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Posted 12:19 am, 04/11/2012

while i do love a good ghost story, i must retire to my chambers, gotta hit the coal mine early in the morning . nite all


Posted 12:14 am, 04/11/2012

hurry I'm sleepy

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:12 am, 04/11/2012

Tell us, Lightning!


Posted 12:12 am, 04/11/2012

do tell


Posted 12:11 am, 04/11/2012

If you think seeing this stuff on film is freaky them try seeing it with your own eyes as it happens. The stories I could tell.


Posted 12:11 am, 04/11/2012

Do you have a carbon monoxide detector? Tested for chemicals?

The way people have meth labs from mobile, apartments to just any where you can never be to careful.

Maybe you guys are just stoned and don't know it!

~glitter and glamour~

Posted 12:08 am, 04/11/2012

I was suggesting, smart arse, that if sellers must disclose that someone has died in a home, do potential landlords have to do the same. I wasn't saying must they disclse it is haunted, but that someone had died there.


Posted 11:51 pm, 04/10/2012

Ya just can't make this stuff up.... if you're sane

~glitter and glamour~ (view profile) Posted 1:49
When you buy a home, the seller is supposed to disclose this.. Naturally, the landlord wouldn't, but I wonder if he is obligated to tell you? ghost hunter (view profile) Poste

Peaceful Serenity

Posted 11:35 pm, 04/10/2012

They will flee at the name of Jesus Christ...They will run like a whinning puppy with it's tail between it's legs.

We truly have all the Power to overcome demons and evil forces through the power of prayer and the name of Jesus. God granted us all the power to overcome, we just have to know that we have it...

Peaceful Serenity

Posted 11:30 pm, 04/10/2012

Rebuke them demons and throw them out with the trash, we have nothing to fear but fear itself...


Posted 11:27 pm, 04/10/2012

They feed off fear. The more you acknowledge them the more trouble you will have. Just try to ignore the things you see and hear. You can try telling them that it is YOUR house and THEY are NOT welcome there. Say it and mean it.

Peaceful Serenity

Posted 11:19 pm, 04/10/2012

It's the people walking around with demons in them that cause all the trouble, so look out for the demons hiding under the surface of the flesh, because that is where our real trouble lies...

Peaceful Serenity

Posted 11:14 pm, 04/10/2012

As long as we follow the Angels, we are protected from the demons. The demons have no power over the power of God...As long as we don't come unglued when the demons say boo, than we are good to go!


Posted 10:33 pm, 04/10/2012

Ain't nothing to worry about. The light that allows you to see these things is also the light that will protect you and your family.


Posted 10:15 pm, 04/10/2012

I've never read too much on the subject or done a lot of research. I just know what I see, hear & feel. But as for the orbs, I've never had that happen.


Posted 10:15 pm, 04/10/2012



Posted 10:13 pm, 04/10/2012



Posted 10:12 pm, 04/10/2012

They can...attached to a person or a place. I take pics and have seen a coon dog, a cat, a couple of women, a confederate soldier, and orbs as well as plasma tubes and vapors. This past weekend I was amazed when I was speakaing to a man and he told me of a man and woman that used to live on this property. I went online and did a geneaology search and there was that pic from 1886 on line that was also taken by my digital camera a few weeks back. Tonight with the wind and turbulence it is really active and my dogs are howling. My coon dog always go to the same spot in th eyard and howls differently....Sure enough, there were orbs in the pics and in the pics he is looking right at the brightest one.


Posted 9:45 pm, 04/10/2012

so you really believe in orbs!? I remember taking a picture around Halloween with my daughter and her then boyfriend. I can remember then seeing orbs all around him. Every picture we made with him in it there were orbs around him. Didn't matter where he moved the orbs would follow. The picture was made in my house. I don't remember ever seeing them in any other pictures in my house. Can orbs just follow one person around?


Posted 9:31 pm, 04/10/2012

At different times in my life & in different houses, I have heard things, seen things & felt a presence. A couple of times I have been totally freaked out over it. But for the most part, I accept it as a part of my life. Some people can sense these things & some can't. I would probably be concerned if something was around a child but I never had that happen (as far as I know!!).

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