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Posted 9:13 am, 05/18/2022

Thanks killer for showing everyone that you have nothing except to keep lying calling people apologists. It's so easy to expose you for the troll that you are. If you weren't also a coward that kills children, no one would give a crap about you


Posted 9:06 am, 05/18/2022

Just gonna keep reposting this for that sorry SOB, ABigOleBeech.

ABigOleBeech, Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad, Actually, and tinfoil adam have all shown that they are apologists for the loser who carried out this attack.

ABigOleBeech wants to deflect to mental health, and he/she will just argue with theyself. Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad cannot figure out which house to pee in, so he/she tries all the useless cookie cutter responses he/she can muster. Actually is a racist with mommy issues, and tinfoil adam thinks everything is fake except the things he/she sees on internet memes and online forums.

All are apologists because they would rather drive the discussion to other topics rather than face the fact their fellow loser was manipulated in ways that they see themselves manipulated.

Not once has anything on this thread pointed at a particular entity that drove the manipulation. But simply using that one lone word drove these apologists to react in the ways that they did.

Good luck on your endeavors to be the biggest loser you can be and also the sorriest SOB around!


Posted 8:51 am, 05/18/2022

Johnboy, the liars here is killer accusing people of making excuses for the shooter. And you with your false articles.


Posted 8:48 am, 05/18/2022

Killer, are you really dum enough to not understand the word diagnosis? Mentally I'll people never think they are mentally ill. God, you're stupid.


Posted 8:23 am, 05/18/2022

Fakey (view profile)

Posted 10:13 pm, 05/16/2022

'ol nuffin'whiner with yet another forced spin AND whataboutism to Alex Jones.


Posted 8:21 am, 05/18/2022

Well fins, with good friends like flakey and actually cheerleading, you must feel on top of the world.

Now tell us how you justify your lies and misleading claims as you accuse others?


Posted 7:43 am, 05/18/2022

Just want to stick this out here for that sorry **** so he/she can go **** the right off.

""I was never diagnosed with a mental disability or disorder, and I believe to be perfectly sane," according to one passage."

-from the loser himself.



Posted 7:41 am, 05/18/2022

LOL. The Club Loser dorks make every excuse for a source, but are quick to post known sources of garbage, how ironic. As usual, this sorry SOB cannot keep his/her sheet straight and says I used an article that I did not.

Sorry, ABigOleBeech, I have not posted a mother jones article. I really do not even know what a mother jones is.

Hoping you had a wonderful start to your morning with your daily "I am True Loser" hype up. I wish you the best on your journey to becoming the beat loser that you can be!


Posted 7:36 am, 05/18/2022

Johnboy, are you really going to use Rolling Stones as a source after their multiple Covid lies? That's right up there with Killer and mother Jones. You left wing zeolites are sinking quick trying to spin this story. Your lies keep growing in absurdity


Posted 7:35 am, 05/18/2022

Johnboy, are you really going to use Rolling Stones as a source after their multiple Covid lies? That's right up there with Killer and mother Jones. You left wing zeolites are sinking quick trying to spin this story. Your lies keep growing in absurdity


Posted 10:45 pm, 05/17/2022

Fins seems dangerous and unhinged.


Posted 8:34 pm, 05/17/2022

Quite fummy to see jester is still a sucker for billgatesnews.


Posted 6:43 pm, 05/17/2022

Jimbo�JustKnow�same thing


Posted 6:42 pm, 05/17/2022

Jimbo has his own manifesto and he worked so hard on it that he wanted to post it twice. Haha


Posted 6:33 pm, 05/17/2022

Apologies fins I shouldn't have snatched your justification out from under your sorry arse, try using it now.


Posted 5:24 pm, 05/17/2022

Just gonna repost this for that sorry SOB, ABigOleBeech.

ABigOleBeech, Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad, Actually, and tinfoil adam have all shown that they are apologists for the loser who carried out this attack.

ABigOleBeech wants to deflect to mental health, and he/she will just argue with theyself. Clout Chasing Comrade Cool Conrad cannot figure out which house to pee in, so he/she tries all the useless cookie cutter responses he/she can muster. Actually is a racist with mommy issues, and tinfoil adam thinks everything is fake except the things he/she sees on internet memes and online forums.

All are apologists because they would rather drive the discussion to other topics rather than face the fact their fellow loser was manipulated in ways that they see themselves manipulated.

Not once has anything on this thread pointed at a particular entity that drove the manipulation. But simply using that one lone word drove these apologists to react in the ways that they did.

Good luck on your endeavors to be the biggest loser you can be and also the sorriest SOB around!


Posted 5:20 pm, 05/17/2022

A media outlet was never blamed...internet message boards and forums were. You took it how you took it without even reading.

Grow a pair you sorry SOB and get your sheet right before making any attempt to post.


Posted 5:12 pm, 05/17/2022

And now we are to this sackless loser arguing with himself/herself portion of the show.

Enjoy the show of the world's most inspiring loser, ABigOleBeech.


Posted 5:07 pm, 05/17/2022

Wow killer, find another lie to tell? Who said its not mental health? But multiple things can be true. It can be mental health, and you can be lying trying to blame a media outlet. You're pathetic trying to make excuses and blame others because youre a coward. You're the coward that demanded children be killed because you were afraid of a cold. You're a useless pathetic human being that is a threat to America. You've killed more than this shooter killed. I cant express the amount of contempt I have for you.

Mr Hankey, I see youve latched onto Killers wagon with the lies too. You're just making yourself look stupid now with the criminal records. Its sad watching you try to over compensate for your own racism.

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