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Does GW consider the phrase "I jewed them down" a racial slur?


Posted 10:56 pm, 09/09/2012

I went to school with a Jewish kid and he was not offended by it at all.

He said that if they want to think he is good with money because of his faith that is fine, let them.

I secretly believe he felt he was gaining a negotiating edge.


Posted 10:55 pm, 09/09/2012

I heard a lot of things growing up that aren't socially acceptable to repeat now. Well, that is unless you are a democrat senator from WV and then you can say them on national tv.


Posted 10:53 pm, 09/09/2012

moving101 (view profile)

Posted 10:43 pm, 09/09/2012

I thought it was, "That's MIGHTY white of you".

I've heard both.
Maybe to be "mighty white' you have to do something etraordinary


Posted 10:52 pm, 09/09/2012

The being jewed down phrase was something I heard growing up, haven't heard it in years. When I was young I didn't connect it with an ethnic group.


Posted 10:43 pm, 09/09/2012

I thought it was, "That's MIGHTY white of you".


Posted 10:42 pm, 09/09/2012

I hate it when somebody says to me "Thats white of you"

to be or not to be

Posted 10:40 pm, 09/09/2012

I think we have all worked at one of those places where F*** You is considered acceptable as good morning.


Posted 8:30 pm, 09/09/2012

I thought F*** Y** was acceptable as a greeting anytime, unless F*** me is more appropriate....


Posted 8:30 pm, 09/09/2012

Judge Judy is Jewish.

ashe plumber

Posted 8:26 pm, 09/09/2012

I saw the judge on peoples court really chew someone out for saying that phrase in her courtroom.


Posted 8:26 pm, 09/09/2012

I guess it would be to some people. I was listening to The Rise Guys on 93.3 and Matt said he offended a gypsy by using the phrase, "You got gypped."

Personally, I think the term honky is hilarious and use it to describe myself as well as call some friends by that name.


Posted 8:24 pm, 09/09/2012

I still hear it every morning.


Posted 8:16 pm, 09/09/2012

Satan (view profile)

Posted 8:01 pm, 09/09/2012

i dont , but i worked construction when i was young and "f*** y** "
was perfectly acceptable as a "good morning"

I'm pretty sure I worked at that same place!


Posted 8:10 pm, 09/09/2012

I used to hear it a lot when I was a kid and didn't know what it meant....


Posted 8:09 pm, 09/09/2012

I used to use that phrase. I haven't used it in over 25 years. I find it offensive .


Posted 8:06 pm, 09/09/2012

I agree Manic:. The whole thing has been blown way out of proportion by those who would incite hatred and division so they can become more powerful.

Jews will admit they know how to make money and it's true. Wish I was jewish!


Posted 8:02 pm, 09/09/2012

It doesn't bother me to hear it, then again, I'm not Jewish! I have used the term, but I certainly did not mean it in an offensive way.

I could be wrong...it has been known to happen before , but, I would think most Jews would take it as a compliment because it is about their business savvy and ability to make good deals.

Just saying....


Posted 8:01 pm, 09/09/2012

I don't think it's Kosher.



Posted 8:01 pm, 09/09/2012

i dont , but i worked construction when i was young and "f*** y** "
was perfectly acceptable as a "good morning"


Posted 7:57 pm, 09/09/2012

My husband's daughter was down here and a neighbor said I want to jew down and she told her dad that she did not like that remark. He told her he didn't mean anything by saying that. He told her to just over look him. I told my husband that I use to say that before I married him and then I never said it again.

I don't think it is a racial slur but it is still not a nice thing to say.

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