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Does Obama and Sharpton share in responsibility

Frankie Dunn

Posted 7:29 pm, 12/22/2014

Cliven Bundy just wanted to be left alone to help put food on American's dinner table, as his family has done for generations.

Since the federal thugs have stopped killing and destroying things out in the Nevada desert; peace and prosperity have reigned.

As usual, libs unable to discern facts bc of blind political loyalty.


Posted 7:25 pm, 12/22/2014

Frankie, your assessment is contrary to the facts. You are insinuating your own (fictional) outcome. I mean, ALL of us could fantasize another ending if we got really "out there."

Frankie Dunn

Posted 7:22 pm, 12/22/2014

If, by chance, the assassin Brimsley's gun had misfired, and he was taken down by the cops; he would have been the next hero/victim of police brutality for Sharpton/Obama/Holder to canonizel. Fits the mold perfectly, just like Mike Brown and Eric Garner. g*ngb*nger thugs with a rap sheet a mile long.


Posted 7:12 pm, 12/22/2014

What did Cliven Bundy want?

Dead government agents. When did he want it? Now.

What was he willing to do? Hide behind women and children.

You might want to pick another hero.


Posted 7:09 pm, 12/22/2014

Pineapple (view profile)

So, where are the threads taking Fox News to task for devoting coverage to encouraging Cliven Bundy? You know, the man who didn't pay his taxes and formed an ARMED MILITIA that was going to gun down any government officials who came to collect? They were held here and on Fox as "true patriots," standing up against the system.
How is that any different than black people being ticked off and organizing over it when they are consistently being profiled and abused?

Liberal Chants !!!

What do we want?? Dead Cops !!
When do we Want it ?? Now !!!

Liberal Chants !!!

What do we want?? Dead Cops !!
When do we Want it ?? Now !!!

Liberal Chants !!!

What do we want?? Dead Cops !!
When do we Want it ?? Now !!!

Repeat it over and over Pinenut.

Lightnin Flash

Posted 7:07 pm, 12/22/2014

How can you not understand? Gray is gray, gold is gold, silver is silver, beige is beige, lavender is lavender, orange is orange and yellow is yellow. What is so hard to understand about that?


Posted 7:06 pm, 12/22/2014

Sharpton, Bundy let's see, we know forsure Sharpton owes so much in back taxes, he by all rights should be in jail. But isn't. Bundy, some questions have been raised concerning his deal.

I'd say birds of a feather, should be flocked together stick both their butts in jail.


Posted 7:05 pm, 12/22/2014

empowers: I have no idea what you saying, unless it's that there are some causes you endorse and others you don't.


Posted 7:03 pm, 12/22/2014

Red is red, black is black, white is white, pink is pink, green is green, brown is brown, purple is purple. blue is blue. So who wants to argue about this with me?

Lightnin Flash

Posted 6:59 pm, 12/22/2014

Do you really see no difference, Pineapple?


Posted 6:58 pm, 12/22/2014

Right is right and wrong is wrong.


Posted 6:54 pm, 12/22/2014

So, where are the threads taking Fox News to task for devoting coverage to encouraging Cliven Bundy? You know, the man who didn't pay his taxes and formed an ARMED MILITIA that was going to gun down any government officials who came to collect? They were held here and on Fox as "true patriots," standing up against the system.

How is that any different than black people being ticked off and organizing over it when they are consistently being profiled and abused?

Frankie Dunn

Posted 6:48 pm, 12/22/2014

Mayor Guiliani was on target, in his comments today. When Sharpton and his ilk go around shouting - "no justice, no peace"...

...and someone takes them literally, really, what do they expect?

When protesters think they can break the law by shutting down vital transportation links, with impunity, all the while shouting "what do we want: Dead cops..." then, they feign surprise when someone acts out?


Posted 5:57 pm, 12/22/2014

Abraham Drinkin (view profile)

Posted 4:56 pm, 12/22/2014

So what you are saying ken is racists don't like other racists


What are you saying AD ? I said nothing of the sort..


Posted 5:55 pm, 12/22/2014


Posted 5:54 pm, 12/22/2014

That's alright I don't need no lefty bs taught to my kids. The views of sharpton, Obama, Oprah or Maher isn't anything I want my kids to hear or believe.


Posted 5:53 pm, 12/22/2014

All White People are racist according to CNN


Posted 5:46 pm, 12/22/2014

jj77: If you ever have children, of course it will be your right to pass along any racist attitudes you have.

I wouldn't suggest it, though. You would be doing nothing to make the world a better place for your family nor their children.

Why plant those seeds? Think about it.


Posted 5:38 pm, 12/22/2014

What a crock of garbage. You keep thinking what you liberals want in those shallow little minds.


Posted 5:36 pm, 12/22/2014

Pineapple, your contribution is well-written. I agree with it. People of intelligence and knowledge of history & current events would agree too.

Unfortunately, there are still some of our white brethren and sistren who harbor much resentment. Education is the answer. Perhaps in another two or three generations their racism will have been diluted to the point that their grandchildren will be more enlightened in their thinking.

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