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DJT stock


Posted 7:13 am, 04/18/2024

"It's all about the money" with Anti, let that sink in for a minute......

And remember it the next time she gets on her high horse


Posted 1:02 am, 04/18/2024

DJT had a good day, +15.59%! Hopefully that means that it bottomed out

I don't know why you of all people would buy DJT. I wouldn't buy Joe Biden stock for a nickel a share.

It's all about the money, DB. I own stock in oil companies and alternative fuels. I own stock in Wal*mart, even though I think they're destroying America and I haven't stepped foot in one in 15 years. I own stock in a marijuana ETF, even though I've never smoked and never intend to.

I don't buy stock to reward the industries I like, I buy it to make money.

Do I think that DJT stock is strictly being used to funnel money illegally to Trump? Absolutely. Will that belief stop me from trying to make money on it? Absolutely not.


Posted 3:52 pm, 04/16/2024

No one could have seen this coming a mile away. Nobody!

Except for those of us who have witnessed the myriad of Trump bankruptcies over the last 40 years.

DB Cooper

Posted 3:10 pm, 04/16/2024

I don't know why you of all people would buy DJT. I wouldn't buy Joe Biden stock for a nickel a share.


Posted 2:15 pm, 04/16/2024

DJT keeps falling, down another 13% today and still has 2 hours to go

But my whole portfolio has had a bad week, so it's hard to say whether this is a DJT problem.

I keep thinking about to the airline stock I bought in 2020... the headlines showed that several of them were about to file bankruptcy, so I sold while I could. Then they all rebounded, and I lost sooo much money! I hate to panic sell...


Posted 4:07 pm, 04/15/2024

How long you been saying the market is going to crash? 3 years now?

DB Cooper

Posted 3:57 pm, 04/15/2024

If the market were to get really ugly this fall, and why shouldn't it... I can see this puppy deep in the single digits.


Posted 3:53 pm, 04/15/2024

It must be a woke company since only woke companies lose value.

DJT creating more shares that cause devaluation? Sounds like his normal strategy for everything else....


Posted 3:32 pm, 04/15/2024

Great investment strategy. Those 70 dollar shares are now worth 22 dollars. More are now available. Buy ''em up Trump fans. Trump needs your cash more than you do.


Posted 12:16 pm, 04/15/2024

I'm still trying to unload the bridge and the beach front property, don't y'all think that they might be a better investment?

DB Cooper

Posted 12:03 pm, 04/15/2024

This one's for anti...

DB Cooper

Posted 11:45 am, 04/15/2024

Trump stock tanks after announcing tens of millions new shares

Trump Media & Technology Group's stock is tumbling again after the company announced a massive new influx of shares. The struggling company is rapidly losing money, and a new stock offering could help it stay afloat.

But there's a downside to going back to the market with new shares: A new public stock offering of 21.5 million shares announced Monday would add more than 15% more stock to the publicly available shares of the Truth Social owner. That would substantially devalue existing shareholders' stakes - including that of former President Donald Trump.

Shares of TMTG (DJT) fell more than 15% Monday. -- CNN

DJT $27.87 - $4.72


Posted 7:57 pm, 04/12/2024

That's the best way to be. When you're long, you don't have to worry about these quick volatile drops. The 1% are greedy little scum bags and the good Lord knows, they won't let the markets stay down. They will always want to make $$. Both on the way down and on the way back up.


Posted 7:42 pm, 04/12/2024

True. It's real easy to see headlines, see that you've lost 15%, and then panic! Especially with these volatile stocks. But I'm trying to make myself relax and trust myself... ignore the day to day, and think big picture.


Posted 7:35 pm, 04/12/2024

When I first started in 2019, I lost a lot of money panic selling. Until I watched the market for a while and realized the government will throw out some BS news so the markets will drop. Meanwhile, the hedge funds and bears will short it on the way down, buy low and make money on the recovery. A lot of retail investors fall for it every time. The truth is, it's the Market Makers with thier darkpools, naked shorting and algorithms that run the show. The SEC really needs to take a look at why all these companies are being shorted into bankruptcy and having to do reverse splits just to stay afloat which in the end, hurts those invested in that stock.


Posted 7:24 pm, 04/12/2024

I ain't no panic seller.

I am!!! But I try real hard not to be.

Not panic selling is why I lost big money on some, but gained on others. So I guess it washes out in the end.

With DJT stock, though, which is super volatile, there's just no way to guess what's going to happen because the value is based on perception instead of fact. It could blow up Monday... or it could crash. And the same is true for Tuesday. And Wednesday.

I think I've decided to just let it ride until November, though. Worst case scenario... I lose $10,000.


Posted 7:21 pm, 04/12/2024

I learned really quick and the hard way that stop loss is a SCAM. Both, the stock market and crypto took a big ole �'� today😕 Luckily, my options don't expire until 5/17 so there's time to recover. Both had me sweating today. My LADYS dropped 40% but has recovered 19%. You know what I did when it was down 40%? I bought 500 million more for 64 bucks!!😉 I ain't no panic seller..😁

DB Cooper

Posted 1:01 pm, 04/12/2024

Oh... of course you did!

DB Cooper

Posted 1:01 pm, 04/12/2024

A word to the wise... never use round numbers like $20, 30, 40, for stops. The market wants to cause as much pain for players as possible. It knows where the greenhorns set their stops.... and loves to take them out. I would have used $29 in this case.

But then again, it's been my experience stops cost me a lot more money over time than they ever saved me.

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