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China Joe asks a black reporter if he is a junkie.


Posted 6:37 am, 08/07/2020


Can you identify a camel, glitter?


Posted 10:16 pm, 08/06/2020

Is China joe racist or is racist joe Chinese?

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:12 pm, 08/06/2020


Don't start.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:11 pm, 08/06/2020

Biden just said in June he took two or ten cognotive tests a day and now says he hasn't taken one but wants Trump to take one while asking a black reporter if he's a junkie.


Posted 8:07 pm, 08/06/2020

But it's ok for Trump to berate reporters.


Posted 8:04 pm, 08/06/2020

I see the racist lefties are still trying to defend their racist China Joe.


Posted 5:44 pm, 08/06/2020

Once again Dukie has reading comprehension problems yet still spins a hoax.


Posted 4:13 pm, 08/06/2020

Gumbo's friends, both of them, say he's tsupid for believing anything Jerry Rivers says.


Posted 4:08 pm, 08/06/2020

Geraldo Rivera has friends that say China virus has a racial overtone.


Posted 3:19 pm, 08/06/2020

We go from Biden the crime-bill architect to Biden the raging socialist.

What a ride! No wonder your messaging isn't working,


Posted 3:04 pm, 08/06/2020

Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism that is embedded as normal practice within society or an organization.

You guys supporting Joe Biden is systemic racism. Joe Biden saying if you vote for Trump instead of him you ain't black is systemic racism. Joe Biden suggesting a black reporter is an addict because he is black to contradict the reporters asking if Biden took a cognitive test because he is old is systemic racism. Joe Biden's crime bill led to even more systemic racism. Just own it. You are part of it.


Posted 3:00 pm, 08/06/2020

skeptic plays scumbag swucy's tsupid little game and swucy shows that no matter what you give a leftist schlit it's never enough, they are never satisfied and always demand more free stuff.


Posted 2:59 pm, 08/06/2020

No, I really don't. It's gibberish.


Posted 2:55 pm, 08/06/2020

You get the jist of it. They have started marching on liberals houses at this point.


Posted 2:17 pm, 08/06/2020

"They will to and destroy your house"

Slow down. No one can even understand the vague racist threat you're making.


Posted 2:16 pm, 08/06/2020

You are so full of BS.


Posted 2:14 pm, 08/06/2020

Liberals, like you guys on here, are why I don't worry with being called racist anymore. Lots of people don't worry about being called racist anymore. The good thing is the young generation are starting to figure you out. It doesn't matter what party you are in anymore. They will to and destroy your house. Lol. It's about time. I can't count the times you have supported systemic racism. As long as the person is a leftie. You could care less.


Posted 1:39 pm, 08/06/2020

So strike one.

Why not use Helms, septic? You tried once, but dropped it like a bag of wet $+!%.


Posted 12:31 pm, 08/06/2020

I guess it is similar to connecting Trump to Epstein. See how that works.

But I'm glad you all realized the Strom Thurmond was a arskhole.

Biden knew he was a arskhole.

'Strom Thurmond was also a brave man, who in the end made his choice and moved to the good side,' Biden said. 'I disagreed deeply with Strom on the issue of civil rights and on many other issues, but I watched him change. We became good friends.'


Posted 12:12 pm, 08/06/2020

So if I connect Joe Biden to a segregationist then that proves he's a friend to systemic racism?

How about him working with Strom Thurmond? Even calling him his close friend.

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