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Food Stamps


Posted 4:27 pm, 09/14/2012

copperpipes (view profile)

Posted 1:38 pm, 09/14/2012

In response to hipower - first of all, you don't know what my political affiliation is. Secondly, the Bible clearly states " The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.� 2 Thess 3:10. Welfare and Gov assistance was created during the Depression to be a temporary fix until people could get back on their feet. It was not designed to become a way of life as it is now. 80% of the people getting assistance know how to "work" the system - this goes from everything to unemployment, disability, Medicaid, etc....
Well the Bible talks about feeding the sheep, it's referring to God's people meditating on The Word.

First of all, coperpipes-Why should you feel that I was only referring to you? Perhaps your guilty conscious caused you to feel singled out.
Secondly the Bible clearly states "<Deut. 15:7.< If there is a poor man among you, one of your brothers, in any of the towns of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart, nor close your hand to your poor brother; but you shall freely open your hand to him, and generously lend him sufficient for his need in whatever he lacks

. <Deut. 26:12.< When you have finished paying the complete tithe of your increase in the third year, the year of tithing, then you shall give it to the Levite, to the stranger, to the orphan and the widow, that they may eat in your towns, and be satisfied.

Luke 3:11. And [John the Baptist] would answer and say to them, "Let the man with two tunics share with him who has none, and let him who has food do likewise."

Mt. 5:42. Give to him who asks of you, and do not turn away from him who wants to borrow from you.

Prov. 31:8ff. [Commandment to kings.] Open your mouth for the dumb, for the rights of all the unfortunate. Open your mouth, judge righteously, and defend the rights of the afflicted and needy.

Seems like the Holy Bible disagrees with your statement that welfare and Gov assistance was designed to be temporary. Your 80% statistic is 100% hogwash.

When JESUS spoke of "Feeding His sheep" He was telling those who BELIEVED to love, help, and guide others to him. Your selfishness and unwillingness to help the poor and needy is a witness too. Repent.


Posted 3:12 pm, 09/14/2012

Virginia Foxx doesn't believe they should have to work to receive welfare. She's sponsored a bill that's already out of committee. H.R. 4297, it's called.

White America

Posted 1:43 pm, 09/14/2012

If they are hungry, they will find work otherwise why bother..


Posted 1:38 pm, 09/14/2012

In response to hipower - first of all, you don't know what my political affiliation is. Secondly, the Bible clearly states " The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.� 2 Thess 3:10. Welfare and Gov assistance was created during the Depression to be a temporary fix until people could get back on their feet. It was not designed to become a way of life as it is now. 80% of the people getting assistance know how to "work" the system - this goes from everything to unemployment, disability, Medicaid, etc....

Well the Bible talks about feeding the sheep, it's referring to God's people meditating on The Word.


Posted 12:53 pm, 09/14/2012

so, i shouldn't get spinnersz?


Posted 11:27 am, 09/14/2012


Posted 11:21 am, 09/14/2012

People never cease to amaze me! Yes, as with any worthwhile program, some folks will find a way to abuse the system. Then those who are legit receive the same treatment. Having seen both sides of the system work, all I can say to all you nurses, doctors, teachers, cashiers, bankers, students & anyone else who treats these folks like they are just not up to your "level of excellency", who are you? Did you return your stimulus check to the feds because you do not need "help"? Did you find an old vehicle & take advantage of Cash for Clunkers?

Did you take advantage of tax breaks? Do you contribute to these unfortunates with drugs, alcohol sales and jacked-up prices for WIC & food stamp sales? Before we make rash statements, maybe we should take self inspection??? Who am I??? Tomorrow you may round a curve into a truck on your side of the road, your physical life changes forever! A week before December, you may face unemployment challenges with just one paycheck in your foreseeable future! Guess what, if you live long enough, you will be old! Your next doctor's visit may be devastating! Before we pass judgment, make those smug remarks & treat someone as less than me please remember that EXCEPT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD THAT COULD BE ME.!!!


Posted 11:19 am, 09/14/2012

Right...because "feed my sheep" only goes so far with republicans. Why is it that the ones who are so vehemently against welfare are the ones making the biggest show on Sunday morning?


Posted 11:16 am, 09/14/2012

I'm in agreement with FortWorth on this one. The ones getting all the assistance, that we, taxpayers, are paying for are voting for the very ones that'll keep raising OUR taxes to support them. They don't have to pay taxes on their benefits. It's just a way of life for so many - - it's starting to look pretty good. I know some people REALLY deserve assistance, and know others that need some and can't get it. I also know alot that DO get benefits that live better than me.


Posted 9:08 am, 09/14/2012

Gillian (view profile)

Posted 8:39 am, 09/14/2012

It's no crime to be poor. And being poor should not strip anyone of their rights.


Posted 9:07 am, 09/14/2012

<Food stamp fraud convict had plastic surgery and souped-up car<
<By Paula McMahon, Sun Sentinel<
During the time that Brenda Charlestain committed nearly $24,000 worth of food stamp fraud, prosecutors said she spent money on plastic surgery, an expensive car stereo system and a bright pink custom paint job for her 2008 Dodge Charger.
Brenda Charlestain testified Thursday that the $9,187 worth of cosmetic enhancements, the $1,100 sound system and the other splurges were all gifts from men she met working as a dancer at adult entertainment clubs in West Palm Beach and Miami.
Charlestain, 28, of Greenacres, claimed she was homeless and out of work when she applied for food stamps to feed herself and her five children, prosecutors said. She received $900 to $1,100 worth of aid per month between March 2010 and June 2012, court records show.

Read more: http://nation.foxnews.com/w...z26SdT8BJp


Posted 8:39 am, 09/14/2012

I'm betting most people on food stamps and welfare aren't rushing to the polls to vote.


Posted 8:39 am, 09/14/2012

It's no crime to be poor. And being poor should not strip anyone of their rights.


Posted 8:12 am, 09/14/2012

By live independantly I mean should not be living off the masses. If you live in government housing and get foodstamps, get on the government bus and do not work at all why should you be able to vote? What's the differance in that and being a federal inmate?

So if your in a bad spot attempting to work up out of it until you do... you should not be able to vote and maybe just maybe have your vote count for someone who can help find a solution to the 'welfare' issue. sorry that just makes no sense to me.


Posted 1:25 am, 09/14/2012

I've seen days with little to no food in our house. We were never on food stamps either. If my parents brought home a pizza I would have thought it was Christmas. I would never begrudge anyone buying a pizza or anthing else with food stamps. Judge lest ye be judged.


Posted 12:56 am, 09/14/2012

Once again...no one is advocating for abuse of the system, but only an idiot would think he knows someone's circumstances by what is in his shopping cart and by how he pays.
There is an old lady who is a shut in that my wife knows. Sometimes i go pick up a few things and pay with her ebt card. I drive a newer large suv, or my Cadillac. I will pick up some beer and wine while i am out..i am sure some busybodies talk junk about me....that makes me smile

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 11:03 pm, 09/13/2012

I find it quite amusing that people on benefits want to degrade others on benefits.

I work and make a pretty nice paycheck. I drew unemployment once, for one month. So I have paid into the system more than I have taken out.

That being said.... if you are using the benefits to provide for you and yours, I have no issue with it. Like I have stated before, I would rather 100 people fleece the system if it meant the one person who really needed the money actually got it.

I wish that some of you would spend your energy trying to upgrade your own life instead of worrying what everybody else is doing.


Posted 10:51 pm, 09/13/2012

Ok I worked at a gas station that did this and it is illegal for them to sell you HOT foods, the way they get away with it is they ring it up as something else which equals the same price and they fix it for you. Technically you are paying for a uncooked pizza and they are cooking it for you. IF THEY EVER MESSED UP AND SOLD IT TO YOU AND SOMEONE REPORTED THEM THEY WOULD BE FINED AND SHUT DOWN. Sorry for the caps.


Posted 9:52 pm, 09/13/2012

I think this thread is ridiculous. My husband and I both work and are still eligible for SNAP benefits. You cannot use them at restaurants but I think it's great if you say you can use them for gas station pizzas. Thanks for the tip...may try this tomorrow night. LOL Furthermore, you need to think before you judge. I know elderly people who have worked all their lives to receive very little Social Security benefits. My grandmother still grows a garden and doesn't usually have enough money for food. I think granny should be able to buy anything she **** well pleases with her measly $11.00 a month she gets in Food Stamps. I know that many people do take advantage of the system but it benefits so many more who do not.


Posted 6:06 pm, 09/09/2012

Mr. Tea Party, if that's how you really feel, I'll go grab a time machine and throw you back into the Dark Ages. Would that make you happy?


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