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Bigots Come in All Colors

Movin South

Posted 7:46 pm, 07/21/2010

kilby, you be branded a trouble maker, what ya got to say to that, besides sticks and stones

Shoeshine Boy

Posted 7:45 pm, 07/21/2010

But she was RECENTLY unable to keep 62 of a lady's 500+ achres from being sold to a WHITE MAN !


Posted 7:44 pm, 07/21/2010

ONE GREAT WHITE SELFRIGTEOUS WHITE RIGH MAN....Made fools of all of you here! She is a good decent lady who helped a white man and white woman keep their farm they have said time and time again that the blogger is a trouble maker.... all of you are a sick sorry sad excuses for human beings....


Posted 7:37 pm, 07/21/2010

If the have nots would put as much effort in trying to have something as they do complaining about other people having things they would be up there with the haves.

shoeshine boy

Posted 7:36 pm, 07/21/2010

Correction. It was due to foreclosure, it was due to greedy relatives, willing to sell to a WHITE MAN.

Again she is too hung up on race because she is an unrepentant bigot.

shoeshine boy

Posted 7:34 pm, 07/21/2010

AND MAKE NOTE OF THE WORDS: I WAS HELPING A FAMILY RECENTLY ! (Not 24 years ago). SHE IS A BIGOT and she has averted being called out on it.


Shoeshine Boy

Posted 7:32 pm, 07/21/2010

Prank Call Of Cthulhu
Posted 6:41 pm, 07/21/2010
More and more that comes out of this woman it sounds like she is still a bigot.Tell black people not to sell their land to white people, even when facing bankruptcy.You really don't get it do you? She told the story as an illustration of how she overcame her racism. The fact that you willfully ignore this tells us more about your racism than hers.


The woman said a lot more. After that statement. She goes on bemoaning about how black people have sold their land to white people and how black people used to stand together but they no longer do.... noooo they let other black people sell their land to white people... that a black lady was being foreclosed on by the bank and that they were going to make her sell her farm to a... a... a... WHITE MAN. She found some honest attorneys... WHITE ONE'S AT THAT ! Most attorneys aren't honest black or otherwise she says, but these good honest WHITE ATTORNEYS defended her client and saved the woman's farm all but 61 acres to pay the woman's debt and the bank already had a... a... a... WHITE MAN lined up to buy the property. The river front part of the farm that he wanted... because being white he got to select what he wanted from the poor little black woman.

Watch the entire video.

Here is the part that I am talking about. It isn't a lesson learned, it is "do not sell your land to white people." It is a statement clear out.


Yard Sale

Posted 7:17 pm, 07/21/2010

The NAACP is as racist an organization as the KKK. And I say that as a black person.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 6:41 pm, 07/21/2010

More and more that comes out of this woman it sounds like she is still a bigot.Tell black people not to sell their land to white people, even when facing bankruptcy.You really don't get it do you? She told the story as an illustration of how she overcame her racism. The fact that you willfully ignore this tells us more about your racism than hers.

"The honest white lawyers" she describes I guess are the one's who take her side. All other people are dishonest. "They got a white man lined up to buy her land."Maybe the NAACP or the Nation of Islam should hire her. She is way to caught up in race to be an honest representative of the USDA.

After watching the full video, it was clear she didn't treat them differently - that she was tempted to, but didn't. The farmer confirms this...

I didn't get that she was racist at all, but then again, I'm not trying to ignore the facts to make my own political statement.

Most blacks are this way and you all know it .

Do you know 51% of the black population in the United States? If not, there isn't a way you can make that statement as truthful.


Posted 6:18 pm, 07/21/2010

Most blacks are this way and you all know it .

Mr Liberal

Posted 6:10 pm, 07/21/2010

Regardless of any other clips Shoeshine may show about this lady saying that black people need to pull together to not allow white people to buy black land;

I think Ms. Sherrod said it best when she said in the same speech that 24 years ago she realized that it wasn't about "Black People verses White People", but that it is about the "Haves verses the Have nots".

She of course is speaking down to the common man, but an enlightened person once said that it was about "The Bourgeois verses the Proletariat".

She could have said something more like "I realized that it is equally important to help all people in their time of need", but she didn't. She said it clearly. She isn't talking about the individual. She is appealing to a higher call.

She rightly put the struggle into proper context. THE HAVES VERSES THE HAVE NOTS. It is a class struggle. And our time is now !

Viva la proletariat !

Viva la revolucion !

shoeshine boy

Posted 5:22 pm, 07/21/2010

More and more that comes out of this woman it sounds like she is still a bigot.

Tell black people not to sell their land to white people, even when facing bankruptcy.


"The honest white lawyers" she describes I guess are the one's who take her side. All other people are dishonest. "They got a white man lined up to buy her land."

Maybe the NAACP or the Nation of Islam should hire her. She is way to caught up in race to be an honest representative of the USDA.


Posted 3:40 pm, 07/21/2010

Not sure where to jump in here,

Yes Bigots come in all colors.

I think it is great this woman realized her own past racist deeds and is working to help break down the current racist mindsets.

The NAACP no longer represents the betterment of colored people. It merely represents fat cat getting paid salaries to promote a victim mindset.

rented costume

Posted 2:28 pm, 07/21/2010

Hey yardsale,

"Everyone saw it coming, your snappy retort. Everyone else know it was just a matter of time before you resorted to pubesit name callling.
It's OK, we understand."

Right before you called Radio a"fat welfare pig"

How's that snappy retort thingie workin' out for ya?

It's been my experience that Grayson does that AFTER thoroughly exhausting an argument.

If logic can't hit you, perhaps a reminder to your lack of same will.

Just saying


Posted 2:23 pm, 07/21/2010

She's got her pension. There is no reason to go back. She can probably now get another job at the NAACP and make double the money.


Posted 1:47 pm, 07/21/2010

They said on the CBS news at lunch she had been offered her position back but declined to take it.


Posted 1:38 pm, 07/21/2010

"grayson is one of those leftist who thinks by siding with blacks on everything that he is doing his part to make up for all that blacks endured in the past."
Your clairvoyance is just as effective as your debate skills.

"He is too brainwashed to realize that what he is dong isn't helping it is hurting. When you put blinders on and support a cause blindly then you do more harm than good."

My dong is hurting you? Your Freudian slip combined with your ongoing focus of me makes thing much more clear.

Yard Sale

Posted 1:18 pm, 07/21/2010

grayson is one of those leftist who thinks by siding with blacks on everything that he is doing his part to make up for all that blacks endured in the past.

He is too brainwashed to realize that what he is dong isn't helping it is hurting. When you put blinders on and support a cause blindly then you do more harm than good.

Movin South

Posted 1:14 pm, 07/21/2010

somebody say slaves?....mrs movin claims i thinks she is mine

Yard Sale

Posted 1:12 pm, 07/21/2010

Get over the guilt. You didn't own any slaves and we don't blame you.

Go find another cause. Save an owl or something. We don't need your pity or your help.

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