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Food Stamps


Posted 10:22 am, 09/08/2012

Wouldn't the benefits be able to cover more people if their were limits as to what type of foods could be purchased. Each recipients benefits would go further allowing more people to receive assistance. If I were receiving assistance, I would not feel it unfair to have certain restrictions such as I can buy apples, but not pre cut apples in little bags with caramel sauce. It is unfortunate anyone has to be in the position to not be able to afford food, but sacrifices should be expected when others are paying the bill.


Posted 10:07 am, 09/08/2012

No, you are missing the point. I make them at home too...because I enjoy baking and my kids think I'm cool with what I can do but maybe she doesn't bake...or maybe she just got what her granddaughter asked for. She was really pleased to find the character on the cake. She's not abusing the system just because you don't have the money to buy your children a birthday cake..I'm sorry.


Posted 10:01 am, 09/08/2012

I think you are missing my point tarheel, great that grandma wanted to give a cake to her grandchild. Could she not have made one for a fraction of the cost? I would have liked to get my kids store bought cakes too, but I made them at home because I couldn't afford bakery cakes.


Posted 9:47 am, 09/08/2012

I also saw a grandmother pay for her grandchild's birthday cake with ebt...darn her! She should have just got her a carrot.


Posted 9:45 am, 09/08/2012

I just listed some of the restrictions below. Go to NC ebt website to learn more.

Another point is this....in the past it was easier to know who paid with foodstamps and who didn't...now it looks just like a debit card. My checking account debit card happens to have a flag on it. Couldn't count the times I've had to correct the cashier. Even my Paypal debit card has been mistaken for EBT...and it's gray with a big PayPal written on it. Makes me wonder how many people standing in line behind me are mistakenly judging what I'm paying for? Just saying.


Posted 9:43 am, 09/08/2012

I know on the WIC program there are restrictions on the types of food you can buy. It is not unreasonable to expect ebt recipients to have junk food restrictions.


Posted 9:35 am, 09/08/2012

Just what do you think people on foodstamps should eat beans everyday, and whats pizza cheese bread, meat, your basic food groups.

Let me tell you that I had cancer lost my job and did get help until I got back on my feet.

You are just a busy body that has nothing better to do than stick your nose where it does not belong, some people

really do need help and why should they not have what they want to eat?

Why don`t you sit down and work out a shopping list for people on foodstamps maybe they will abide by your rules on how to live.


Posted 9:31 am, 09/08/2012

I am all for helping people who need it, because you never know when you may find yourself in that position. I do understand part of the op's frustration. Over 20 years ago, I worked as a grocery checker. Many of our customers used food stamps . I was married with 2 kids, my husband had a good job and my income supplemented our lifestyle. I made a lot of hamburger helper, and used coupons to stretch our food budget. One customer in particular really made an impact on me, he was purchasing 2 live lobsters, porterhouses, bakery cheesecake, and all the trimmings. Celebrating something special I'm sure. When I gave him the totals he paid in food stamps .

This bothered me because with a 2 income household, my husband and I could not afford to eat like this. While I do not think recipients of food stamps should be forced to only "eat gruel", I do think they should be required to stretch their money as far as possible and spend frugally. I'm not sure if they still work this way or not. Are their restrictions on what foods recipients can buy?


Posted 9:30 am, 09/08/2012

You see the energy drinks everywhere. I think that is what I need to drink during the day. I am sleepy again and will go back to bed until lunch time.


Posted 9:25 am, 09/08/2012

Maybe they needed the energy drinks to stay awake for their jobs...lol Here's what info I could find on the energy drinks.

Below is a list of foods you can buy with your North Carolina EBT Card. SNAP provides a general food list that you can purchase with your Electronic Benefits Transfer debit card in North Carolina. If you have questions or issues about the food stamp program in North Carolina then contact your state run SNAP department. If you have an EBT Card in North Carolina and you are looking to find your balance online,North Carolina ebt card balance.

    Eligible Foods You Can Buy With A EBT Card In North Carolina- Fruits and vegetables- Dairy products- Cereals & Breads- Plants or seeds that produce food to eat- Meats, poultry and fish
    Non Eligible EBT Benefits Household Food items- Beer, wine, liquor- Food that will be eaten in the store- Cigarettes or tobacco- Hot foods- Vitamins and medicines- Non foods like:
      - Soaps and paper products- Pet foods- Household supplies
    Additional North Carolina EBT Food List- Energy drinks that have a nutrition facts label are eligible foods- Soft drinks, candy, cookies, snack crackers, ice cream are food items and are eligible items- Seafood, steak, and bakery cakes are also food items and are therefore eligible items- Live animals may not be purchased with SNAP benefits- Energy drinks with supplement label are classified by the FDA as supplements are not eligible


Posted 9:13 am, 09/08/2012

i saw a couple purchase 2 energy drinks at 2.00 a piece.thats b.s. i got home and looked arond on the computer to find out that some energy drinks can be bought with foodstamps.i say unless they are buying it on their way to their 1st or 2nd week of work they don't need to buying it with foodstamps.i thought they could only buy cookable food.


Posted 9:07 am, 09/08/2012

FortWorth (view profile)

Posted 4:59 am, 09/08/2012

You know before all of these programs people had to work or they had to stick with their families and be looked after that way. Sure the ecomomy sucks thats why I work 2 jobs to pay my bills. I have kids and I pay my bills. I don't expect everybody else to work harder so that I can have the benefit of a gauranteed full refrigerator or some nice pills paid for by medicade that make me feel like everything's ok eventhough its all going to **** in a hand basket...

What you don't see for your short sided judgments of welfare and people on it are the people who ARE working two jobs. Many many people work their butts off and still qualify for help. Right now my husband is on workmans comp for a shoulder injury...will be weeks before he has surgery and weeks more for recovery...his pay has decreased by 40% already and although we don't qualify for help right now it's possible we will have to ask before it's all said and done. I hope not. I'm looking for work and selling things we can do without on ebay to help right now but only time will tell if I'll find one before our nest egg is used...lol Life is life...it hits us all. We will make it...and we are not bad people if we should need a little help along the way. At least we pay our taxes and aren't trying to dodge them like the rich do. Yeah, go ahead and give their tax cuts...they need help more than we do.


Posted 8:52 am, 09/08/2012

FortWorth (view profile)

Posted 4:34 am, 09/08/2012

Prank, I don't think that people who cannot live independantly should be able to vote so, I do not think they should be able to dictate anything that I or anybody else should or shouldn't do...

...sounds like a Republican to me.



Posted 8:06 am, 09/08/2012

I get where FortWorth is coming from. But it would be hard to weed out the people abusing the system. The same thing happens with disability. I know a lot of people that can't hardly walk, they use canes, they have people help them around. Then, the day the turn 65, and their disability switches to social security, they some how are cured, they throw their cane away, a some even get a part time job. There are jobs available, but some people don't want to start at the bottom and work their way up. They think they are too good. They don't want to start sweeping the floor, or working at a fast food place. They want an office job right off the bat. America is teaching people to be lazy and dependent on someone else for everything.


Posted 8:01 am, 09/08/2012


Posted 4:59 am, 09/08/2012

You know before all of these programs people had to work or they had to stick with their families and be looked after that way. Sure the ecomomy sucks thats why I work 2 jobs to pay my bills. I have kids and I pay my bills. I don't expect everybody else to work harder so that I can have the benefit of a gauranteed full refrigerator or some nice pills paid for by medicade that make me feel like everything's ok eventhough its all going to **** in a hand basket...

Mybe you xhould give up one of those jobs so someone who needs to work and cant find it can have one and mybe they wouldnt have to have goverment help.


Posted 7:38 am, 09/08/2012

OP------ the lady says "how will you be paying"? I said with money....? I get there and put 2 and 2 together- They take foodstamps for pizzas and stuff.

so this question couldnt mean cash,debit or credit? By putting 2 and 2 together did you arrive at 5?


Posted 5:13 am, 09/08/2012

I agree that if there is a job out there to get and the person is qualified to work it then they should work instead of choosing to sit on their bum and do nothing while taxpayers keep them up.... But that is getting harder and harder to accomplish since there are no jobs out there to get..
Any one of us could have been, and can possibly end up in that same boat one day... For most people, it takes alot of pride swallowing to ask for help.. I know it would for me...

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 5:13 am, 09/08/2012

Eh, I don't think it's that, although I can see where you are coming from.

However, you don't know what other people have had to endure and go through. Do I believe that all able-bodied people should be working to help support those who can't? Sure. At what lengths do we go to though? I'd rather 100 people get over on the system than 1 person be denied benefits that really needs them.

On another note, I'm surprised welfare reform didn't take off more this election cycle than it did.


Posted 5:02 am, 09/08/2012

I guess I am being too judgemental. They were probably raised that way...


Posted 4:59 am, 09/08/2012

You know before all of these programs people had to work or they had to stick with their families and be looked after that way. Sure the ecomomy sucks thats why I work 2 jobs to pay my bills. I have kids and I pay my bills. I don't expect everybody else to work harder so that I can have the benefit of a gauranteed full refrigerator or some nice pills paid for by medicade that make me feel like everything's ok eventhough its all going to **** in a hand basket...

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