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Bigots Come in All Colors


Posted 9:20 pm, 07/21/2010

What I want to know is, who exactly leaked the edited part of the film. IT MAKES NO SENSE FOR FOX OR FOR BIGGOVERMENT.COM to post a video of a known deliberately edited video KNOWING THAT IT WOULD BE discovered. I am thinking a liberal set this thing up to reframe the current race debate into a case of false accusations. I say it is clever propaganda on a liberals part. Just saying, I have my suspicions. Maybe even someone high up in the government that cast out the bait and reeled it in using Ms. Sherrod as bait.

Mr Liberal

Posted 9:19 pm, 07/21/2010

I am not spreading lies ! I am agreeing with her it is not about black verses white... okay she says it is about black verses white... but not just about black verses white. It is about the poor verses the people that have. I agree with her ! These are her words ! This isn't about bringing the poor up to a higher standard of living... okay it is not just about bring the poor up to a higher standard of living. It is about the struggle of the have nots verses the haves. The proletariat verses the bourgeois ! Viva la revolucion !


Posted 9:11 pm, 07/21/2010

REAL "BIGOTS POST IN "PINK", spread lies, promote hate....

Mr Liberal

Posted 8:57 pm, 07/21/2010

VERSES RICH PEOPLE ! Viva la revolucion !


Posted 8:39 pm, 07/21/2010

"But you know God will show you things and he'll put things in your path so that you realize that the struggle is really about poor people."....This Wonderfull, kind, decent woman is a "VICTIM" of "BIGOTS" like "KILBY"....PERIOD END OF STORY....


Posted 8:28 pm, 07/21/2010

"KILBY U R A STUPID STUPID STUPID "LITTLE" MAN....How sick can you get and how low can you go!"

Kilby posted the information as it went public. He didn't create the story and he did later return to the thread with something of a correction. I don't think that he was trying to spread a lie; he was just a little too quick to believe this one and I'm sure that such a mistake is possible with any and all of us.


Posted 8:23 pm, 07/21/2010

Before bashing Sherrod for being racist against white people, it would do you good to know some of her past. When she was about 15, her father was murdered by a white man because he was black. Her mother was about 7 months pregnant at the time. The local sheriff (he went by "The Gator") did nothing because the victim was black. Then soon after her father's death the klan, which included the sheriff, showed up on their front yard and burnt a cross.

Considering all this, Shirley seems quite tolerant to me.

shoeshine boy

Posted 8:11 pm, 07/21/2010

A 92 year old woman had a farm,

eeee eye eeee eye oooo

and on this farm there where some relatives

eeee eye eeee eye oooo,

who wanted the old lady to giv them the land that they all inherited from this 92 year old's father

eeee eye eeee eye oooo

she found some lawyers to represent the entire estate from being sold and the old lady got to keep over 430 acres eeee eye eeee eye oooo.

but they couldn't keep a white man from buying the 62 acres by the river eeee eye eeee eye oooo.

Where we the black people to buy this land? The banks conspired to sell it to a WHITE man.

eeee eye eeee eye oooo.

Next time you all need to buy this land so no more WHITE people can have it.

eeee eye eeee eye oooo.


35:00 minutes


Posted 8:10 pm, 07/21/2010

lol I love you too man.


Posted 8:06 pm, 07/21/2010

KILBY: JERKS.... like you an't worth the "POWDER"....

shoeshine boy

Posted 8:03 pm, 07/21/2010

And RECENTLY, she tried hard to keep a black woman's farm being sold to a WHITE MAN !

35:00 minutes



Posted 8:02 pm, 07/21/2010

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said Wednesday he had offered to rehire fired department official Shirley Sherrod, and the White House offered a full-throated apology to her, calling her ouster the result of an out-of-context video an "injustice."

In that video Sherrod, the former USDA director of rural development for Georgia, seems to tell an audience at an NAACP function in March that she did not do her utmost to help a white farmer avoid foreclosure. But her story was part of an ongoing narrative of self-revelation when she realized that the important thing was to help the poor and not a racial issue. However, this latter part of the tape was not included in the original posting. That farmer she spoke of was Roger Spooner of Iron City, Ga.

Spooner and his wife Eloise will be online Thursday, July 22, at 2 p.m. ET to tell their story of how Shirley Sherrod helped them save the family farm.

shoeshine boy

Posted 8:01 pm, 07/21/2010

And guess what, the bank had a white man lined up to buy her land, RECENTLY !

http://www.naacp.org/news/e...o_sherrod/ 35:00 minutes (34:00 to 35:30)


Posted 8:00 pm, 07/21/2010

Spooner and his wife Eloise will be online Thursday, July 22, at 2 p.m. ET to tell their story of how Shirley Sherrod helped them save the family farm. I DARE YOU SICK SLIMEY IDIOTS TO WATCH THE TRUTH BEING TOLD....


Posted 8:00 pm, 07/21/2010

I posted what I read and then posted the followup as soon as I discovered. So shoot me.

shoeshine boy

Posted 7:59 pm, 07/21/2010

AT 35:00


lamenting that land was being sold to a white man. RECENTLY !


Posted 7:56 pm, 07/21/2010

"We probably wouldn't have (our farm) today if it hadn't been for her leading us in the right direction," said Eloise Spooner of Iron City, Ga. "I wish she could get her job back because she was good to us, I tell you."
In the full 43-minute video, Sherrod tells the story of her father's death in 1965, saying he was killed by white men who were never charged. She says she made a commitment to stay in the South the night of her father's death, despite the dreams she had always had of leaving her rural town.
"When I made that commitment I was making that commitment to black people and to black people only," she said. "But you know God will show you things and he'll put things in your path so that you realize that the struggle is really about poor people."

shoeshine boy

Posted 7:54 pm, 07/21/2010



Posted 7:51 pm, 07/21/2010

KILBY U R A STUPID STUPID STUPID "LITTLE" MAN....How sick can you get and how low can you go! There is nothing but lies and hate in this whole sick slime filled thread and you are as low down as it gets! LIES ALL LIES every darn bit of it....Lies and more lies its all you sick slimy fools know....The woman was framed by a SELF-RIGHTEOUS WHITE RIGHT IDIOT who will pay dearly for this....

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