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Posted 12:56 pm, 04/12/2012

Wrong, hot05. Those asserting a positive suffer the burden of proof to back up their positive assertion.


Posted 10:19 am, 04/12/2012

watson5377 (view profile)Posted 6:15 am, 04/11/2012
anyone who doesnt believe in spirts.is welcome to my house..i lost my son in 1999.and i have a touch lamp and he loves to play with that lamp..it use to scare my boyfriend.cause he will turn it off and on of the night time. i finally told my boyfriend to ask him to turn it off..so now when he starts playing with it of the night. my boyfriend will ask him to turn it off and he will...
I had this happen too. It was a malfunctioning touch lamp.


Posted 10:11 am, 04/12/2012

A realtor or land lord would not be required to tell you, It is not a material fact. If the home was not on tv or known publicly. Ghost have not been proved to exist so no one would be required to tell you - they also would not be required to tell you if the last tenant or owner had HIV, Hip a,b, c, or it someone died or killed their self's only a material fact. Like the basement leeks or the roof leeks and last time I checked unless a recent change if a sex offender lives next door


Posted 8:51 am, 04/12/2012

Here is a link to a local group of paranormal investigators. The website has a lot of evidence that is pretty interesting. They are out of West Jefferson. http://www.3pparanormal.com/


Posted 10:57 pm, 04/11/2012

Had just moved up to the mountains with my two children after my husband had hit me in the face and broke some bones, a fairly traumatic time. Moved into an old house across the river and up through a cow pasture. Was washing dishes one day and out of the corner of my eye I saw a man in a white shirt and. overalls with salt and pepper hair. When I turned to face him, he was gone. Was so shaken up that I went outside to see if he had gone that way..nothing. So I finally faced the fact that I had just seen a ghost. Later my landlady told me that was exactly what her husband had looked like - he had died in that house a few years back. Guess he had some unfinished business and was still 'hanging around!" Won't tell you what he said to me one day from the closet. That was the second time, didn't see him, just heard him. He was not really a nice man.


Posted 10:46 pm, 04/11/2012

I don't believe in ghosts either but I do believe in certain things. I go with my instincts if something doesn't feel right I tend to ignore it and walk away. :D like this morning woke up with my front door wide open. I remembered specifically locking and closin it shut before I went to bed. Woke up door opened. Closed it and the lock was still activated or turned. Nothing was stolen or missing. The door was just open. Lmao my cat was also with me when I made the discovery of the door being opened. She made a really funny face for a cat but it all ended well. I'm okay, my baby is okay and so is my cat. Now I also lock the door and have the chain across it too for double the security. And also my machete next to my bed ;)


Posted 10:37 pm, 04/11/2012

I have never seen any kind of orbs or ghost either. Maybe you have to believe to see because I don't believe in it and I have seen nothing. I had some friends who said all kinds of things happened in their house like the feeling someone was sitting on the bottom of the bed, the chain on the door sliding off. I never saw anything and I stayed with them a lot. I used to scare them all the time. lol. The only weird thing that ever happened was my mom's friend came to pick me up. He said backup lights came on in the truck sitting in front of him. He said he backed up to let them out and the truck never moved, so he got out and walked to the truck to see if they were needing out and nobody was in the truck. I thought that a little weird since he didn't know any of the stories I had been told about the house. I still never saw anything and still don't believe in ghost. Funny, we are watching Ghostbuster's right now. lol


Posted 4:00 pm, 04/11/2012

Being a ghost, I would recommend approaching this objectively before concluding that your place is haunted. Try to capture some real, solid data. Test and re-test. If you can't replicate the results by repeating the scenario every time, then most likely it's not the paranormal.

Orbs on a picture usually mean two things - 1. You need to do a better job dusting. 2. You need more practice using light sources properly in photography.

If you're seeing apparitions, try to capture some data so that your experience is an issue of objectivity and not just another ghost story.


Posted 3:41 pm, 04/11/2012


ttssthat isnt true... there is so called what you would say.. Holy Ghost.. of course is such thing as Ghost.. but i dont believe in way they call things on earth as Ghost but as in word Holy Ghost


Posted 2:33 pm, 04/11/2012

...the only "ghost" that i know of is the HOLY GHOST....


Posted 1:52 pm, 04/11/2012

Justhanginon, does your daughter live in the apartments on Airport Road by chance??

Wakan Tanka

Posted 12:55 pm, 04/11/2012

As usual Mr Bush is the voice of reason. Ghosts aren't real. Grow up people!


Posted 11:45 am, 04/11/2012

There are no such things as ghosts. Once you die you are either in Heaven or H e l l. There are demons though and I believe that is what acts as ghosts.


Posted 11:41 am, 04/11/2012

if it a white orbs.. it a protective sheild.. also knowned as angel in another form... no needs to worry :)


Posted 9:23 am, 04/11/2012

My first spirit experience was when I was really little. My uncle always stayed at our house when he came to town & after he passed away, I woke one night & saw him as a shadowy figure standing over our bed.

As an adult, I've heard someone crying REALLY loud (in the house) like their heart was breaking & there was no one but me home. No TV or radio on & no one living close by. THAT scared me to death. Then generally, I've seen shadows & heard things & felt the presence of someone with me. I've always felt a really strong spiritual presence in my life & am a firm believer in God. I don't really know how all of this goes with my Christian faith but I know I do see & feel things that others do not. It's something that I try not to think about too much but just take it as a part of me.


Posted 6:15 am, 04/11/2012

anyone who doesnt believe in spirts.is welcome to my house..i lost my son in 1999.and i have a touch lamp and he loves to play with that lamp..it use to scare my boyfriend.cause he will turn it off and on of the night time. i finally told my boyfriend to ask him to turn it off..so now when he starts playing with it of the night. my boyfriend will ask him to turn it off and he will...


Posted 2:20 am, 04/11/2012

I have never saw a ghost, deamon, angel or u.f.o. I will pretty soon be 63 years old. I have neither saw any of the things you have spoken of in this thread. Oh well I must have lead a sheltered life.


Posted 1:03 am, 04/11/2012

In that same house, one of my friends stayed the night and she swears that she could not sleep because of the number of people that came and went through my livingroom. She said that it was like Grand Central station or something. I never really saw them myself but I would catch white lights moving around out of the corner of my eyes.


Posted 1:00 am, 04/11/2012

I used to live in an old house in Yadkin. Grew up there actually. The first weird thing that happen to me there was when I was a child. I'd see skulls come out of the walls at night. Later on I moved back after I was married. It was just me, the ex, and our newborn son. One day I was picking up laundry to put in the washer and happened to glance behind me. There leaning against the wall was a guy dressed in a long sleeved white shirt and denim overalls. he was just standing there arms crossed, legs crossed at the ankles, just relaxing against my kitchen wall. I jumped up and turned around and no one was there. I search the house. the doors were still locked and the windows weren't a possibility cause they wouldn't open (painted shut). No sign of the guy.

The ex was working out of town at the time and when he got back a couple days later I was telling him about it. He was sitting in a chair next to the china hutch. Now the china hutch was against one wall and the chair was against the connecting wall and there is a door between the two so he's sitting at least 36 inches away from the hutch. Why is this important? well he laugh at me and call me crazy when I told him about what I saw. A picture of his grandparents came off the shelf of the china hutch and hit him up side the head and Guess what. His grandpa was dressed in the pic just like the guy who was watching me pick up my clothes.


Posted 12:33 am, 04/11/2012

I saw ghosts once years ago, when I was a lot younger, I am not sure they're still there as I have never ever been back to that place. We stopped twisting hog legs there so I took my snacks and went to search for my own toke spot.

We found it and called it the stone, which is was, it was a huge rock! Peaceful place, you could see stars, forests and all sorts of tree critters you could burn stogie and kick back and ease in to please. Awe, those was the days! 1974 was a fair time to be free as a bird and no it wasn't the word, that happen a tad before, just not before the end of the war.

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