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For The Non-Believers....Do Correct Me, If This Wasn't God, What Was It?


Posted 10:09 am, 07/09/2012

So in other words...everyone is blessed by the christian God, believer and non believer alike...whether they realize it or not...or choose to acknowledge it. Why would God do that...there's only one reasonable explanation and that is to sway our acceptance or non acceptance of salvation. But then of course, God already knows who will and who will not accept salvation...so again, why would God bless everyone...he tells us to brush the dust from our feet when spreading the gospel news and there is none that will believe.


Posted 10:08 am, 07/09/2012

Corrected? Maybe opinions being offered without being bashed would be more of what I was seeking.


Posted 10:07 am, 07/09/2012

Right UU.


Posted 10:07 am, 07/09/2012


I believe that was directed to the original poster. Who, to be fair, DID ask to be corrected.


Posted 10:04 am, 07/09/2012

If that was directed to me then, no that's not what I think. I think far too often I just see things as "luck" or "boy I handled that well", when maybe it was God's way of taking care of me even when I don't acknowledge it.


Posted 10:04 am, 07/09/2012

If you are so upset by these negative responses to your question maybe you should not have posted it as a question to non believers.


Posted 10:02 am, 07/09/2012

Also , those of us who don't consider it a real miracle , are automatically non belivers ??


Posted 10:00 am, 07/09/2012

So you really don't want to be corrected by those of us who don't think it was a real miracle ??


Posted 9:45 am, 07/09/2012

God blessings doesn't take away freewill. What you do with God's blessing and how you acknowledge His control is your choice.


Posted 9:39 am, 07/09/2012

God doesn't deal in car oil and air conditioners.... and he doesn't do windows.


Posted 9:32 am, 07/09/2012

Ok...so if God is in control..and you call it "divine intervention"...where's the freewill in that...it's at those times when the freewill and choice has been taken from us.

Are you saying that when these mundane miracles happen whether you're a believer or not...that we really aren't in control at all?

Is the only choice we have is to accept or not accept? I think this is a relevant conversation...considering if one does believe then the little interventions from God are extra blessings if you will...and if you're not a believer then are these "divine interventions" used to sway your freewill/choice?


Posted 9:22 am, 07/09/2012

Lots of times things happen in my life and the little things I tend to casually say "whew, I was lucky". Then when something a little bigger happens I say "God blessed me". When in truth, I know there's really no such thing as luck and God is in control and I should give Him the glory in the little things too.


Posted 9:19 am, 07/09/2012

That's a little better us. You couldn't have said that before being a ****?


Posted 9:16 am, 07/09/2012

The simple explanation is your car was emitting a non-normal smell and you had sense enough to look for the reason why. End of story.


Posted 9:10 am, 07/09/2012

Its the mundane things that people notice more. The little things that have what seems, no other explanation.


Posted 9:06 am, 07/09/2012

To the OP,

It is a pathetic attempt to find divinity in the mundane. "god" in his greasy coveralls wasn't poking around under your hood. It's the same as someone thinking they found a cheeto shaped like "Jebus" or some other supposedly holy image burnt into a piece of toast.


Posted 9:03 am, 07/09/2012

Take it with a grain of salt Irish. If you are a believer, expect to be ridiculed. Continue to give the glory to God and ignore the scoffers.


Posted 8:58 am, 07/09/2012

Just because those of us who believe thank GOD for things like this happening, doesn't mean we are idiots because we do.

Its enlightening, the comments I mean. I had a nice exchange yesterday with someone who is now one of the ones making the rude comments.

Bestill, you really should take up a hobby like the people who protest at solider's funerals. Stand at a church on Sunday and tell everyone that walks out the door they need therapy.

I am not losing my mind thank you, I am just pleased to have confirmation of God looking out for me. That doesn't make me crazy, that makes me someone who believes.


Posted 7:24 am, 07/09/2012

Here's the thing. Your car is a machine. Machines break down. Wait a while. The machine will need service and maintenance to operate properly. If you are not a car mechanic get a good one. You can call him God and give thanks to him when you do not break down. When you do break down, be grateful that you have a good mechanic. There are thousands of people holier than you that are killed everyday because of faulty car mechanics. You are not that special.


Posted 4:39 am, 07/09/2012

I believe God is in the "little" things in our day to day life and He does intervene in our lives to protect us. Sometimes we recognize the smallest things as Gods way of steering us in the right direction and there are some people that don't even recognize the big things that He does. They just sit around and wait on the "idiot light" to come on and sadly enough sometimes it never does.

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