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Chick-fil-A, the hate group

to be or not to be

Posted 10:38 am, 08/07/2012

mommo I am a well educated lesbian with impecable manners. I was raised to be courteous, kind, a hard worker, and to provide for my family. All of these things I do. My girlfriend has a masters degree and a beautiful spirit (not to mention a banging bod), If we live our lives with love, respect, kindness and helping others what's not dignified about that? Mommo you will never see anything good or admirable in a gay person. You hear the word gay and automatically you think evil abomonation headed straight for hail. The intolerance and ignorance of your attitudes show your lack of dignity


Posted 10:30 am, 08/07/2012

TheMuse (view profile)Posted 10:21 am, 08/07/2012
of course there was mommo... you'll never find dignity in a gay person. Why even look? Your opinions are completely biased.

in otherwords Muse your saying this homeless man had less dignity than the punks making fun of him ???? Aint you gays special put down the homeless what a shame you to the human race you are .


Posted 10:21 am, 08/07/2012

of course there was mommo... you'll never find dignity in a gay person. Why even look? Your opinions are completely biased.


Posted 10:04 am, 08/07/2012

It was pretty distasteful. People who want to represent their cause should do so with dignity. There was more dignity in the homeless guy then the gay guys.


Posted 9:59 am, 08/07/2012

TheMUSE Posted 8:49 am, 08/07/2012
I didn't watch it UU, was it good?

Nothing special. Some guy that looked Inbred/stoned/homeless clutching his thumping bible and a gay guy mocking him.

to be or not to be

Posted 9:25 am, 08/07/2012

Muse you don't embarrass me nor my darling. On most of the issues we agree with you totally. One of my favorite responses to men who beeach about us being lesbian is they are just pissed that we get more jay jay on a regular basis than they do. I have also told a few men who aren't overly caring towards their women that if they don't straighten up i could take their woman on a heart beat. Not because I am a woman but because I know how to treat a lady


Posted 8:49 am, 08/07/2012

I didn't watch it UU, was it good?


Posted 7:07 am, 08/07/2012

Nah, I'm older, fatter, balder and MUCH ruder to bible thumping idiots than that.


Posted 6:26 am, 08/07/2012

The gays in the video act like ignorant miscreants, typical of the gowilkes posse. All the while professing how wonderful they are.

Favorite tactic: accusing others of being "closeted gay". Finally admitting they hate God.

The star of this video acting identical to muse or uushadow (lol),


Posted 6:06 am, 08/07/2012

I love dinner themes.... and tobeornottobe... I'm sorry my posts embarrass you and the other gays.. LOL I didn't realize I was a bad spokes person until gr8not2bu so graciously pointed it out.. LOL

to be or not to be

Posted 12:10 am, 08/07/2012

Just got on to see what is happening. My honey and I had a nice themed dinner party for some of our friends. Went all out on the decor, food and libations. Muse we are doing our part to further the agenda


Posted 12:02 am, 08/07/2012

According to previous statements you are.


Posted 11:59 pm, 08/06/2012

Ok, i admit it, Im not RACIST, satisfied


Posted 11:58 pm, 08/06/2012


The only thing I see is that you are trying to change the subject and to spin away from what was stated.

Come on stupid arse, you made the accusation, now step up to the plate and prove it.


Posted 11:55 pm, 08/06/2012

Look in the dictionary, under Race-Pire and RACIST, you will see you family Protrait of yourself Race-Pire.

Fool, you are so EASY


Posted 11:51 pm, 08/06/2012

You cannot prove that I am a racist. However, you prove every time you post that you are a racist bigot.


Posted 11:49 pm, 08/06/2012

Its been proven on every thread that you are a RACIST, and a FAR LEFT SCUM LIBERAL, you prove that every time you post.

LOL, Fool


Posted 11:46 pm, 08/06/2012

It has been proven on another thread that you are a racist. No amount of spinning is going to change that.


Posted 11:37 pm, 08/06/2012


Hey Racist, Let's play horse. I'll be the front end and you be yourself.


Posted 11:28 pm, 08/06/2012

Whatever you say racist.

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