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Are dimocrats finally tiring of kooks like AOC and Barney?


Posted 12:21 pm, 06/27/2024

As I have been saying all along if the DumDems would just put their internal differences aside long enough to get rid of the orange freak and his rancid lackeys, they could go back to the infighting later. Their prime target right now should be to rid the USA of the fascist mutant and his MAGATS who relish the divisions within the Democrat party. But Nooo, they'll end up with Sleepy Joe in the Whitehouse if they're lucky, and if they get a majority in congress, it'll be too small to be of any consequence.

Whether the Dum Dems get in or not I'm afraid our nation will be polluted by "The Chosen One" and his mindless sheep for another four years.


Posted 12:15 pm, 06/27/2024

Thanks for pointing out that the left doesn't let their few fringe lunatics run the entire party. Unlike the right, who embrace their few crazies...


Posted 11:55 am, 06/27/2024

Nope. We love AOC.

DB Cooper

Posted 11:50 am, 06/27/2024

And the squad? I'm skeptical.

Recent primary results in Colorado and New York are interesting as they could indicate a major political realignment inside the Democrat Party.

Democrat voters have started expelling prominent left-wingers from their party, showing a significant shift in what was otherwise a seemingly unison march toward a far-left takeover of the Democrat Party.

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