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For The Non-Believers....Do Correct Me, If This Wasn't God, What Was It?


Posted 8:19 pm, 07/09/2012

Here's the really extraordinary thing. I did not notice that the knob was not turned. And it wasn't hot! That's the thing that will keep me up all night. The little light was not even on!!!! It was such a series of strange events that I just don't know anymore. Not smelling....Not hot....No light...That is not something a person can just explain away!!! Is it?


Posted 8:15 pm, 07/09/2012

Bestill (view profile)
You guys are never going to believe this! I was having company for dinner and put the roast in the oven and went outside to putz around the yard. Anyway, I come back in the back door and guess what? No cooking meat smell! I thought, what the heck! I should be smelling meat cooking and I didn't! I opened the oven and guess what? I forgot to turn it on!!!! Can you believe it? It had to be a miracle of monumental proportions!!!! It had to! Why would I notice that I did not smell meat cooking? Why? If I did not smell anything I would have never checked the oven and we would have starved!!!! I immediately called a priest! Funny thing is, I smelled the fabric sheet in the dryer, but not meat cooking? Why? What would you have done? How do explain such a thing?

It was truly a miracle! John Paul II will attain his sainthood over this!


Posted 8:14 pm, 07/09/2012



Posted 8:11 pm, 07/09/2012

You guys are never going to believe this! I was having company for dinner and put the roast in the oven and went outside to putz around the yard. Anyway, I come back in the back door and guess what? No cooking meat smell! I thought, what the heck! I should be smelling meat cooking and I didn't! I opened the oven and guess what? I forgot to turn it on!!!! Can you believe it? It had to be a miracle of monumental proportions!!!! It had to! Why would I notice that I did not smell meat cooking? Why? If I did not smell anything I would have never checked the oven and we would have starved!!!! I immediately called a priest! Funny thing is, I smelled the fabric sheet in the dryer, but not meat cooking? Why? What would you have done? How do explain such a thing?


Posted 5:51 pm, 07/09/2012

Where did you have your oil changed at?


Posted 5:24 pm, 07/09/2012



Posted 5:13 pm, 07/09/2012

So I was just reading this thread and then I came across this

Screamname (view profile)
Quackquack (view profile)Posted 10:42 pm, 07/08/2012
Scream is mocking God and Irish.
I call it, "killing two Ravens with one Simone".
Very seldom does a post make me put my face in my hand and groan at the corniness. Thanks Scream, I needed the laugh.


Posted 5:03 pm, 07/09/2012

Let me again reiterate and say that your question in the op had a very condescending tone. I think you asked for it.


Posted 3:20 pm, 07/09/2012

If god were going to intervene in your life Irish, he might tell you to quit picking on that poor illiterate girl. Jumping on the bandwagon when someone is picking on someone else. You of ALL PEOPLE have no business calling someone else an attention wh*re.
You are up and down More than a yoyo with your mood swings and pity parties intermingled with your euphoric epiphanies.


Posted 1:41 pm, 07/09/2012

That is true but my hope and belief is that one day their eyes will be opened to the hate they spew and they can truly see goodness and love in things different from them.


Posted 1:27 pm, 07/09/2012


I know I'm beating a tired (for me really tired) drum here. But the majority of people who have that "faith" don't just use it to make sense of the world. They use it to denigrate, downgrade, oppress, and ignore people who are different from them in whatever way. It cheapens what could be uplifting. It's a weapon of hate rather than a beacon of enlightenment.


Posted 1:14 pm, 07/09/2012

UU sometimes people just need to have faith in something to help them make sense of this crazy mixed up world and nothing is wrong with that if it helps them go day to day.


Posted 1:13 pm, 07/09/2012

It does have a tendency to discount humanity doesn't it UU?


Posted 1:11 pm, 07/09/2012

Why are some uncontent to enjoy the world and all its wonders without assigning attribution to some imaginary malevolent and small minded architect?


Posted 1:08 pm, 07/09/2012

Irish to me I think god speaks to everyone in different ways so if you feel he was showing you something then he probably was.


Posted 12:45 pm, 07/09/2012


twintoes (view profile)Posted 11:13 pm, 07/08/2012
LOL, God saved your car. LOL LOL You crazy people see God in everything. I would say you need a pil

God is in everything and I do not need a pill..He is the air I breathe and He controls every step I take. He rules your life whether you believe it or not.

Glad that your car is ok.


Posted 12:11 pm, 07/09/2012

No worries, mommo! I am not afraid of a good therapist!


Posted 12:11 pm, 07/09/2012

Therapy and lots of self examination is good for everyone...believer and non believer alike!

As I've stated...these are not insults...although the underlying tone is certainly loud and clear!


Posted 12:05 pm, 07/09/2012

Perhaps you should seek therapy Bestill. I'm sure you can find someone to help you with that.


Posted 11:59 am, 07/09/2012

Thank you Kenc. It;s OK. Why are Christians so mean! Don't they realize that a person could just read what they post and want to harm themselves?? It;s OK really. But if anything happens to me, anything I do to myself, well, you know who is to blame!

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