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Glen Beck Apologizes


Posted 10:03 pm, 01/23/2014

Glen Beck says now, that anyone who hates gays is no friend of his- you can come out of the closet now with his blessing wilbar.


Posted 9:55 pm, 01/23/2014

Glenn has given more to charity than all you sorry sad sacks of.... will ever earn in your lifetimes, combined.

But surely you'll strive mightily to try and drag him down to your level.

Instead, dig in your pocket for once and contribute something positive?


Posted 9:37 pm, 01/23/2014

Sooo, he had to clean it up a bit to protect the FOX agenda.


Posted 9:36 pm, 01/23/2014

Thanks elmo you too!

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:35 pm, 01/23/2014

not you though wilbar ... he didn't mean introspection for you. no you stay just the way you are. it's all good.


Posted 9:32 pm, 01/23/2014

Glenn Beck Has a Message for the Media

Beck said on his television show Thursday that he was "baffled" by the media's reaction, saying "they really, truly cannot understand why the always angry, always crazy Glenn Beck is suddenly introspective and calm�"

Beck said that the media's surprise is indicative of the larger problem � that people on both sides of the aisle oftentimes don't actually know what their political opponents believe.

"They are shocked today because they think I'm some anti-gay, racist nut-job, and they think the same thing about you," Beck said. "�The only time they ever reported on me, or on you, was when some leftist with an agenda at Media Matters sent them some ridiculous, out-of-context �Glenn Beck alert.' And that's the only thing that's ever been news-worthy to them."

The media failed to notice his company's many successes, Beck said, like how Mercury One has given $14 million to victims of tragedy in under two years � $500,000 of which went to a struggling hospital in New York City.

"I haven't changed any of my views," Beck said. "You're discovering some of my views."

The multimedia personality praised those in the media who reflected on their own behavior after hearing his remarks, saying it is "great" that we can look "inwards and upwards."

"May I humbly suggest that the media stop gawking at my introspection," Beck said, "and start, maybe, doing a little introspection of their own."


Posted 9:30 pm, 01/23/2014

On a related note, Wilbur, what good really came out of the "Restoring Honor Rally"?

What were the goals and were those goals reached?

Elmo Cleghorn

Posted 9:23 pm, 01/23/2014

wilbar (view profile)

Posted 1:51 pm, 08/22/2011

Just to be clear, Glenn is speaking in Israel all week. People can watch streaming at glennbeckTV. But lots of folks are getting together to watch on big screens throughout the world. That will promote unity and help with networking for grassroots activism, on a variety of specific issues.
I got a chance to see Glenn in person last August in DC. The speeches were inspiring; but the awesome power of several hundred thousand voters unified in one place, showed how timely and on-target the message was. It was like a lightbulb went on.

No doubt, it strengthened the turnout for the 2010 election landslide!

Onward to 2012!!

whatta Becker head


Posted 6:19 pm, 01/23/2014

Awe shaggers...you're a sweetums! Its unreal whose hairs they will pull and split 32 different ways round these parts!


Posted 6:10 pm, 01/23/2014

I read the article and I do not think it is right to compare Glen Beck a opinion commentator to people in power that used their power to do wrong like George Wallace and so on. Beck is like Michael Moore in that they are the voice of the far side of their political party. Every far left opinion commentator should come to the same conclusion that Glen did about his work.


Posted 5:56 pm, 01/23/2014

It's okay wilber, Beck wouldn't agree with you about anything now - he even likes gays.


Posted 5:50 pm, 01/23/2014

What was amazing about Beck's "Restoring Honor" rally, was the multiple conversations I struck up with other folks, particularly those from other countries. I remember a guy from Cuba and another from South America, who told of atrocities ultimately perpetrated by leftist ideologues, who lied their way into power. And how America was at a dangerous crossroads with BHO.

3+ years later, those warnings were borne out, it seems.

Busted Flush

Posted 5:32 pm, 01/23/2014

wilbar (view profile)

Posted 3:17 pm, 01/23/2014

I was one of the quarter million people who trekked to Washington DC to hear Glenn and Sarah speak a couple years ago. Glenn has forged new ground in political media; and absolutely terrifies sniffers...despite their transparent denials.

Wilber, are you kidding? You REALLY went to Washington to hear these con artists? How much did you donate when they passed the hat? How many gallons of snake oil did you buy?

Bless your heart.

phantom poet

Posted 3:56 pm, 01/23/2014

God, what a crock!!!


Wilbur, are you more inclined now to agree that some on the right have abused their bully pulpit by starting and prolonging conspiracy theories and providing misleading info for policitial purposes? Because that is what Beck is referring to, and he is just one of many that use that tactic.
How does it make you feel to know that he was misleading you? Seriously.

I say let's let liberals keep spouting their lies.

The universe surely hates liberals. They back Obama, the liar of the year, and he is tanking. They hate Fox news , and it keep getting bigger and better. They hate Glen Beck, and he just becomes more successful, and more beloved by the people.

Liberals, all they got is Obama, and sites like MSNBC. They would give their eyeball to have just one Glen Beck.

I'm not here very much, but liberals are just the same as always.
I swear it really looks like liberals are just so stupid.


Posted 3:55 pm, 01/23/2014

Same ole Wilbur, different day.

So you say what he did to "tear the country apart" was simply a matter of using something less than softer, kinder words in his presentations?


Posted 3:50 pm, 01/23/2014

moving, you've crammed so many false premises into your question, that it rates as a "magnum", among loaded questions (lol).

It's not about misleading, its a subjective question about style of presentation.

I think his admission assumes that there is a malleable centrist bloc who would be more persuaded by a soft approach. On that I disagree with Beck. I'd like to see him be more aggressive, as I said before.

Take some of the libturd loyalists on gowilkes for example. They are so brainwashed that no amount of cajoling will ever move them one inch from their radical beliefs.


Posted 3:40 pm, 01/23/2014

Wilbur, are you more inclined now to agree that some on the right have abused their bully pulpit by starting and prolonging conspiracy theories and providing misleading info for policitial purposes? Because that is what Beck is referring to, and he is just one of many that use that tactic.

How does it make you feel to know that he was misleading you? Seriously.


Posted 3:26 pm, 01/23/2014

Compared to the weasel words uttered by Obama, Clinton, Weiner, and a few other dems; Beck's admission is a thousand times more heartfelt and sincere. I'm not bothered by it one bit. If anything, I would encourage him to be more aggressive in exposing liberal hypocrisy. But, I'm in no position to be giving this guy advice.


Posted 3:18 pm, 01/23/2014

Ha , Wilber you know it burns you a blister to hear your hero admit he was wrong.

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