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Posted 1:43 pm, 05/16/2022

Once again once shown the door, Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad resorts to his/her useless cookie cutter postings.


Posted 1:13 pm, 05/16/2022

Once again our jester fails to identify just what it is ragging on.


Posted 1:00 pm, 05/16/2022

flakeyCONdrew, why do you keep showcasing your ignorance?


Posted 12:02 pm, 05/16/2022

Hey jester, who's OP are YOU dissing on?


Posted 10:45 am, 05/16/2022

All said and done, this thread is one more attempt by flakeyCONdrew and A'holenados to get payback after JK made them look as foolish as they are.

Give it up crybabies. You lost.


Posted 10:38 am, 05/16/2022

Seems like you're projecting. Haven't said the poor fellar was drunk.

But thanks for another useless cookie cutter post from ole Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad!


Posted 10:23 am, 05/16/2022

Falsely accusing an adversary of being drunk is a favorite tactic 'ol nuffin' abuses when it can't carry its part of an argument.


Posted 10:17 am, 05/16/2022

Look at you wishing to go off topic while arguing with yourself. Go sleep it off tough guy.


Posted 9:33 am, 05/16/2022

No killer, a piece of garbage is someone that destroys an entire generation of children because of their own fears. You killed children to make yourself feel safer. You should be in jail along side this POS from Buffalo.


Posted 9:30 am, 05/16/2022

How ironic.


Posted 9:27 am, 05/16/2022

'olk nuffin' repeats itself a lot, feeling that the righteous can't read when they disagree with it.


Posted 9:26 am, 05/16/2022

Flakey doesn't spread BS he throws monkey terds.


Posted 9:24 am, 05/16/2022

LOL. You prove nothing more than what a piece of utter garbage you are.

Keep arguing with yourself.

Only a little insecure beech like yourself always claims "victory" when there is no victory to be had. Whatever helps your poor hapless soul sleep at night. Your parents are proud of the loser you have become!


Posted 9:22 am, 05/16/2022

And right on cue Killer, I've reduced you to nothing but repeating your lies over and over. You're a pathetic POS and are the real danger to America. But I do enjoy proving to everyone what a mindless leftist drone you are.


Posted 9:18 am, 05/16/2022

Posted 8:46 am, 05/16/2022
My fellow? Wow, killer, you're really going to keep trying to ride that lie out? You really are a POS. But thanks for confirming it off the top.

You also clearly don't know what brainwashing or manipulation is. No one made the nut go on a shooting spree. Not even his fellow nuts online that he traded racist ideas with. Sane stable people don't go down racist rabbit holes on the internet. But you keep trying to make excuses for the individual responsible here.
Arguing with yourself, in the same post, how fitting for a keyboard warrior like yourself.

You are no different than the loser who carried the attack out.


Posted 9:03 am, 05/16/2022


Posted 8:59 am, 05/16/2022

That's because YOU're too busy smelling the BS.

How could anyone not smell it as much of it that you spread around?


Posted 8:59 am, 05/16/2022

That's because YOU're too busy smelling the BS.


Posted 8:56 am, 05/16/2022

Fakey (view profile)

Posted 8:51 am, 05/16/2022

It's a long way from Conklin to Buffalo AND SUNY Binghamton has been known to harbor communist sympathiZers.

I have not heard of those communist sympathiZers going around shooting people in stores.


Posted 8:51 am, 05/16/2022

It's a long way from Conklin to Buffalo AND SUNY Binghamton has been known to harbor communist sympathiZers.


Posted 8:46 am, 05/16/2022

My fellow? Wow, killer, you're really going to keep trying to ride that lie out? You really are a POS. But thanks for confirming it off the top.

You also clearly don't know what brainwashing or manipulation is. No one made the nut go on a shooting spree. Not even his fellow nuts online that he traded racist ideas with. Sane stable people don't go down racist rabbit holes on the internet. But you keep trying to make excuses for the individual responsible here.

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