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Buying a house that someone died in?


Posted 11:44 am, 08/07/2010

Not a problem. I've lived in houses where people died. I have more problems with the living.


Posted 11:26 am, 08/07/2010

Goddess, you make an excellent point, but it's still something I wouldn't do. I STILL have nightmares about that house and it's malevolent spirits.


Posted 10:56 am, 08/07/2010

I'm sorry, but you need to think about that the next time a family member or even you should have to go to the emergency room...anywhere...there are many many violent deaths that take place every minute of every day in emergency rooms...I know..I've worked them for years.

But I do wish you good luck on finding a home in which someone has not died in, especially a violent one.

Point to ponder...the actual physical death, has nothing to do with the remaining spirit of said person. The physical is separate from the spiritual, just because they were troubled here on earth and in their earthly lives, doesn't mean they will be troubled in the spirit world.


Posted 10:51 am, 08/07/2010

I do believe in spirits and/or ghosts, so that's why i'm saying why risk it by buying a house someone died violently in?


Posted 11:34 am, 08/06/2010

theres dead people around us all the time,just cause you dont see em, dont mean there not there


Posted 8:34 am, 08/06/2010

Well, it certainly made a difference in my case, but that's not to say it necessarily has to. All I know is I would never buy a house in which someone committed suicide. I presently sleep in a bedroom where someone died of natural causes and I have absolutely no issue with that. Shoot, if a person had that issue, they could never stay overnight in a hospital!!!

george h w b

Posted 8:22 am, 08/06/2010

I do not see if it would make a difference. Our house was owned by a murderer. Never asked if he did the killing in the house or elsewhere. Have not had any ghosts that I know of.


Posted 8:10 am, 08/06/2010

Buying a house where someone has died of natural causes is one thing. Buying a house where there was a suicide is an altogether different matter. As someone who grew up in such a house, I would strongly recommend against it.


Posted 3:45 am, 08/06/2010

I think that there is no reason to turn down a house if you like it because of someone else's tragady. Even if it is haunted the person can't hurt you ghost just simply don't know where they are going yet. I have lived in two different places that had ghost and they never bothered me. It's up to you and what you think you can deal with. Chances are if you have moved much than this isn't the first time. It may just be the first you know of. Though i didn't care for the under tone of the comment about not being scared of the dead but of the living i do agree with that. I wish you the best in making the right choice for yourself.


Posted 2:16 am, 08/06/2010

if the spirits hang around... put them to work! death is not an excuse for getting out of any work. just ask any boss.


Posted 2:14 am, 08/06/2010

geez, i'd buy it. think of all the money you could make on ghost stories and those TV shows that come to your house. plus it would be a great house to really have fun with on halloween....

but they'd have to take a ton off the price. after all, someone died un-naturally there. let's be real. they obviously don't want to live there any more... why on earth expect that others would want to?

the nerve of some people...


Posted 11:37 pm, 08/05/2010

Dont worry about the dead. Worry about the living.


Posted 11:24 pm, 08/05/2010

I bought a house once where my aunt died in. I actually slept in the bedroom where she died. Didn't bother me any.


Posted 11:23 pm, 08/05/2010

I've never thought of that Goddess. LOL


Posted 11:16 pm, 08/05/2010

LOL!!! kitten...on any given day...how many prospective buyers go around asking...the seller...has anyone died in this house. How many people die at home...whats the difference in you going to the hospital for a test and asking if someone last week died on the xray table you just got off of...


Posted 11:12 pm, 08/05/2010

No way I'd buy a house someone died in!!! Just to creepy for me.


Posted 9:50 pm, 08/05/2010

My great aunt committed suicide in her parents old homeplace in an upstairs bedroom when I was a kid about 9-10 years old. It took me a couple of years to get up the courage to sleep in that room again. But, eventually, I did and I don't recall ever having any questionable happenings there. However, the house did burn down about 5 years after she died.


Posted 9:44 pm, 08/05/2010

Now ya talking...a voice of reason!!!!


Posted 9:44 pm, 08/05/2010

yeah well sometimes those spirits hang around. It's no fun living in a haunted house.


Posted 9:43 pm, 08/05/2010

Not only would I buy a house in which someone had experienced an untimely death, I prefer it. I like to show up immediately following the death so that I can make an offer on the house as soon as possible. I have found that families in severe distress are more likely to accept a lowball offer and great expedience can even increase the odds of the property being further discounted- if you�re willing to remove the body and perform the clean-up yourself.

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