 10:03 pm, 08/02/2015

I got behind one the other day with no license plate. I thought July 1 they were to display tags. The dude did have a helmet running about 19.5 MPH in a 55MPH zone. I'm like AA. We should be allowed 1 bump per month.


Posted 9:29 pm, 08/02/2015

I'm trying to get a couple key NC legislatures to support a bill making it legal to bump scooters out of the way. Biggest problem we've run into is the ABC board trying to defend scooters


Posted 7:44 pm, 08/02/2015

i saw 1 n statesville on i 77 @ night moron


Posted 7:39 pm, 08/02/2015

I care about all peoples, as much is humanly possible, but that is not the issue here...

No matter how much one cares about anyone or anything...doesn't change the fact that the scooter rider didn't care enough about themselves to stop them from putting themselves in harms way...nevermind the folks that hit them!~

there isn't enough care in the world for folks who knowingly do this...having the scooter on 421 is wreckless and careless of the operator of said scooter. I also care about how the folks that hit them must feel...

nc268 is correct...they should be banned, PERIOD!


Posted 7:26 pm, 08/02/2015

they should be BANNED from the hwy

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