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Posted 3:53 pm, 05/18/2022

flakey & fins, you're piling on your usual BS whining. Where is it getting you? Other than looking foolish?


Posted 2:46 pm, 05/18/2022

Hey nuffin'whiner, Did YOU know that in a deep blue state like New York red flags are almost impossible to see?


Posted 2:21 pm, 05/18/2022

Sure thing, you sorry SOB!

Keep on being an apologist!


Posted 1:05 pm, 05/18/2022

Keep pushing that same lie killer. You and terd can jerk each other off over it. Everyone else sees your lies


Posted 12:29 pm, 05/18/2022

More useless cookie cutter posts from the resident stray.


Posted 12:15 pm, 05/18/2022

Notice how ;ol nuffin'whiner's antics manifest when they're called out for all to see.


Posted 12:09 pm, 05/18/2022

Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad with nothing to add, as usual.


Posted 12:03 pm, 05/18/2022

'ol nuffin'whiner's the name AND false accusations are my game.


Posted 11:45 am, 05/18/2022

Back to his/her apologist tendencies. Did you do any self reflection when you saw a little bit of yourself in the loser who did the attack?


Posted 11:41 am, 05/18/2022

Meanwhile, ol' slow joes gets some pushback @ Tops/Buffalo.


Posted 11:39 am, 05/18/2022



Posted 11:35 am, 05/18/2022

Notice how easily ol' nuffin'whiner is manipulated, again.


Posted 11:26 am, 05/18/2022

I hope he comes back!


Posted 11:25 am, 05/18/2022

Oh no, not yap yap the grammar detective!!!! What ever will we do with a misspelled word!

Good point, the Secretary of Club Loser, Cloth Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad coming in with the tried and true grammar policing when he/she hasn't found a good carpet to pee on.


Posted 11:22 am, 05/18/2022

ol'nuffin'whiner can't even get its last pull quote right AND still wants to call others what it is, a loser.


Posted 11:13 am, 05/18/2022

Stupid is, is stupid does. A person with low self-esteem (and usually a sorry SOB too) typically makes comments of someones intellect.


Posted 11:12 am, 05/18/2022

You're right you sorry sack of mashed up buttholes, but thats not what you did.

First, your sorry *** came with this zinger:

Posted 1:36 pm, 05/15/2022
Where are you getting there was some sort of manipulation? So far I've seen nothing reporting the shooter's background, motivation, or reason other than he was targeting black people.

To which the reply was:

Posted 1:41 pm, 05/15/2022
My God. "Other than targeting black people..." Yeah, that's not normal my man. Takes some manipulation to get to that point. I hope to God you try to defend this loser.

Then you doubled down with your sorry apologist views, with this:

Posted 3:44 pm, 05/15/2022
Killer, do you have any idea what manipulation is? The guy could easily be mentally ill and under all of his own influence. You probably think that dog really talked to Son of Sam

There is no secret to what your fellow loser's intentions were (you even admit that), and you wanted to blame mental health, instead of calling it what it really is. The loser was on online forums taking in the garbage and believing BS "theories," that is manipulation by the creators of the content, especially when it involves the wicked theory of replacement.

ABigOleBeech, you have worked hard on your goal to being the World's Greatest Loser, keep up the good work you sorry SOB.

Oh, and GFY.


Posted 10:51 am, 05/18/2022

Are you so stupid you don't know what the word apologist means? Good lord. Calling killer out on her lies is not an apologist. You nuts really are pathetic and grasping for excuses.


Posted 9:15 am, 05/18/2022

So stop being an apologist, fins.


Posted 9:14 am, 05/18/2022

Keep whining you sorry SOB.

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