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Chick-fil-A, the hate group


Posted 2:30 pm, 08/01/2012

REALLYGR8NOT2BEU... I try to keep it private, but you people keep bringing it up as if it was your business. I kept it private for YEARS... If you want us to keep it private.. stop putting our lives on your ballots. Stop making statements to the press about how you don't like us.... Stop making us part of your sermons... stop creating amendments to control us... leave us the f==k alone.


Posted 2:03 pm, 08/01/2012

can't anybody in america have a belief or opinion anymore without somebody getting all wadded up.?


Posted 1:37 pm, 08/01/2012

They want their private lives to be kept private, and their taxes to matter and support their right to equality. That's your gay agenda

If you want it private, no problem, keep it private.


Posted 1:07 pm, 08/01/2012

Boy you said that right and could say it a hundred times more! Aint it the truth and add every where else in the USA!


Posted 1:06 pm, 08/01/2012

Chick-fil-A is great.. I will still go there. If I quit going everywhere in Wilkes County that had an opinion I did not like.. I would never leave the house..


Posted 1:00 pm, 08/01/2012

Does anyone really believe the CEO of Chic had the best interests of his employees in heart when he made his remarks? Does anyone think all these groups from both sides has anyone but their own interests at heart?

What about those lying politicians do you really think any of them have our best interests or anyone else's for that matter in mind?

Don't kid yourselves, this is all about who's got the meal deal of the week, another words da money.

Like Muse said, if you don't like it don't be there, don't go there, don't be anything.


Posted 12:55 pm, 08/01/2012

almost famous... here's the "gay agenda"

they just want to be good people, have good brunches, love whomever they choose of consent, shop, have nice things, contribute to society, and blend in. They want their private lives to be kept private, and their taxes to matter and support their right to equality. That's your gay agenda


Posted 12:50 pm, 08/01/2012

It is very silly Muse, a voice of reason!

It is very silly and to think of all the innocent people this big ole mess will cause harm too!

Like you said, you said it best on several posts. If people don't like it don't go there...simple

But nobody see's it and nobody is going to listen or change their minds.

Sad really that only a very few people see how silly this whole matter is.

What's worse is they can't see how well they're being play against the other.

Election year, and people need to be distracted from who is going to run the show next 4 years.

what a load of...


Posted 12:49 pm, 08/01/2012

I'm still trying to figure out this whole gay agenda thing can one of you straight people explain it to me?


Posted 12:48 pm, 08/01/2012

i would say that mommo and bestill are more alike than they would like to admit

Let me be clear on what I say- If I have led you to believe this in any way, I apologize.


Posted 12:46 pm, 08/01/2012

Has Any of these so called hate groups from h*mosexual groups or Christian groups ever taken part in violence against the other? I couldn't find anything on that, all I could find is a lot of mud slinging and money slung towards politicians. Yep, both sides do that, both sides do it, and it's just not a Chic-Fil-A thing either, both sides does it. Both sides of the argument par-take in donations and getting into politics!

So, wouldn't both sides fall into the category of being a Hate Group?

Why, I think not.


Posted 12:43 pm, 08/01/2012

these = the

It's all so silly in the scheme of things.


Posted 12:42 pm, 08/01/2012

it's all so silly in these scheme of things... all of it.


Posted 12:41 pm, 08/01/2012

Believe me, i know who is who, and i know what you are talking about...however...as time goes by and you get to know these people by their posts...i would say that mommo and bestill are more alike than they would like to admit


Posted 12:41 pm, 08/01/2012

It goes a lot deeper than some Christian that's misguided throwing out the label hate group and it goes even still deeper than a h*mosexual throwing out the term hate group. It's like the Agenda thing when you dig about looking for the facts...

Who gets to label? Why do they get to label? Strong term Hate Groups, sounds like Nazi's or the KKK or the Black Panthers or other well known hate mongers.


Posted 12:40 pm, 08/01/2012

Active U.S. Hate Groups
Stand Strong Against HateJoin people across the nation who are standing strong against the hate. Add yourself to our map as a voice for tolerance.

The Southern Poverty Law Center counted 1,018 active hate groups in the United States in 2011. Only organizations and their chapters known to be active during 2011 are included.

All hate groups have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people, typically for their immutable characteristics.

This list was compiled using hate group publications and websites, citizen and law enforcement reports, field sources and news reports.

Hate group activities can include criminal acts, marches, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting or publishing. Websites appearing to be merely the work of a single individual, rather than the publication of a group, are not included in this list. Listing here does not imply a group advocates or engages in violence or other criminal activity.

LOL- SO, basically what you are saying is that this Southern Poverty Law Center can call me a hate group if I pass out a leaflet or publication supporting marriage as one man, one woman only because it "maligns" an entire group of people (LGBT) . O.k. my definition would be a little different.


Posted 12:32 pm, 08/01/2012

I want to know what makes you see them as hate groups.


Posted 12:31 pm, 08/01/2012

Rh, I do agree with much you've said, but as for the argument against the liar, well that friend you'd just have to take some of your time and dig about on many a thread here on GoWilkes. Much goes by the average passerby as most of what it has written goes unseen and unnoticed. Like, for example, playing a Victim when truth is, it's the Victimizer that uses a well played plan to orchestrate deceit, cause argument and of course if possible hurt feelings. It plays on the the fact that others will miss thread by thread post after post that belittles it's opponent. It will play on being a victim! Wait for it, is just the thing you have to wait for it to see it demonstrate it's little perverted mind game. Time is on your side Rh if you're willing to see it!

Don't take my word for it RH, the proof of my comment is all over GoWilkes over the past several years that It has blessed us with it's great span of knowledge.

That said, The Op posted a video link that was very surprising because it gives everyone, I mean everyone valid points. People should watch it, watch it all and watch it again, because a lot of truth is on those video's.

I'd agree also nobody is going to change their minds but my question and the only question I'd have concerning the actual topic. Is who decides about these so called Hate Groups, I mean think about it, who is it that really decides who it is that's called a Hate Group? Both sides could be called Hate Groups and mostly are. But do we have some neutral body that decides it originally? Someone from another planet that just pops in to decide? Who is really behind the scenes on this being both sides have been labeled Hate Groups or terms like Radical used. Who is that exactly? Who get's to brandish the sword of label?


Posted 12:21 pm, 08/01/2012

I mean , Holy Cow! The names of the groups have been posted on this thread with links and reasons a zillion times already. Did you just gloss over and not investigate? How do you think this whole conversation got started. Over a thousand posts and you do not even know?


Posted 12:17 pm, 08/01/2012

Go to the list from the Southern Poverty Law Center. They are quite fair and do not hold Christian organisations as hate groups unless they, well, are hate groups, like the Klan.

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