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Bigots Come in All Colors


Posted 12:37 am, 07/22/2010

On line, sometimes it's impossible to determine what is a joke and what is not. I was shocked with your messages, and believe you were joking. Some things are pretty sensitive.


Posted 12:35 am, 07/22/2010

Too much too soon?


Posted 12:35 am, 07/22/2010

lol- Seriously dude? I was just joking with you Tussock.


Posted 12:35 am, 07/22/2010

grayson, that's not funny.


Posted 12:34 am, 07/22/2010

"I hope you lose all that you have and spend the rest of your life renting."

The public relations people over to the reservation really need to help you refine your marketing pitch. You're never going to meet your quota at the casino with the current approach.


Posted 12:31 am, 07/22/2010

grayson, I want to meet you. put a picture up as I have so I recognize you out away from here. WE should discuss this further. In person. Soon would be nice.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 12:27 am, 07/22/2010


Oh man, I'm freaking crying from laughing.


Posted 12:24 am, 07/22/2010

You, greyson are wholly uneducated on the genocide, poisoning and outright slaughter of an entire race. What RIGHT do YOU have to even discuss land rights? Were your people here first? Was it your people on the trail of tears? Was it your family in Alaska poisoned by the air force for a lousy air strip? My grand parents died of pcb poisoning because they would not sell. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? Know you then the actual definition of hubris and the context with which you have callously slung that word? I have the right of countless generations behind me. THOUSANDS of years. What do you have? A potato blight? Overcrowding? A plague or two? An inherent greed of land and lousy dirt. That is YOUR right. I hope you lose all that you have and spend the rest of your life renting. EVEN if you do not, you still only rent it from the government as long as your taxes are paid. When you die, so does your ownership. Remember that, you rent it from the government for as long as your taxes are paid. Failure to pay them puts you in the same situation as my ancestors, landless and homeless. I never lived on a reservation either, RACIST!!!!


Posted 12:16 am, 07/22/2010

I've been listening to Ms. Sherrod's full speech and it's terrible what the dipshirts did to her. Cutting a small portion from a 40+ minute speech totally changed the context. I agree with her that the poor are discriminated against both black and white. The rich elite can be either black or white. Money is power. I have more in common with a lower middle income black man than I do with a rich white man.

Thank you again for posting the entire video.


Posted 12:12 am, 07/22/2010

I'll not just sit idly by and allow some reservation jumper to instruct us on land rights Tussock! What right do you or any other Indian not wearing a red dot on your forehead have to tell American citizens about land rights!!??? I just can't condone such hubris.


Posted 11:56 pm, 07/21/2010

my people have been saying that for years. "Don't sell your land to white people." We didn't a few dissidents and dirtbags pretended to represent all of us. I agree, "Don't sell your land to white people." It is a good rule to live by. Too late, but a good rule none the less. The Oglala sioux to this day fight for the black hills. They never sold them. They were over run by white settlers. The Shasta were killed for a lousy mountain. Where are the Pequot? The Merrimac, or scores upon scores of entire tribes? Gone and dead. Wiped forever from this world. Quit cryin' about the land. Y'all won. Who cares about little squabbles now. She was taken out of context and certain aspects of her speech exploited. Get over it. We did, and if we can you people can as well.


Posted 11:55 pm, 07/21/2010

Right on Prank....


Posted 11:50 pm, 07/21/2010

Prank - I appreciate the kind words and the full video, which I am listening to now.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 11:49 pm, 07/21/2010

Kilby, the fact that you were strong enough to step up and say "hey, maybe I was a little quick on this" speaks volumes to me. We have all made mistakes, and I honestly think a good portion jumped to conclusions on this whole issue.

Kilby, you respond with civilized discourse, which is missing from a good portion of posters here. Don't let the haters get you down, and this is coming from someone who usually disagrees with you politically. :)

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 11:47 pm, 07/21/2010

Shoeshine... here's the full video.



Posted 11:44 pm, 07/21/2010

poto - Your race does not matter to me. My sons are mixed race and look more Mexican than white. My ex was 4th generation from Mexico living in San Antonio.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 11:43 pm, 07/21/2010

Watch the entire video.Here is the part that I am talking about. It isn't a lesson learned, it is "do not sell your land to white people." It is a statement clear out.

Dude. That is not the whole video. That is the edited one, in the first place. How about you go watch the whole video, then come back and commentate with the rest of us? You are watching a doctored copy. I don't know how many more times I can say that.


Posted 11:41 pm, 07/21/2010

I admit that grayson's post is pretty close. My post was politically motivated especially after reading the anti Tea Party rhetoric in the news. I am not part of the Tea Party and have never been to a meeting, but feel the democrat political machine is using the NAACP and others to cast a shadow against those they oppose without caring if there is any truth to it. I regret starting the post, but again, I posted it only after watching the video and listening to what was said. If this story was triggered by the republican machine for similar reasons and its lie, I feel the same about whoever started it. Lies are lies no matter where they come from. The truth is normally bad enough.


Posted 11:38 pm, 07/21/2010

Kilby I could care less what you are one way or the other. You put this on here for a reason so if you are not a closet bigot, WHY. The president did not put it on here, the NAACP did not put it on here, you did and there is a reason why you thought you needed to, so enlighten us.

I watched the entire video not the clip I guess you watched and found ot to be exactly the way she said it to be and not disturbing.

I am a mixed race person by the way though i look more white than Native American and I'm an independent conservative so your assumptions about me are off but I don't care I'm solid in who I am...


Posted 11:22 pm, 07/21/2010

This incident is the direct result of negative politics in action. One side wanted to implicate the other side in wrongdoing (and in this respect, the OP is at fault) and as a result of their enthusiasm they failed to properly investigate the information at hand. The other side, wanting to stay ahead of the political firestorm, took proactive steps to avoid implications of impropriety without taking the time to properly investigate the information at hand. In the end, both sides were playing politics and as a result, now look foolish.

The issue and fault in this scenario isn�t about who�s racist and who is not; this issue and fault here is that American politics has degenerated into a bull****ting match between the two major parties. Even more to the point is that they aren�t even trying to bull**** one another. They are trying to bull**** us because Americans that are engaged in a political scavenger hunt don�t have time to realize that, not only are our political leaders not finding solutions to the problems in America- they aren�t even sincerely attempting to address the issues.

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