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Chick-fil-A, the hate group


Posted 10:44 pm, 08/06/2012

Race-Pire, only as jealous as you are.


Posted 10:43 pm, 08/06/2012

I know a couple of GAY people, and they have read some of the stuff you have stated on here, and they are quite embarassed with your post. They stated you may them look bad.


Posted 10:42 pm, 08/06/2012

Sounds as if you are a little jealous there gr8.


Posted 10:40 pm, 08/06/2012

Hey Race-Pire, whats up, well you mY NOT WANT TO ANSWER THAT with The Moose here.


Posted 10:40 pm, 08/06/2012

Why not ask them? I think I represent quite well.


Posted 10:39 pm, 08/06/2012

Bet those behind the curtain pulling the strings are laughing their *** off at this and agreeing - "boy we got 'em going at each other, don't we?"

And that would be who Empowers ?? Maybe the puppets are the one's who believe standing up for Chic- fil- A, is standing up for Jesus.


Posted 10:38 pm, 08/06/2012

You really give true 'Gays' a really bad name and rap, Goober-Gobbler LOL


Posted 10:38 pm, 08/06/2012


Just read Gr8's posting if you want to see where the hate is.


Posted 10:37 pm, 08/06/2012


Posted 10:37 pm, 08/06/2012

Whewwww, you had me worried there for a minute.


Posted 10:37 pm, 08/06/2012

and you give self righteous a whole new name.... lol


Posted 10:35 pm, 08/06/2012

I don't hate Christians numb nuts... I hate bible thumpers. and I wouldn't lick you if you paid me.


Posted 10:34 pm, 08/06/2012

TheMUSE Posted 10:20 pm, 08/06/2012
I don't hate you amuffallredeye. I just think you're a dirty, mean, sk*nk.
This coming from a Self-Rightous , Christian Hating, Butthole Licking, Pole Smoker.


Posted 10:32 pm, 08/06/2012

I agree with this 100% empowers.

Bet those behind the curtain pulling the strings are laughing their *** off at this and agreeing - "boy we got 'em going at each other, don't we?"


Posted 10:29 pm, 08/06/2012

Ain't no hate about it. Stop trying to make things what they are not. I am sick and tired of being told that just because I believe this way or don't believe that way that I am a hater. I beg to differ with you. Yes, I beg you to see that I differ with you so don't come down on me for it and try to make it something it is not. I don't indulge in hate to make me feel superior to you. That would actually be making me lower than you.

Bet those behind the curtain pulling the strings are laughing their *** off at this and agreeing - "boy we got 'em going at each other, don't we?"


Posted 10:20 pm, 08/06/2012

I don't hate you amuffallredeye. I just think you're a dirty, mean, sk*nk.


Posted 10:14 pm, 08/06/2012

These guys sound just like our own gowilkes posse, same rhetoric, same tactics.

Gay hate unmasked.

enough allready

Posted 12:07 am, 08/02/2012

Gays are the hate group

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 11:54 pm, 08/01/2012

Imma thinking the crickets have even stopped chirping....

Forever Cynic

Posted 11:31 pm, 08/01/2012

mommotwo (view profile)
LOL- SO, basically what you are saying is that this Southern Poverty Law Center can call me a hate group if I pass out a leaflet or publication supporting marriage as one man, one woman only because it "maligns" an entire group of people (LGBT) . O.k. my definition would be a little different.

The definition of a hate group was posted in the beginning of this thread -

Hate group
an organization whose purpose is to promote animosity, hostility and malice against persons belonging to a different race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity or national origin which differs from that of the members of the organization.

Basically, if your intent is to hurt other people based on their race, religion, sexual orientation, etc, then yes, you are a hate group.

And IMO, a "business" that donates a significant percentage of their profits to a hate group is little more than a financial front for that hate group.

I do wonder, if Chick-fil-A were donating $4 million a year to the KKK, how many people would be so openly supporting them? I really don't see how it's all that different.

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