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Dr. Shane Hodge ?


Posted 9:43 pm, 02/21/2014


Posted 9:34 pm, 02/21/2014

Lol flatter me I'm excited now to see him lol just kidding. I have already had 2 doctors say it needs to go.


Posted 9:29 pm, 02/21/2014

Let me add, his office staff are great also.


Posted 9:05 pm, 02/21/2014

Good for you 40x! Perfect example of my point.


Posted 9:03 pm, 02/21/2014

Last year they wanted to take my gall bladder out, I said no. I went to Winston and had tests run. turned out I had a hiatal hernia. Dr. prescribed Prilosec, and I haven't had any problems since.

I'd get more than one opinion.


Posted 8:57 pm, 02/21/2014

Shane Hodge is an excellent doctor. He has an awesome bedside manner and EASY on the eyes. He can take my gall bladder out any day.


Posted 8:31 pm, 02/21/2014

Lol this has made my nite at work go by much faster. I don't take anything anyone on here says to heart


Posted 8:28 pm, 02/21/2014

Well now, glad you two made nice!


Posted 8:22 pm, 02/21/2014

I don't know either they both said it was their rule whatever that means I didn't have time before work to dig into it anymore today. It seems like dr. Hodge is a good doctor so I will keep my appointment with him. If I don't feel he is right for me than I will push the issue for a new doctor not that I know too much about any other surgeon, just dr keys who a family member has used.


Posted 8:18 pm, 02/21/2014

I wasn't trying to pry into your business stewart..I was trying to understand why they would tell you something of that nature...


Posted 8:14 pm, 02/21/2014

Well goddess if its any of your business which it isn't yes I do have insurance and a full time job do you? I'm not stupid I know they can't make me do anything I don't want to do. I was just telling what the nurse said. Maybe it would be a good idea if you minded your own business because I really don't care what your thoughts are anymore. I received a lot of positive grown up advice on this doctor not smart arse bit@& worthless info from you.

Hot Mess

Posted 8:10 pm, 02/21/2014

It sounds like both nurses don't know what they are talking about.


Posted 8:05 pm, 02/21/2014

stewartfan...they can't make you be seen or have surgery performed by someone you would rather not.

Plus, what happens if one of those physicians are not in your insurance coverage plan...then that would mean that you would have to pay outta pocket...no, they can't make you do that.

You do have insurance...right


Posted 8:02 pm, 02/21/2014

That is what his nurse and dr keys nurse both told me that's how they do it. Their rule or something she wouldn't even let me schedule an appointment with dr keys

Hot Mess

Posted 7:59 pm, 02/21/2014

You do not have to see who the Emergency Room tells you to see.


Posted 7:57 pm, 02/21/2014

The ER needs to have a surgeon on call...it must have been his scheduled on call time, that is why you were referred to his office...but you don't have to been seen by him or have him actually do your surgery.


Posted 7:53 pm, 02/21/2014

Hepsibab that does make sense the only problem with that is I didn't get to pick him as my doctor. I went to the ER last week and Dr. Hodge was on call and so for some reason you have to see the Dr. That was oncall the time you go to the ER. I tried to call dr. Keys and that was the story his nurse and also dr. Hodge nurse gave me. Anyone else ever heard of this " rule" I didn't even see Dr. Hodge in the ER.


Posted 7:47 pm, 02/21/2014

"The cart before the horse." I meant that perhaps you should have asked for opinions before making an appointment. That is, if opinions were important. But then, you could have cancelled the appt. easily enough had you been persuaded to do so.


Posted 7:47 pm, 02/21/2014

I wasn't "adding" anything to the post...I was responding to flowerchic

I also didn't insinuate that he had met the minimum standard requirement...I'm confident that he exceeded such requirements...but you would have to check his scores for such information.

Wait..wait wait...I most certainly did "add" to the thread..

I wished you good luck...and I'll do so again...good luck!!!!


Posted 7:34 pm, 02/21/2014

Why would I care if he " was" a good Dr. If I was asking if he "was" meaning in the past why would I say I "have" meaning in the future an appointment with him. I mean really people I just "asked" a question meaning in the past. Some people on here need to "get" a life meaning in the near future.

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