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Food Stamps


Posted 9:05 pm, 09/08/2012

I saw a really great article about Lenoir starting a community garden. Land was donated, seeds and utensils brought in and a great garden was formed. The next year, another garden was started. I think that would be a wonderful project for Wilkes County for several reasons. One, we could help lower food stamps. The people who apply would be asked to use the garden in exchange for lowering the number of food stamps. Two, people could work together as a project to help others. Three, people who are not able to work a garden alone could pitch in and do what they could in a joint effort. Four, we could teach an art of gardening that is a dying art because the day may come when it is going to be necessary to garden.

I am not a great gardener, but I would be willing to donate and to help.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 8:10 pm, 09/08/2012

Sigh. What I love about this website is the same people I see on here complaining about people using government services to make ends meet will be on another thread talking about the love of God.

I'm honestly glad none of you are around when I go grocery shopping so I don't have a bunch of nosey Nancy's all up in my cart.


Posted 8:07 pm, 09/08/2012

What circumstances do you have to meet to qualify for food stamps?


Posted 8:01 pm, 09/08/2012

Some of you people are morons! I have worked at least a full time job since the day I turned 15! I have a college degree and have always paid my own way. Not long ago I lost my job and the only work I could find was a job that paid $8 an hour! I took the job and worked OT every chance I had, I still had to go ask for help to feed my kids. I was so embarrassed to go to the grocery store but I did what I had to to feed my children. I used coupons and shopped around for deals. I now have a better job, still not as good as what I lost but I still qualify for foodstamps. I get a very small amount that helps remove a little bit of worry.

I am no longer ashamed! I work my *** off and if I need a little help, does that really make me a bad person?


Posted 5:31 pm, 09/08/2012

What pisses me off is people complaining about having to pay 10 dollars for their medicines. What if you make just enough money to pay your bills with alittle extra? No money left to pay for health ins [ not everyone is covered under state or federal ins.] Teachers get on here and complain about someone not spelling a word right [which bugs me to no end]. Why should we pay for teachers health coverage? If you work at walmart for 20 yrs and retire at age 45 do they get free STATE HEALTH COVERAGE? I didnt ask them to become teachers, and they complain at 45k a year [ give me a fu---- break. Feeding a hungry child anything, even pizza is better than paying some high and mighty teachers health coverage. No I don't think they should stop food stamps. I was being sarcastic with my last post.


Posted 5:27 pm, 09/08/2012

The amount of food stamps depends on how many children are in the home. They should not be punished without enought food and snacks to eat.


Posted 5:27 pm, 09/08/2012

From my understanding, you are not suppose to be able to by stuff like that on FS. I know you cannot buy hot items from the deli at Wal-mart or any of the grocery stores. But you shouldn't be so judgemental of people. Some people are struggling right now and are trying to find work and take care of their kids and pay the bills, I know some that are taking on extra jobs just to make ends meet and not lose their homes and the only way they can feed their families is with FS. If it wasn't for them, then they wouldn't have any food in the house. Instead of putting them down and judging, pray for them and their situation. You never know, you may be in their shoes one day.


Posted 5:20 pm, 09/08/2012

The people I know on food stamps never worked a day in their life except on their backs making babies so they can live off welfare. They wouldn't work if you gave them a job in a pie factory tasting pies because they would have to get out of bed and it might make their back hurt. There is a certain group of people growing larger by generations that think they deserve a free living and still complain that they don't get enough. I work every day of my life and have since I was 16 years old. I can and will complain about these lazy sorry a---- if I choose to and pray that one day it all comes crashing down and they actually have to work for a meal.


Posted 5:09 pm, 09/08/2012

some of you people are too dam harsh. its not just YOUR tax money. a lot of people on food stamps paid in taxes as well wehn they were working. so quit your pissing and moaning.


Posted 5:04 pm, 09/08/2012

Amen to that!!!!!!


Posted 4:49 pm, 09/08/2012

One thing that I don't hear a lot of people debating is that grocery stores have raised their prices in part because in this economy a lot of people are on public assistance. What makes me mad is when I'm standing in the check out line with a few groceries that cost me over 200 dollars of my hard earned money and some one in front of me with twice as much food then they use a D@mn flag card. I have to look for bargains and most of my stuff is the store brand food while they get the name brand food. They don't care what it cost because they didn't have to get up early every morning and go to work. If you talk to some of these people you can tell that they don't know the value of a dollar that you had to work for. To them a hundred dollars at the store is nothing but to me it don't get much but I had to work my *** off to get it so it is worth more to me. I really get ticked off when they use stamps for the food then they buy beer or a carton of smokes. If you get public assistance you should have to be drug tested for everything if you can't afford food then you shouldn't smoke drink or do any other kind of drug. We the tax payer has every right to demand this because you are living off of our money. If you want to do these things thats fine just don't use my tax dollars to do it. If you use food stamps then you buy drugs the tax dollars are paying for your dope.


Posted 3:58 pm, 09/08/2012

and if they ask you you are free to tell them just that


Posted 3:27 pm, 09/08/2012

That's when they hit all the other agencies with their sob stories of having no food to feed their kids and take home more free food. I say cut them all off, make them work for the free food. I have to work or I couldn't eat. Why don't everyone just quit work and live off the government?


Posted 2:58 pm, 09/08/2012

let them buy what they want .. it's not like they can just go ask for more .. when its gone for the month its gone they have the choice to budget or not ... if not it will be slim pickins at the end of the month whether they spend your money or there own

Joseph T.

Posted 2:43 pm, 09/08/2012

isky (view profile)

Posted 2:28 pm, 09/08/2012

Lets do away with all the government freebee's. IF, IF,IF,IF, you drive on roads, if you get any kind of check in the mail, if you get medicaid or medicare don't complain. If you get more in interest than walmart workers make then KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. The only fair way is to do away with our government social programs, state programs must go also [ free state insurance ] the tax payers pay for. This means all, vetern hospitals must go. This is only naming a few but theres more. The bottom line is, there would be chaos if we did this. The factory jobs are gone. If you have a job making 50k fine, complain about paying dollar more in taxes to feed your mouth. THE HE--- WITH THE REST, AS LONG AS I GET MINE SCREW YOU. LETS DO IT TODAY. STOP THE GOVERNMENT . NO MORE SOCIAL SECURITY, FOOD STAMPS , VERTERN HOSPITALS, INS FOR TEACHERS AND STATE WORKERS, DO AWAY WITH THE UNIONS, MEDICAID, MEDICARE AND FOR HEAVEN SAKES STOP ABORTIONS. WE NEED THE POOR HAVING KIDS SO WE CAN COMPLAIN IF WE HAVE TO FEED THEM.

The only problem with that is you pay in to SS/Medicare if you are going to cut it out fine I want everthing that I have paid in back with interest.

I do not agree with doing away with the VA anyone who risks their life and limbs for the safety of our country has earn the right to the VA care.


Posted 2:30 pm, 09/08/2012

Prepared Foods

    The Food Stamp program limits the types of prepared foods that can be purchased with food stamps. Food stamps do not cover any prepared food that will be consumed on premises of the business that made it. Food stamps also cannot be used to purchase hot foods. They can, however, be used to pay for cold, take-out foods such as salads and cold sandwiches.

Read more: What Foods Are Covered by North Carolina Food Stamps? | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_74...z25u3rdUKj

This is the NC guideline for food stamp purchases. If you know of someone committing food stamp fraud you should call the Dept of Social Services and report it. They are breaking the law and should have their authorization to accept food stamps revoked.


Posted 2:28 pm, 09/08/2012

Lets do away with all the government freebee's. IF, IF,IF,IF, you drive on roads, if you get any kind of check in the mail, if you get medicaid or medicare don't complain. If you get more in interest than walmart workers make then KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. The only fair way is to do away with our government social programs, state programs must go also [ free state insurance ] the tax payers pay for. This means all, vetern hospitals must go. This is only naming a few but theres more. The bottom line is, there would be chaos if we did this. The factory jobs are gone. If you have a job making 50k fine, complain about paying dollar more in taxes to feed your mouth. THE HE--- WITH THE REST, AS LONG AS I GET MINE SCREW YOU. LETS DO IT TODAY. STOP THE GOVERNMENT . NO MORE SOCIAL SECURITY, FOOD STAMPS , VERTERN HOSPITALS, INS FOR TEACHERS AND STATE WORKERS, DO AWAY WITH THE UNIONS, MEDICAID, MEDICARE AND FOR HEAVEN SAKES STOP ABORTIONS. WE NEED THE POOR HAVING KIDS SO WE CAN COMPLAIN IF WE HAVE TO FEED THEM.


Posted 2:24 pm, 09/08/2012

The law has changed recently towhere purchases of hot foods is allowed by food stamp recipients. It has been like that for a year or two now.

Joseph T.

Posted 2:09 pm, 09/08/2012

The food stamp program should be run like the WIC program where you can only but things from a approve list of products


Posted 12:03 pm, 09/08/2012

Really presto I thought you loved the poors. If it weren't for them you have to look at your own life.

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