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Does Obama and Sharpton share in responsibility

wrestlers Grandpa

Posted 8:58 am, 12/25/2014

hmmm those like pantera seem to perpetuate the theory of being racist with their comments....unfortunately there are many who wear the Law Enforcement Uniform and go beyond their training and common sense....that may be less than .0001 per cent in this country who take the job of Serving and protecting....so Rev seems to call all law enforcement personnel racist?... no those involved in an unexplainable situation...like the Trayvon Martin case...do I think Zimmerman is arrogant and slightly racists yes,, his action support that ..... but once again he is only one ... the latest shooting in Mo...was as the camera at the gas station shows justified....wave a weapon at the police in their direction than expect the police to react as trained...if you watched the news coverage there were many blacks who said so....again one persons decision payed the consequences......sad ending for certain...


Posted 5:17 am, 12/25/2014

He is the Rev. for hate and black THUGS. In the Trayvon case we whites were being called racists for a Mexican killing a black THUG, why? Because Arsehole AL will take any chance he can to destroy white lives!!! The black THUG that killed the two cops was going after white cops and killed a Mexican and a Chinese American. Sharpton and the black THUGS need to get their crap straight before they hurt anymore innocent people. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all have a blessed day.


Posted 7:57 am, 12/24/2014

Al Sharpton? He's going to work for Comcast, said it has nothing to do with protesting. It's said he's not actually the REV Al Sharpton he got that through some organization. Sort of like being a Doctor without a doctorate.


Posted 7:51 am, 12/24/2014

I agree with you, lightnin. I think the Democrats were duped into voting for one thing, but got something totally different.

Lightnin Flash

Posted 5:35 am, 12/24/2014

This stuff is not going to get better until the administration changes. This administration is packed with racial activist, anarchist and thugs. Its all they know so be prepared to weather the storm. I think it will get much worse before they leave. Democrats got more than they bargained for.


Posted 5:11 am, 12/24/2014

After all of the violence and fear these black THUGS have created New Years Eve at Times Square will be a total mess.

John Thomas

Posted 5:36 pm, 12/23/2014

Former NY Gov. Pataki was just on CNN, echoing Guilini's scathing criticism of Holder, Obama, Sharpton, and DiBlasio.

These scumbags really had a vendetta against the NYPD, and police in general, that directly encouraged violence, death and destruction in our cities.

And, they remain unrepentant to this day.

They will soon reap the whirlwind...

Chimps on Tilt

Posted 4:27 pm, 12/23/2014


And YES I Have a link
CNN's Sally Kohn: Ferguson has Taught Us that Whites Are All Racists Because of �White Privilege' http://www.tpnn.com/2014/11...privilege/

You are correct


Posted 3:16 pm, 12/23/2014

You don't have to have any visible African traits the DNA would be your tell all.


Posted 2:59 pm, 12/23/2014

And YES I Have a link
CNN's Sally Kohn: Ferguson has Taught Us that Whites Are All Racists Because of �White Privilege' http://www.tpnn.com/2014/11...privilege/


Posted 2:56 pm, 12/23/2014

could I be so lucky...I am so white I scare White ppl.....I mean would it have been so bad to throw some indian up in the mix?....lol...I think there was...lots on my moms side...but my dad....he was german/dutch/irish. I have no brown pigment no wheres!


Posted 2:53 pm, 12/23/2014

Interesting Tid bit, DNA research says that the Larger majority of people living in the Southern USA have African DNA. Notice the Majority means most Whites living in the South, funny thing is it's not necessarily true for blacks.


Posted 2:42 pm, 12/23/2014

lol...I swear to you chimpie....in all of wilkes...and all the years of hearing the by gones of old southern talk...and correcting it...in my own family...I've never seen anyone who spews as much...what would one call it?.....are you just trying to shock ppl? cause none can feel in their heart the sick stuff you say!


Posted 2:36 pm, 12/23/2014

CNN Said ALL Whites are Racist All of them


Posted 2:33 pm, 12/23/2014

Funny, you can't really say that and mean if you support Al Sharpton being he's as Racist or Bigoted as any single person on this website. In fact, I would dare Say then entire Country. When Blacks say another Black is Racist you can pretty well bank on that!


Posted 2:30 pm, 12/23/2014

Thats a Strange reply Heps,,,, after all you guys always like to use the "Previous Administration Fault" quote anytime that Obummer screwed up something. Does that mean you Librals are now taking responsibility of your actions.


Posted 2:23 pm, 12/23/2014

I removed a few posts that were off topic and/or trolling.


Posted 2:21 pm, 12/23/2014

Why don't some of you folks OWN your racism and bigotry? On some level, you know you need to. Not everything is someone else's fault.


Posted 2:05 pm, 12/23/2014

Your right but who on GW can influence people like the president can? Your an idiot.


Posted 2:00 pm, 12/23/2014

I'm certain our president knew as much about the Trayvon Martin killing as anyone on here..

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