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Chick-fil-A, the hate group


Posted 8:30 pm, 08/01/2012

I really do not understand why it was necessary to go after Muse this evening, as he was one of the few people to actually look at this with reason. It wasn't necessary at all and brings nothing but more Bull**** on this thread. Muse said very early on that this was silly and had a simple solution, if you don't like the place then fine don't eat there. If you don't like gay, then don't be gay. How simple is it to get into those heads?

Geeze ****ers no sense in attacking Muse whatsoever. None!

It's like another **** has to bark, it wasn't like there was enough barking already!

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 8:20 pm, 08/01/2012

****crickets chirping****


Posted 6:58 pm, 08/01/2012

Oh, I should have added that you can add to your pamphlet the murder pedophile thing as that is protected speech as well and you will not go to jail or anything unless you are passing out your pamphlets to start a riot and there is imminent threat of harm. So don't worry, your causes are protected which I am sure gives you great joy. But your group would find itself listed as a Hate Group as have the groups that you are supporting for promoting prison and expatriation.


Posted 6:47 pm, 08/01/2012

LOL- SO, basically what you are saying is that this Southern Poverty Law Center can call me a hate group if I pass out a leaflet or publication supporting marriage as one man, one woman only because it "maligns" an entire group of people (LGBT) . O.k. my definition would be a little different.

No, you dolt. You can make as many pamphlets as you like stating that marriage is one man one woman. That is protected speech. Now if your pamphlet also states that you are advocating for gay people to put in prison or be murdered or some other dreadful thing that would take away their basic civil rights, you would be a Hate group. Also, if your pamphlet contains false and misleading information that is untrue, I.E. All gays are pedophiles and are hiding in the bushes waiting to rape your children or all gays are polluting the drinking water in major cities, that would be hate.

I realize that you cannot comprehend the difference, but am responding so that you do not continue to mislead others.


Posted 6:41 pm, 08/01/2012

I removed several posts that were off topic and/or trolling, as well as the replies to those posts.


Posted 5:35 pm, 08/01/2012


You have got to be kidding. Throwing stats that you made up in your own head? Have you ever paid attention to the profiles they do on serial killers? Most are white, hetero, educated, and were raised in a Christian home. Does that mean that every 31 year old white hetero male kills people in their spare time?

Really, i am angry with myself for bothering with you. I think I am just saying this so Heps, whos opinion I respect, knows She/He is not alone. BTW, if you are representing the white heteros in this country, I am sorry I am not of color and gay!


Posted 5:07 pm, 08/01/2012


I didn't hide behind my son's sexuality. I spoke of his h*mosexuality, with his permission, as an example that I know, and as an example of someone who may have a future in the country we live in. There was no hiding. The posts I was responding to had more to do with him and his generation than with me. My life with my partner doesn't depend on politics, constitutions, or on whether or not you like me. I've lived my life. I came out about myself when it was the right time. I'm sorry that upset you so much.

You say I'm the ONE who keeps these threads going weeks on end? Look at the posters idiot. Look at who starts them. It isn't me a-hole. I contribute equally if not less than most. And you are completely void of an ounce of class. You're not even worthy to speak of my son or my HUSBAND of 13 years. You are a crass piece of dog feces dude.


Posted 3:46 pm, 08/01/2012

You seem to have love for everybody as long as the are white males christian, and hetrosexuals. Please provide more details about your facts?
dukeNC (view profile)
Posted 3:29 pm, 08/01/2012
but like i said i have Love For Everybody...we are almost made the same but im just telling the facts


Posted 3:44 pm, 08/01/2012

i know white people sale drugs and rob but look up the numbers....i watch a show called The first 24 hours about people being killed....its black killing black or some black kid klling for white guy for his money ,or something....how many black people get rob by a white guy, come on!!!


Posted 3:41 pm, 08/01/2012

no one should care ???? well you'll see in nov that a lot of peope care....i think the millions that pushed obama 4 years ago , wont be there this year...**** i watched some thing about bush jr and i know everybody hates hims, he gave more money for aids than any president and that ties in to that whole gay stuff we're talking about, because gays have aids 3/4 to people that arent gay...

to be or not to be

Posted 3:35 pm, 08/01/2012

white men do rob. do kill and do sell and use drugs. and many white men don't work. especially the younger generation. Also white men are more apt to commit hate crimes because they think white is the only race "God" loves and what ever they do to others is considered proper punishment for being born other than white and heterosexual


Posted 3:31 pm, 08/01/2012

@dukeNC. Are you kidding? The hate speech you spewed in your posting is what's wrong with our great nation. No one should care if OUR presodent is black....it does not matter. What does matter is the trillion dollars of debt he and congress are creating! I have not clue and so not care what white church you go to, I would guess Westboro Baptist, but nothing you spewed had anything to with anytype of christian values. I would suggest you go back and read your bible again, assuming you can read!!!!


Posted 3:29 pm, 08/01/2012

but like i said i have Love For Everybody...we are almost made the same but im just telling the facts


Posted 3:29 pm, 08/01/2012

You are giving Duke University a bad name! My guess is that your education ended in 10th grade!


Posted 3:27 pm, 08/01/2012

ok lets say everybody turned gay, NO more us....who's to say when buddha's talk about Reincarnation
**** guys that are gay would of been women in their past life, thats why that like the balls, LOL, and it could work the same way with momen , they might of been dudes...but its cool to be gay and its cool for a white girl to get with a black or mexican boy...but if you asked a black woman which one they would like , i bet she would say white, i know why too...because a white man dont go out and sale drugs and rob people, they hold down jobs,,,please look up white and blacks in prison, i bet its 75% black and 25% white


Posted 3:17 pm, 08/01/2012

gr8not2bu: Muse is right when he says that other people have made it their business. Heck, they've even passed an amendment against gay marriage and yes, people DO bash gays in their churches, on gowilkes, in political arenas, and now EVEN the OWNERS of RESTAURANTS have taken up the issue.

If you're advocating for gay folks to just "shut up" about it, why?

If you don't believe it should be discussed, then you could choose to contact the entities I mentioned above and ask them to "keep it private."


Posted 3:10 pm, 08/01/2012

Muse, you hid behind you SON's gayness. you just a few months back revealed it. You are the one thats kept the topic hot on here for weeks on end. You stated you want a private life, keep it off the boards. I dont care how many poles you skin. I dont care what the **** you do, go sit on your so-called lovers pole. smoke it all you want, I DONT CARE. If YOU WANT IT PRIVATE < KEEP IT PRIVATE >.


Posted 2:58 pm, 08/01/2012

dukeNC: It's obvious that you didn't go to Duke or anywhere else!


Posted 2:49 pm, 08/01/2012

its like this,, its about time somebody stands up for the white ,church going people of the once great place we live USA...Thats why the usa has went to ****, i remeber when the usa was goin great, jobs,people buying and buliding houses,buying cars...all tht has stoped, the reason why is because people dont care aymore about anything....they are like { so what if the president is black, so what if my kid has a gay teacher,....im pround that im white and that im not gay....i have love for everybody but i kow what color i am.

i feel like we havent had a president for the last 4 years because he's more like a rock star than anything and besides that would be like a white guy being king in africa, im taking about north not south africa where the white man ruled for years....to be honest with you colin powell was the best black man to be president but hll he didnt evern what the job....but wait and see al those kids in collage white and black and all the white and black people that voted for president obama wont vote for him this year because they are to broke to drive to the school and vote


Posted 2:32 pm, 08/01/2012

Muse: Well said!

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