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Food Stamps


Posted 6:03 pm, 09/09/2012

Maybe so, rh, but people don't like waking up in the morning and realizing they just go screwed by someone who's too stupid to not go to the movies (or whatever money-grubbing, totally unnecessary thing they do) when they can barely afford to feed their kids or pay their health insurance.

Live within your means. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. I have every right to judge you based on how you prioritize your life when the government is paying for your soda and Doritos. I'm a college student using Pell Grants and using several thousand dollars worth of student loans (so far0, and I go without a lot of things (food being one of them). And at the same time, there are too many people on WIC and food stamps buying their kids ponies and eating out every single night.

I know that sounds really lame, but I just don't feel like it's fair.

Mr. Tea Party

Posted 4:52 pm, 09/09/2012

NO MORE WELFARE! If the poor can't feed themselves let them starve. It will be for their own good!


Posted 4:45 pm, 09/09/2012

I question why there are "approved" items for WIC and not EBT?

When I started work at a grocery store back int eh late 70's, soft drinks and junk food were NOT approved for purchase using Food Stamps.

My best guess is the soft drink and snack food companies have powerful lobbyists on Capitol Hill and got it all slipped in.


Posted 4:42 pm, 09/09/2012

Mustang, while i agree that there is rampant misuse and abuse of the system, the moral for me is that busybodies should mind their own business and keep their noses out of my shopping cart


Posted 4:38 pm, 09/09/2012



Posted 4:34 pm, 09/09/2012

The moral of this story being, people shouldn't be allowed to get on food stamps so they can go to the movies three times a week, eat out nearly every night, or buy their child a pony.

You get on food stamps because you can't physically afford not to. My mother qualified for WIC and food stamps when I was a child, but she didn't use it because she figured we didn't have to go to the movies all the time or buy a new car when the one we had still ran.

Stop wasting government money when you don't actually need it. If you have food stamps and are eating out every other night or taking two, week-long vacations a year, you're taking advantage of other people working their butt off just to live.


Posted 4:06 pm, 09/09/2012

Alot of times, gas stations will accept the EBT/Food Stamp cards for there grocery items. Those pizzas are included but they must ring them up as a "frozen" and then you take it back to have it cooked to keep it in compliance with the social services office...if that makes sense


Posted 4:03 pm, 09/09/2012

The question isn't "If they can afford tattoos cigarettes, why do they need welfare?" The question is "If they can afford a Mercedes and a summer house, why do they need more tax breaks?"


Posted 1:12 pm, 09/09/2012

I agree corruption is entrenched in the administrative level. To the point where handout programs are buying votes.

Since corrupt govt. has been around since Christ was a carpenter, seems like the best way to minimize corruption would be to downsize govt. Which happens to be the teaparty platform.

Yet, whenever anyone HINTS at slowing the growth of any program, much less reducing it...OMGWTFBBQ!!! ... the pigs start squealing!!! The roads and bridges are going to collapse! Or, the old diversionary tactic of bringing up some other evil; which I pointed out earlier.

Face it, the liberal ideology is in love with bigger govt., and it sucks donkey balls!


Posted 1:11 pm, 09/09/2012

Well said kay.

Sleepie...feeling quite verbose today aren't we?


Posted 12:50 pm, 09/09/2012

I think people should not be lumped together ,by others who have nothing better to do with their time.

I have worked hard since I was 15 and now I am 47 I did get a little help when I had cancer and I feel like I deserved it I payed my taxes and still do.

My husband has worked all his life and since we have been married I have never known him to miss a day of work.

When you have big bills coming in from cancer than you can judge other people,it is not fun trying to scrape enough together for them and then for the things your children need.

I was suppose to be out of work for three months when I had my surgery but I went back withen four weeks.

My advice to you is when your in the check out line behind someone with Ebt try and remember their all not low life scum.


Posted 11:35 am, 09/09/2012

I agree Wilbar, a lot of waste is in the Food Stamp programs and Welfare type programs. If that is to be corrected the 1st step is going to have to be getting jobs back in the USA.

States are going to have to be stricter about how they hand out food stamps, a drug test, a job requirement might be in order. The drug testing is going to be touchy with some people because again they're going to ***** about paying for that. The job requirement will be another sore spot because one they would have to have jobs that people can do with their skill level and educational back grounds.

I agree life long food stamps that go from one generation to another is bs.

If you read about that, seems they've stopped a lot of that abuse. Today we see a lot of military people getting on relief and when asked about that the reply is I got home and couldn't find a job.

Who's fault is that?

People say you can find a job if you want one but it's not as simple as that. You have to find a job that pays your bills and allows you to get to work. Just recently I talk to a person who went for a job about 90 miles from here. The job wouldn't even pay them enough to live locally so they'd have to commute, they could afford the gas to get to the job because the wages wasn't enough per week.

Jobs might be out there but most of them are very low in pay from what I've been told by people. Not people sitting behind a computer spouting out judgments but Face to Face people.

Looking a the bigger picture doesn't make a person a libtard as you like to say. It just makes them aware of the fact the government is one player that causes a lot or almost all of the problems we see today when dealing with Welfare programs. If you really stopped and think about it they're the cause or root to most if not all the economic problems in the USA.

If you want to talk about Welfare you'd really have to start with discussing the Government as they're totally 100% dependent on Welfare and have been for generations.


Posted 11:25 am, 09/09/2012

Even wilbar has to recognize that the corruption in these programs BEGINS at the administrative level!!!! if the administration of these were correctly processed there wouldn't be that much room for FRAUD!!!! Reality is that the corruption begins with ADMINISTRATIVE FRAUD!!!!


Posted 11:19 am, 09/09/2012

Typical Republican answer....lets vote for R/R AND give them a tax cut!


Posted 11:17 am, 09/09/2012

Even Stevie Wonder can see that there is fraud and abuse in the food stamp, and welfare programs. Multi-generational dependency has become a way of life, and aspects of the program encourage irresponsible behavior. The lard-a.s.s bureaucracy continues to expand their little empire.

That's not to say some folks really need help.

Like always, the sniffers excuse the fraud and abuse, by pointing out some other evil...as if we can't object to ANY wasteful program, until the rest of the world achieves perfection.

Which is, of course, a specious argument.

Typical liibtard day on gowilkes!


Posted 11:05 am, 09/09/2012



Posted 11:02 am, 09/09/2012



Posted 11:01 am, 09/09/2012

Yay Sleepie

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 10:54 am, 09/09/2012

Cheers to you Sleepie


Posted 10:54 am, 09/09/2012

That comment was supposed to say that the op is obviously very judgmental and has no clue to the reality of some lives... ignorant as ****.... simple as that

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