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Gone from Wilkes

Posted 11:26 am, 07/27/2012

I went to High school with Nathan and was pretty close friends with him. We used to run around together and actually worked together once at McDonalds when we were around 16 years old. Nathan was a quite guy and did not have many friends at all. In high shool we used to take ours breaks and eat lunch together and just basically talk about nothing. High school passed and i never saw Nathan again until about 2006 which had been about 15 years he was in Winston Salem and i bumped into him at the Dollar Tree. We stood there and talked about old times in school. He told me he had been through some hard times and i hate it for him. Nathan used to be a good person back in the day but i guess time caught up with him and now its time he will be doing. I did not know the deceased but i feel for the family and will pray for you.


Posted 11:20 am, 07/27/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for trolling. As IRON DRAGON knows, you are not allowed to post Private Messages.


Posted 9:44 am, 07/27/2012

My daddy was my daddy and i would appreciate all the negative people staying offf this post if you can not respect him and his family your PATHETIC


Posted 9:41 am, 07/27/2012

That was over 20 years ago! Most ppl calm down later in their life so what does that have,to do woth now,


Posted 7:30 am, 07/27/2012

I did not know him personally but met him at my brother's viewing alittle over a month ago....he was there to pay his respect to my brother and his family....so I would like to do the same for him and his family....sorry for your lost and hope that God will help you all through this difficult time.

Long A Go

Posted 1:34 am, 07/27/2012

Sorry didn't get to finish the story... Oook As I was saying Tree was shooting and yelling and everyone was pushing and crawding ontop of one another trying to put distance between themself and Tree but it was a small room and no where to go but hopefully on the bottom of the pile of people, I till this day don't know what his problem was but there is no excuse for that behavior if someone done something to him he should have dealt with that person personally. I don't know how anyone did not get killed that night some had minor injuries. A man named lurge was brave enough to stand up and talk him out of the room... If you see this post Again Thank You Sooo Much.... I truly believe you saved many people that Halloween Night!!!!

Long A Go

Posted 12:56 am, 07/27/2012

I am not here to be mean to anyone or about anyone... And I am sorry for this families... It has been along time now, back in early 1990 on a Halloween night way up in Mcgrady at a old white house a bunch of us had a ****... of a party and little did we know just how scary the night was going to get... Everyone was Partying heavy WoW we were all having a Great Time...Killer Party... People all over the place inside, outside and all of a sudden we heard alot of screaming and people came stampedeing through the house yelling Trees got a gun Trees got a gun and then we heard the gun shots and we start running also somehow a bunch of us end up in a bedroom and all of a sudden here comes Tree in the bedroom yelling about something and starts shooting we all thought we was going to die. Very Scary..


Posted 10:40 pm, 07/26/2012

i knew him too. wont say what type fellow he was. he's dead now. so let it be.


Posted 10:31 pm, 07/26/2012

it dont matter if he had a rap sheet or not you dumb stupid people get off our business and focus on your **** **** he was my father and did not deserve it

I am so sorry for your loss, such a tragedy. You are in my prayers.


Posted 9:48 pm, 07/26/2012

it dont matter if he had a rap sheet or not you dumb stupid people get off our business and focus on your **** **** he was my father and did not deserve it

Dixie Cup

Posted 8:33 pm, 07/26/2012

His obituary is listed on Reins Sturdivant website but funeral arrangements are not. Prayers for the family.


Posted 8:08 pm, 07/26/2012

rap sheet or not nobody deserves this and yes i new nathan too him and tree was always together wereever they went i really cant understand this ppl these days will turn on u so quick its not funny if anybody nos were tree will be buried at let me no on a pm


Posted 4:54 pm, 07/26/2012

Please respect the family and their time in need. Prayers out to his daughter. It's hard enough to loose a parent especially like this.


Posted 4:45 pm, 07/26/2012

roaringriverman (view profile)Posted 4:36 pm, 07/26/2012
dboiballer Posted 4:18 pm, 07/26/2012
yea goes to show who ur true friends are i hope this guy gets a sheet threw over his head and gets beat with a bar of soap maybe he can feel wat tree did he deserves to die tree was a great guy and would never hurt anybody
Kenneth (tree) had a rap sheet for felony assaults too. Just look it up it's public information
>>the plot thickens....


Posted 4:36 pm, 07/26/2012

dboiballer Posted 4:18 pm, 07/26/2012
yea goes to show who ur true friends are i hope this guy gets a sheet threw over his head and gets beat with a bar of soap maybe he can feel wat tree did he deserves to die tree was a great guy and would never hurt anybody

Kenneth (tree) had a rap sheet for felony assaults too. Just look it up it's public information.


Posted 4:35 pm, 07/26/2012

Ive known Tree all my life and prayers going out to his daughter....I also know Nathan and this just puzzles me.He just dont strike me as losing his temper like this,but you never know.Prayers for all involved....


Posted 4:24 pm, 07/26/2012

I worked with Tree for a while once when he was on work release from the pen. He came to work one morning just mad as a wet setting hen. I ask him why. I'll never forgot what he told me. See at that time the DOC was kicking around the idea of mandatory military haircuts for all inmates. He said as he was coming out of the gate that morning. One of the guards hollered at him and said. Tree when they pass that law and we cut your hair. I'm gonna mount your ponytail on a board like a trout. Ole Tree was livid. I thought i would never stop laughing... RIP Tree.. You will be missed !!!!


Posted 4:18 pm, 07/26/2012

yea goes to show who ur true friends are i hope this guy gets a sheet threw over his head and gets beat with a bar of soap maybe he can feel wat tree did he deserves to die tree was a great guy and would never hurt anybody


Posted 2:38 pm, 07/26/2012


Posted 2:29 pm, 07/26/2012

Tree beshears was a wilkes county mountain man who meant no harm to anyone.

He loved hunting and fishing and being by himself.He is survived by a beautiful daughter

and large family that will miss him very much..He knew who he was and who he was not.

Thats the message of his life.... know who you are..know who you are not.

Life is a vapor then we are gone .

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