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For The Non-Believers....Do Correct Me, If This Wasn't God, What Was It?


Posted 10:40 pm, 07/08/2012

~glitter and glamour~ (view profile)Posted 10:25 pm, 07/08/2012
The point being....
...antifreeze and oil smell smell completely different.
...and the plastic statue on her dashboard began shedding tears. QUICK, call the Vatican. It's a MIRACLE!


Posted 10:35 pm, 07/08/2012

MrHuckabee (view profile)Posted 10:31 pm, 07/08/2012
uh oh, Scream, I just made it come on again.
Not to worry there, Huck; you're not the brightest bulb.


Posted 10:31 pm, 07/08/2012

uh oh, Scream, I just made it come on again.


Posted 10:29 pm, 07/08/2012

MrHuckabee (view profile)Posted 10:25 pm, 07/08/2012
Scream how many times does your idiot light come on during the day.
EVERY time I read one of your posts, Huck.


Posted 10:28 pm, 07/08/2012

Quackquack (view profile)Posted 10:24 pm, 07/08/2012
God works in mysterious ways.
Yep. I just hate it when it involves a 1,000 lb piece of tombstone.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:27 pm, 07/08/2012

Thank you, Mr Huck.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:25 pm, 07/08/2012

The point being....

...antifreeze and oil smell smell completely different.

Thank you for sharing, Irish...


Posted 10:25 pm, 07/08/2012

Scream how many times does your idiot light come on during the day. I have noticed it comes on pretty often on GoWilkes.


Posted 10:24 pm, 07/08/2012

God works in mysterious ways.


Posted 10:18 pm, 07/08/2012

...now had you bent down and seen an image of a piece of cheese-toast appear in the oil spot, I would have been convinced to fall down on my knees,.... doubled over and holding my sides with laughter.


Posted 10:14 pm, 07/08/2012

Quite likely, what you mistook for the smell of antifreeze, was the smell of the oil leaking. Additionally, had you not experienced this "devine intervention", that little red "idiot light" on your dashboard, would have eventually alerted you to the fact that you were running dangerously low in oil. Had you continued to ignore that warning, then you would have stood a good chance of spinning a bearing, and losing your engine.

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 10:14 pm, 07/08/2012

It was a "God Thing", Irish, and probably His reminder to you that He is taking care of you....


Posted 10:13 pm, 07/08/2012

Oh and btw..

I've never claimed or stated that I'm a non believer...so maybe my answer doesn't qualify.


Posted 10:10 pm, 07/08/2012

Yes I would say you were blessed. Now take that blessing and think about it and it will help you not to have so many stress and anxiety attacks. God Bless you Irish.


Posted 10:09 pm, 07/08/2012

If you smelled antifreeze...then I would suggest you check the antifreeze also...

and if you had enough wherewithal to check your parking spot thinking you were checking for antifreeze and just happen to discover an oil leak...

then no, it probably wasn't god...it was you!

You know Irish, considering that you are alone these days..well not alone, but single...your more conscious, a little more aware of issues that your ex would have been concerned with...and that's a good thing!


Posted 10:03 pm, 07/08/2012

Took the car to get an oil change Friday. Went to work Friday. Nothing eventful yet. Tonight we are going to the store and we both smelled what we thought was anti-freeze. Thinking we smelled it because it was leaking, when I got home, I parked in front of my spot, to look and see if there was a puddle. No anti-freeze, but a HUGE, FRESH puddle of oil! I had my neighbor check it out and he said it was leaking and they didn't tighten things back up as they should have.

Ok, here's where the God part comes in. I would have NEVER paid any attention to my parking space had I not thought about the anti-freeze. I most likely would have found out about the oil leak after it was too late, like when I get a blown engine or something.

If God wasn't involved in this one, what was? Something made us smell anti-freeze, even though it had nothing to do with what was wrong with the car. Having had that happen, I discovered the oil leak, though I would not have most likely, again, until it was too late.

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