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EMS employees paid time off cut in HALF


Posted 3:09 pm, 04/29/2024

This is why the county needs to support the county fire departments and rescue. As they continue to bleed EMS employees, the fire department first responders and rescue are going to have to pick up more and more of the slack.


Posted 6:23 pm, 04/28/2024

Snowman the county rescue squad is the backup to ems. They will respond with their ambulances if ems is out of trucks. I think they have 3 ambulances. Then they would call the other counties for help.


Posted 6:10 pm, 04/28/2024

Our county is run by idots.

The Snowman

Posted 6:08 pm, 04/28/2024

So......who will come the calls if there is no ambulance available? Would they call an ambulance out of another county? Does the hospital have ambulances? I see the atrium ambulances on 421 and 77 pretty regularly.


Posted 5:56 pm, 04/28/2024

They have already lost most of their senior medics to surrounding counties. Just another step by admin that will cause more to leave and retire. They are already short crews and things will probably get worse.


Posted 3:04 pm, 04/28/2024

W T F?
do not do this please.
It's just dam WRONG.
Good Gött Almighty!!!


Posted 2:46 pm, 04/28/2024

The EMS was given $5,911,539 in the 2022-23 budget.

I don't see the budget in the 2023-24 budget, though... rolled in with something else, maybe?

All I could find was that the budget included money for 4 new paramedic positions...

I'd be curious to know what the budget actually gave them, and what the next upcoming budget allows. That would tell us whether the problem is with the county commissioners or mismanagement at the EMS.


Posted 2:33 pm, 04/28/2024

Fellers should notta wasted they money on cameras for the new locker rooms. Perhaps they would have enough to pay the non volunteers appropriately.


Posted 1:08 pm, 04/28/2024

More will leave , off to other counties. Long time ago I was thinking about becoming a paramedic till I looked up how low the pay was. I appreciate anyone willing to do that job for that pay.


Posted 12:51 pm, 04/28/2024

This is a real shame :( we really rely on having a strong hospital in our county. I remember about 15 years ago it was in the black for the first time, then some really good providers got run off by Baptist taking over. Who could that have benefitted in the county?

If people were not so incredibly greedy and could see the bigger picture, life would be easier for the vast majority of people.


Posted 12:42 pm, 04/28/2024

Wilkes EMS employees were told this week that their paid time off is going to be cut in half starting in May. That is time earned as well as time already earned. No other county employees were given this news. Can we afford to beat these folks down when it seems that the EMS department is already struggling to the point of barely having any employees? What the **** is going on on with the leadership in the county and at EMS. How far in a hole will this county let itself get before changes are made. Taxpayers and county citizens should be very concerned and need to be aware of the crookedness taking place in this county.

Note from GoNC: I corrected a minor typo in the subject of this thread so that it can be found more easily in the future.

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