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Posted 3:36 pm, 05/17/2022

So it's not mental health now? Bold strategy, lets see how this plays out for the loser.


Posted 3:10 pm, 05/17/2022

Wow killer, you really are showing your desperation if you're turning to Mother Jones. Those nut job extremists make the talking terd look sane


Posted 11:10 am, 05/17/2022

What's the betting that right now the anti gun controller and fascist Republican racists are checking to see if any of the victims had crimnal records? That is what they have used so frrequently to justify the actions of white perpertrators.


Posted 7:55 am, 05/17/2022

Nothing to see there Jim, the members of Club Loser would rather dance in the gutter of the internet while gulping each other's farts.


Posted 7:38 am, 05/17/2022

LOL. Keep being the giant loser you and your parents worked so hard to become. We all know your morning "I am a True Loser" hype up was a real classic this morning!!!

Keep it up tough guy!


Posted 7:26 am, 05/17/2022

Wow, killer had a Major meltdown before bed. She can't do anything but continue to repeat the same lies over and over. Killer, you really are pathetic


Posted 11:17 pm, 05/16/2022

Just for a recap.

ABigOleBeech, Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad, Actually, and tinfoil adam have all shown that they are apologists for the loser who carried out this attack.

ABigOleBeech wants to deflect to mental health, and he/she will just argue with theyself. Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad cannot figure out which house to pee in, so he/she tries all the useless cookie cutter responses he/she can muster. Actually is a racist with mommy issues, and tinfoil adam thinks everything is fake except the things he/she sees on internet memes and online forums.

All are apologists because they would rather drive the discussion to other topics rather than face the fact their fellow loser was manipulated in ways that they see themselves manipulated.

Not once has anything on this thread pointed at a particular entity that drove the manipulation. But simply using that one lone word drove these apologists to react in the ways that they did.


Posted 10:54 pm, 05/16/2022

Says the crowd who has attempted to spin at every turn.

Y'all losers have fun spanking it all by your lonesomes.


Posted 10:13 pm, 05/16/2022

'ol nuffin'whiner with yet another forced spin AND whataboutism to Alex Jones.


Posted 10:00 pm, 05/16/2022

The real truth is youre a liar and a coward.


Posted 4:39 pm, 05/16/2022

Ohh right, I forgot you have the sole, all knowing "real truth."

So what's the "real truth," tin foil adam? Did the shooting even really happen? I think false flags are a bad way to go and you might want to see how that's working for your mans over at infowars...


Posted 4:34 pm, 05/16/2022

One problem with what you are saying Justnosnuffin.....you got all of your info from the MSM. Seems everyone but you realizes, everything they say is a lie.


Posted 4:24 pm, 05/16/2022

By the way, you become an apologist when you start making excuses for your fellow loser. You wanted to claim mental health and disregard the brainwashing (manipulation) that occurred in online forums.

For some reason you want to hang on a word, manipulate. The loser read stuff online and was inspired by other's words and manifestos. That is the intent of the creators of those "documents." Getting others to buy into their nonsense is, manipulation, especially when it uses race, religion, and other triggers. The loser bought into the idea of this cowardly theory that someones is pulling the strings to replace one race with another (the basis for his attack). That's how manipulation works, it preys on the weak minded and convinces them that what they are reading is, "the real truth," and something needs to be done.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!


Posted 4:13 pm, 05/16/2022

Oh FFS, you still want to take the thread off topic? Your yap yap lap dog would be disappointed.

First, you're still doing great in working your way to becoming the World's greatest loser! Keep up the good work.

Second, now you are attempting to say the lives of those killed are nothing when compared to something else. Masks (which is what you wanted to argue about, sometimes metaphorical ones for some reason), still did not kill any child. And even with having an enormous appetite for gulping farts outta butts, we still always agreed on the fact that schools shutting down was not the answer. But carry on with your fantasy world!

Third, you're still a sorry son of a beech.

Keep up the good work! Now let's watch you argue with yourself some more and could you please share articles about metaphorical masks again?!?


Posted 4:04 pm, 05/16/2022

I see killer still isn't giving up on that same lie. Wow, you would think eventually even killer would get tired of it. Killer, no one has apologized for the nut in Buffalo. Calling you out on your BS is not apologizing. I will say though that you killed more people than this shooter with your ridiculous Covid policies.


Posted 4:01 pm, 05/16/2022

Sounds like a false flag statement.


Posted 3:54 pm, 05/16/2022

Justnosnuffin just talking to himself. Because everyone but it seems to know the truth. in other words, no one is buying it anymore.


Posted 2:25 pm, 05/16/2022

To no one's surprise add tin foil adam to the growing list of apologiest; Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad, ABigOleBeech, Actually, and now tin foil adam.

One deflects, one claims mental illness, one was just pure racism (even got modded) and now we got a false flagger.

A "false flag" is a worse direction to go than the other Club Loser members have chosen.


Posted 2:10 pm, 05/16/2022

Buffalo was another False Flag produced by the Deep State to try to come get your guns. And also, to divide us and pit us against each other. I think people are catching on to their game now though.

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