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Bigots Come in All Colors


Posted 11:16 pm, 07/21/2010

poto - You're assuming a lot. I guess I sat down with the head of the NAACP, the president of the US and the director of the USDA and convinced them to force the lady to resign. Your attack is misplaced. All I did was cut and paste a news article and did the same thing as soon as I discovered an article of support for the lady. If you knew my history, you would know it is to support fairness for all races and have spoken out against people attacking others because of race, whether black or white. .

Did you watch the video and listen to Ms. Sherrod? I did and found it disturbing, as I would have if it had been a white person bragging about mistreating a black person.

It appears your goal is a personal attack on me rather than discuss the facts. Go for it. You are coming across as a white liberal feeling guilty for being born white. I did not have any control over the race I was born and neither did you. Get over it.


Posted 11:15 pm, 07/21/2010

Youre a racist. yeah, white people had it rough.

You are absolutely sickening acting like she made up the story about her father being killed. Go f@#k yourself


Posted 11:14 pm, 07/21/2010

Kilby was manipulated just like EVERYONE in this country. He did nothing more racist with starting this post than every news outlet in the country. This entire episode is disgusting but to try and portray kilby, a man that you vaguely know as racist is equally reprehensible. The White House is as guilty of racism as kilby . The NAACP is as guilty of racism as kilby. CNN,FOX,MSNBC,NBC,CBS,ABC, are ALL as guilty of racism as kilby. EVERY American citizen who initially heard this story and believed it is as guilty of racism as kilby. Kilby is an honorable man, a man I have come to know through YEARS of reading. We have dramatically different opinions but he is a fine American and this issue does not change that one iota.


Posted 11:13 pm, 07/21/2010

I am sure that some white men shot black men BUT did white men shoot this man? Is there proof? You cannot just go around saying things like that and expecting everyone to just believe it. There are things in my past that happened that I could blame if I did things to against black people now, but that is not how I was raised. You haven't lived until you go a whole school day (1977) without being able to use the restroom or walk to the cafeteria because the blacks have decided to riot against the whites in your school and will beat you to death if you try to use the restroom or go get food. YES it happened and the principal at my high school locked himself in his office with police escort into and out of the building for 2 weeks. That is in the record books with facts. There were police reports filled out and filed but not one person was ever prosecuted.


Posted 11:01 pm, 07/21/2010

Wow, what a complete pile of racist crap. You are absolutely disgusting to try to act like it was the victims fault. You are so bigotted that you arent even able to accept that some racist shot a black man in the 60's and nothing happened.


Posted 10:59 pm, 07/21/2010


this thread was created to point out the bigotry of a black woman. Kilby was trying to make a point for a reason. He thought it was important enough to start a thread, he went out of his way to make a point based on clip form fricking breitbart (who is a know political hack who has done this in the past) why kilby wanted to do this only he knows but it would lead you to believe he was trying to "feel" ok about his own bigotry, hey if a black woman is a bigot I can be too and it's OK.

If you want to be part of the debate or discussion, it does not matter if you are an investigative reporter or not, you should tread with caution about anything you see or hear or read on the internet. If you can't understand that then you should sell your computer cause your to stupid to have one.


Posted 10:51 pm, 07/21/2010

Is there concrete proof that her father was killed by white men for no other reason than he was black? This man was just walking along minding his own business and a bunch of white men just killed him? Just like that? Has a cold case been opened? Was this story based on something passed down? I find it hard to believe that you can just go around accusing a group of white men, without calling names and opening a new investigation. Look at all the OLD men who have been put in prision in the past 20 years for things that happened in the 50's. How come no one in the obviously powerful woman's life is pushing for an investigation and arrests now? Don't say it's because she's moved on because if she's using this in a speech in 2010 she obviously hasn't.


Posted 10:48 pm, 07/21/2010

This wasn't a case of bigotry at all, by ANYONE. What it was and is, is a prime example of mismanagement and poor decision making by nearly everyone involved from our Government, the NAACP, basically every media outlet and even a couple of users on gowilkes. The only person in this group who is blameless is the op of this thread. It is not required for every news story to be verified by every user of this forum. Kilby offered this story in good faith, as did every media organization in the country. The difference is that kilby is not an investigative journalist. This is simply further evidence that nearly every facet of our Gov't is fractured, I level this charge not based upon party politics either, as each branch and party is equally culpable. If anything, this illustrates the harm that shady, yellow journalistscan inflict. So-called journalists/bloggers who initiate this type of dishonesty should be ostacized by society as a whole, especially by the party they embrace.


Posted 10:44 pm, 07/21/2010

And anyone who says that the people listening to the speech didn't agree with what she was saying during the very racists sounding part of the speech, clearly wasn't listening to the giggling and talking and nodding. Let white people do that on tape when a white person is making racists comments and Al Shaprton would be on the Today show before you could say scat!


Posted 10:44 pm, 07/21/2010

Why did Shirley Sherrod hate white people? Because it was a white man that murdered her father when she was a kid and her mother was 7 months pregnant. It was a white sheriff that did nothing about it because her father was a n***er. It was a group of white Klansman (including the sheriff) that burnt a cross on her family's front yard after her father was killed.

Considering the stuff she saw while growing up, shes doing good that she doesnt hit the gas when she sees white pedestrians.


Posted 10:38 pm, 07/21/2010

She said she was using something from her past as an example. Great! That day she had an epiphany and decided that she should help these people and help everyone the same. What about every person "not of color" who'd come to her desk or counter for all her life before that one day and that one white farmer who caused her to have that epiphany? Why did she feel that way to start with? They always say don't teach hatered, I guess someone did that for her. If she goes after this guy who posted the video or anyone else, I hope all farmers who lost their farms that she ever helped or worked with at all go after her and the federal gov't! She said recently, not 24 years ago. What kind of help did she give everyone who came to her desk before that one day. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen day one on her job.


Posted 10:35 pm, 07/21/2010

But which bigot set the whole thing up? Biggovernment.com needs to disclose their source and out the trouble maker. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't have three degrees of separation from ...


Posted 10:20 pm, 07/21/2010

The NAACP denounced this lady, the White House wanted her fired and she was fired from the USDA for what was reported. I guess we're all bigots.


Posted 10:16 pm, 07/21/2010

poto - I don't watch fox and the post did not come from fox. I am not attempting to impress you and my friends know me. I guess we all can't be as understanding and tolerant as you.


Posted 9:56 pm, 07/21/2010

kilby, you show your obvious bigotry and lack of common sense for regurgitating the racial hatred breitbart and faux news spews out on a daily basis. Next time do some research or at least wait for Fox to be checked because we all know they do not care about checking sources befor putting it on air.

And beeblebrox I bet no one on this site knows what your name refers to...it is an amazing series is it not?


Posted 9:49 pm, 07/21/2010

Mmmmm....popcorn....munch, munch.


Posted 9:46 pm, 07/21/2010

"Thanks for your support grayson. I knew at least you would appreciate what was truly said."

Understanding the ramblings of a fool and appreciating the ramblings of a fool aren't the same thing Mr. Liberal.


Posted 9:28 pm, 07/21/2010

Thanks grayson, I appreciate the support.

Mr lIberal

Posted 9:27 pm, 07/21/2010

As usual, most liberals are not yet out of the closet about their socialism. I am glad that this woman is. It isn't just about helping the poor, it is about helping the poor fight in a struggle verses the rich. I am proud. Thanks for your support grayson. I knew at least you would appreciate what was truly said.


Posted 9:21 pm, 07/21/2010

"But you know God will show you things and he'll put things in your path so that you realize that the struggle is really about poor people."....This Wonderfull, kind, decent woman is a "VICTIM" of "BIGOTS" like "KILBY"....PERIOD END OF STORY....

searching4u - "Are" you trying to "use" "satire," are "you" "quoting" someone else or "are" you "simply" using "quotation" marks "for" your personal "enjoyment?"

Mr. Liberal - It appears as though your misplaced Karl Marx references aren't being fully appreciated. Then again, perhaps they are being given all the attention that they warrant. Which assumption do you prefer to endorse?

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