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Food Stamps


Posted 10:51 am, 09/09/2012

The op is obviously very judgmental and has little t simple as thato no clue at all to reality.


Posted 10:45 am, 09/09/2012

If it really bothers you so much that someone is paying for their food with an EBT card. It bothers you so bad you can take minutes out of your life to get on an internet forum safe and snug behind your computer. Why not just ask those people that you seem to love to bash so much? That's right get in line and stick your nose up their *** and when you see them paying with that card then just ask them. Man up! Woman Up and just ask! I'd bet money you'd never ask because you'd actually have to be a man or woman in the first place!

I'll tell you what pisses me off, Americans send billions of dollars overseas in aid every year and nobody seems to worry how badly this is mis-used, stolen, used to buy weapons instead of food. God forbid though your neighbor get aid or help. Or an old person get back the money they paid into SS! God forbid that you think you paid for something someone else gets when in fact you haven't a clue!

Nobody ever seems to worry that the very people who complain about social programs in government are the very reasons why we need social programs today like food stamps. With their mis-use of power and utter lies and theft. They've managed to put millions of people out of jobs and then they complain about these people needing help! They gave away more money to Crooks and Lairs on Wall Street than all the Food Stamp programs in all the states has given to the Real Poor and Elderly People in history! They gave away More money To Crooked Corporations and Banks than any poor person has ever received and nobody complains about that or do they do anything about it! They keep electing Crooks, lairs and idiots because it's just easier to ignore them crooks and take all your fluster ****s out on the poor and elderly.

Yep Uncle Sam put millions of people out of work and now they sit back and cry about SS and Social programs!
Use scare tactics to terrorize Elderly People almost every election. The Government Blew the SS funds and now when they have to pay it back they complain about it and try and scare people to death who are already suffering. Almost every election since them Elected Officials stole SS and put it into the General fund back in the late 1960's! So they could steal the money millions of Americans Paid into SS so they could have a little money when they got old. Every election since then, them ****s in Washington whine and complain about having to pay back that money. Ask yourself Why?

Before you join the **** club why don't you ask them crooks in Washington why they stole the jobs and the money from SS and then ask them why it bothers them so much poor people need help? They created the mess we are in today yet they complain about someone else's money! SS is not the governments money! It's our money! Food Stamps costs each person pennies a year, you blow more money on Soda pop than you'd pay for Food Stamps as a single person!

Granted a lot of money for EBT is mis-used and a few idiots take advantage of the system but if you want to talk about being taken advantage of why not ask the very people who are the masters of taking advantage!

Talk to them Masters of the Universe sitting up there in Washington, ask them why they've allowed several million jobs to be shipped over to Red China a sworn enemy of the United States of America. Ask them why our store shelves are filled with Chinese made junk and why unemployment is at 8.5%. Oh and ask them about them promises of cheaper goods ask them what happened to them! Everything is almost 3 to 4 times higher now with this Global Economy they promised would make things cheaper!

Ask them, oh but I doubt you would, **** you can't even ask the woman or man in front of you in line at a grocery store why they pay for food with an EBT card....

Don't go to Tyson you could be mistaken for a chicken!


Posted 10:05 am, 09/09/2012

@fortworth,... and your point is what???? that you spend too much time ASSuming you know it all????

it is hilarious how some people think they know so much,... when in REALITY,..... there are THOUSANDS of reasons why someone does the things they do!!!
keep on messing in peoples business and you gonna realize you DO NOT always know what is on someone's mind!!!!
i can think of many reasonable explanations for the scenario you described,... for instance,.. some folks are blessed with CASH donations as well as government assistance. or they may be shopping for others to earn some of that cash! or they could be spending SAVED UP cash!!!
either way,..... you and others like you are the ROOT of these kinda problems!!! you act out of selfishness instead of SELFLESSNESS!!!!!!


Posted 9:55 am, 09/09/2012

Well bless your heart FortWorth....


Posted 9:54 am, 09/09/2012

You know I never thought there would be such a fuss over one post on here. I don't care how many grandma's buy cakes with foodstamps. For that matter I haven't seen many elderly people using foodstamps at all. I do notice when a cart is filled with expensive convienience foods and bottled water and they also have comforters and housewears in there that are expensive as well and pay for it with a foodstamp card and the non food items by handing over a couple of hundred dollar bills.


Posted 9:40 am, 09/09/2012



Posted 9:23 am, 09/09/2012

It's funny to me that people stand in a grocery store line and get upset at what the person in front of them is doing. I could not imagine wasting my time with such negative feelings. I'm a chronic conversation starter...can't help it, just who I am. The grandmother with the cake was a sweet woman excited about her granddaughter's birthday...I found myself happy for her. Sorry, didn't know I should be disapproving and upset over her happiness. I'll try harder to be like you all next time.


Posted 9:16 am, 09/09/2012

People are always judging others and putting someone down. God forbid anyone get elderly and have to draw off social security or be born with a disabling disease or even get hurt sometime in their life and everything be turned upside down. No that's not enough someone has to bash them. Get a life and you wont have to worry that someone else is just not up to par. Since your standards are so dam? high!


Posted 8:52 am, 09/09/2012

I think some people are poor by choice, Prank. I don't think if you prurposefully work with out documenting you income or choose f=to earn less by restriciton of hours should you have as good a life as someone who works hard and tries every avenue to be independant. Furthermore, I think that earned income credit should be counted as income when benefits are figured.

There, does that piss you right off? Go shopping and spend up those foodstamps.


Posted 7:48 am, 09/09/2012

Note from GoWilkes: this post was removed for racism and trolling... I think. I didn't actually understand the post, but several people reported it, so I'm taking their word for it.

Prank Call Of Cthulhu

Posted 12:48 am, 09/09/2012

"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, "Go in peace, be warmed and filled," without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. But someone will say, "You have faith and I have works." Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."
- James 2:14-18, Old Outdated Bible

"Frick the poor - I got mine."
- Fort Worth 3:19, New ConservaBible


Posted 12:12 am, 09/09/2012

what's the difference in that or them buying frozen pizza's at the grocery store?

would that have been ok by your standards?

maybe their stove is broken

maybe they didn't have a ride to the grocery store

maybe their power is cut off

maybe they are living in a tent

until you've walked in someone else's shoes then you shouldn't judge imo


Posted 11:15 pm, 09/08/2012

I work hard 6 days a week, but need the extra help because $8 an hour doesn't go far (and by the way, I do have an AAS Degree and can't find a job in my field of study!) However I do use coupons and look at the store circulars to plan my meals, then I circle around to each store to get the best deals... one time I saved 50% on my grocery bill just by planning... were you watching me and not realizing that I spent two days planning that trip. Maybe the people you claim just "lay on their backs" or are freeloading are doing this, but YOU DON'T KNOW!

And btw... raising a child is sooooo much more expensive than what you get with food stamps.


Posted 10:59 pm, 09/08/2012

The grocery stores get most of their money selling shelf space not groceries.


Posted 10:15 pm, 09/08/2012

What do you think drives the food stamp program. Big Business gets most of the money from the foodstamps ......grocery store


Posted 9:44 pm, 09/08/2012

rh1962 (view profile)

Posted 9:33 pm, 09/08/2012

i always worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs. about 20 plus years ago, i was hit by a car while on my motorcycle. i had a broken neck, shattered legs, and just pretty much jacked up. i din't work for a year.
i applied for assistance for me, my wife, and my baby daughter. my house was already paid for, as was my car, but i ended up need ing food stamps for awhile.

i had paid into the system since the age of 15, and you know what? if i bught steaks with my food stamps, so what!? i don't duck my head to anyone.

frikn busybodies


Posted 9:34 pm, 09/08/2012

Our Children, and our kids now, have no idea how to even start a garden. This would be a good idea to kids involved. I grow a garden every year and donate a lot of food to people who want and need it.

On the negative side of that, I have people ask me, do you have any green beans, and I'll say sure come and pick you all you want, and they will say, well can you pick them for me and bring em to me. gezzzzz. these are people who have nothing wrong with them but are to sorry to do it for thenselves.


Posted 9:33 pm, 09/08/2012

i always worked 2, sometimes 3 jobs. about 20 plus years ago, i was hit by a car while on my motorcycle. i had a broken neck, shattered legs, and just pretty much jacked up. i din't work for a year.

i applied for assistance for me, my wife, and my baby daughter. my house was already paid for, as was my car, but i ended up need ing food stamps for awhile.

i had paid into the system since the age of 15, and you know what? if i bught steaks with my food stamps, so what!? i don't duck my head to anyone.

frikn busybodies

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:26 pm, 09/08/2012

I think it would be fantastic. In a world of immediate gratification, it teaches commitment to a goal. For whatever reason, it would show people how to work for a reward. And that is something missing in our culture. I think retirees would be a wonderful resource. They have the skills and the patience to be good mentors.


Posted 9:18 pm, 09/08/2012

I agree with you 110%, lifeisatbest!! The problem lies in trying to get enough people to volunteer. I know I would and it would be an awesome lesson for my kids to learn....in lots of ways. They could learn science, responsibility, and the list goes on and on!

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